英语人>词典>汉英 : 支票帐户 的英文翻译,例句
支票帐户 的英文翻译、例句


checking account
更多网络例句与支票帐户相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Once you become eligible, your available credit limit will be shown in the Direct Deposit Advance section of your checking account statement.


Once you become eligible for the Direct Deposit Advance service, your available credit limit will be communicated in the Direct Deposit Advance section of your checking account statement.


Even if there are insufficient funds in the checking account to cover the advance at the time the account is closed, you will still be obligated to pay the advance balance.


If you close your checking account and there is an advance balance due, the Bank will automatically deduct the balance due from your closing checking account balance.


I think I need a checking account so that I can pay for my bill.


I never write checks so I have no need for a checking account.


A demand deposit is a checking account in which the owner is entitled to receive his or her funds on demand and to write checks on the account, which transfers legal ownership of funds to others.


Banks usually pay little or no interest on checking accounts, and so check balances are similar to currency.


If this "automatic repayment" overdraws your account or there are insufficient funds in your checking account at that time, your account will become overdrawn when the outstanding advance is repaid and any other transactions posting to your account that day would be subject to overdraft or insufficient fund fees.


A good husband gives his wife some degree of financial independence through a joint checking account, an allowance, or a checking account of her own.


更多网络解释与支票帐户相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bank Deposit account:银行存款帐户

库存现金帐户 Cash on Hand account | 银行存款帐户 Bank Deposit account | 支票帐户 checking account

certified check:保付支票

储蓄帐户的利率一般比支票帐户要高(有些支票帐户根本没有利息),况且你可以定期提款(withdrawal)以支付你当前的生活费用,你可以提取现款,在数额大的情况下也可以以"保付支票"(certified check)形式提款.

checking account:支票帐户

在美国最常用的银行卡分为两种, 借记卡(debit card)和信用卡(credit card).借记卡里通常还有2个帐户: 支票帐户(checking account)和储蓄帐户(saving account).(2)建立在借记卡(debit card)基础上的信用卡

checking account:存款帐户

目前,美国各银行主要设有三类个人存款帐户(Checking Account). 第一种为支票帐户,即将一笔钱存进银行,银行给你一个支票本,然后你用支票支付各种开支. 支票帐户用得最经常,对用户也最有用,所以很多银行收服务费. 收费情况,各银行有所不同,

bank checking account:银行支票帐户,银行活期存款帐户

bank check 银行支票 | bank checking account 银行支票帐户,银行活期存款帐户 | bank clearing 银行票据清算

clearing account:清算帐户,结算帐户

checking account 支票帐户 | clearing account 清算帐户,结算帐户 | commission account 佣金帐户

current account:活期存款帐户

银行帐户种类大致可分活期存款帐户(current account)和定期存款帐户(saving account)两种. 活存帐户存款利率低,但可随时开支票或提领现金. 定存帐户一般定有条款,有最低金额限制,有的提供和活期存款一样的转帐、支票簿项目.

to open an account:开帐户

account帐户 | to open an account开帐户 | check account支票帐户


近几周,美国银行(Bank of America Corp)、摩根大通银行和富国银行(Wells Fargo)将降低向客户收取的帐户透支(overdraft)费. 这三家银行推出新种支票帐户,限制了透支之款项费用和利息的收费. 美国银行也推出新的信用卡,

savings account:储蓄帐户

帐户类型 :储蓄帐户(SAVINGS ACCOUNT)和支票帐户(CHEPUING ACCOUNT). 前者的利率高于后者. 在你第一次开帐户时,银行会问你选择下述哪种形式CHECK你帐户的钱款数额信用卡: 在加拿大真正的信用卡是完全透支的,就是说你不需要往信用卡帐户里放钱.