英语人>词典>汉英 : 支气管炎 的英文翻译,例句
支气管炎 的英文翻译、例句


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In addition, there are a special type of bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, also known as asthma and bronchitis.


Results The positive rate of bronchiectasis test in asthmatic bronchitis group was 72.2% while that of acute bronchitis group was 16%.

结果 喘息性支气管炎组支气管扩张试验阳性率为72.2%,急性支气管炎组的阳性率为16%。

They affect the breathing tubes and the lungs, and include acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis and various kinds of pneumonia.


In control group(n=38) the patients were given aminophylline tablets in addition to common antiphlogistic nebulization treatment;while in treat group(n=42) the aminophilline load were applied to assist the common antiphlogistic nebulization treatment.results in comparison with control group,the patients in treat group were more fastly liberated from asthmatic couphing and dyspnea(p.05),needed fewer days in hospital(p.05) and had an elevated cure rate(p.05).conclusion aminophylline load application as the assistant way is an effective,safe and economical method to fastly alleviate the dyspnea caused by bronchiolitis.

结果 氨茶碱负荷量应用治疗毛细支气管炎可迅速缓解患儿的喘憋和呼吸困难,缩短住院天数和提高治愈率。结论在普通消炎雾化治疗基础上加用氨茶碱负荷量是快速缓解毛细支气管炎喘憋、呼吸困难的有效、安全、经济的方法之一。

Objective: to make a quantitative analysis for the effects of decoction JinShuiLiuJunJian on basic biogenetic stereology parameters of bronchial mitochondria and nucleus in cilia-cell as well as goblet-cell of chronic bronchitis mice model.


Mao Xi is bronchitic as a result occurence rate of disease of blood of little patient low natrium is apparent prep above is common and pneumonic group (P.01); Mao Xi is bronchitic standard of natrium of serum of little patient of serious illness group is clear under light disease group (filling natrium of bronchitic interpose group treats Mao Xi of 20 Mmol/L of P.01); serum natrium 48 H hind and did not intervene group.

结果毛细支气管炎患儿低钠血症发生率明显高于普通肺炎组(P.01);毛细支气管炎重症组患儿血清钠水平明显低于轻症组(P.01);血清钠20 mmol/L毛细支气管炎干预组补钠治疗48 h后和未干预组病情评分差异有统计学意义(P.01);氢化考的松治疗组低钠血症发生率低于未应用氢化考的松组(P.01)。

All the analysis was done using SAS EM 4.1 software. The prevalence of tracheobronchitis were higher in spring and autumn. Average atmospheric pressure, average temperature, highest air temperature, lowest air temperature, water-vapour pressure, degradation of visibility were positively correlated with the prevalence of tracheobronchitis. Factors that affected the incidence of tracheobronchitis were average atmospheric pressure, degradation of visibility, daily temperature difference and water-vapour pressure.


According to the appearance of the chest radiograph in chronic bronchitis, three types were classified as increased-lung-marking type, emphysematous type, and mixed type.


Bronchiolitis obliterans is the most disturbing complication following lung transplantation. This study is to investigate whether prolonged ischemia would promote early establishment of BO Material and Methods Left lower lobectomy was performed from miniature swine. Lung fragments, each measured 1 cm3, contained terminal bronchioles were auto- or alloimplanted into the subcutaneous area around the nipples. These lung implants were removed on 7th; 14 th; 21 th; 28th and 56th days and were fixed for histological examination. Experimental group using the same procedures but the left lower lobe was washed with 4.degree.C Lactate ringer via interlobar artery before lobar bronchus was resected.

肺移植后的阻塞性细支气管炎是肺移植后最困扰的并发症,本研究的目的希望了解缺血时间的延长是否会促进阻塞性细支气管炎提早发生实验方法施行小猪的左下肺叶切除手术,将取下的肺切成含终末支气管1 公分立方的肺小块,以自体及异体异位肺移植模式,将植入小猪皮下的肺小块於植入后第7、14、21、28 及56 天取下,在病理下检示其病理变化,并利用原位灌留的方式将左下肺叶以4℃林格氏液灌洗后再摘除之,观察有无灌洗对於阻塞性细支气管炎生成的影响。

Three infectious bronchitis virus isolates named as Q1, J2 and T3 were isolated from proventricular tissue taken from vaccinated chicken flocks in China The biological characteristics of the three isolates were observed.

中文题名传染性支气管炎致腺胃病变毒株变异的分子基础及我国和东南亚分离株的分子流行病学研究副题名外文题名 Molecular basis for variation of proventriculus pathogenic IBV isolates and molecular epidemiology of IBV isolates from China and southeast Asia 论文作者蒋贻海导师陈溥言教授学科专业预防兽医学研究领域\研究方向动物分子病毒学及免疫学学位级别博士学位授予单位南京农业大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数127页关键词鸡传染性支气管炎传染性支气管炎病毒腺胃毒株馆藏号BSLW /2003 /S855 /9 从我国接种过传染性支气管炎疫苗的幼鸡群的腺胃组织中分离得到三个传染性支气管炎毒株Q1、J2和T3,并对它们的部分生物学特性进行研究。

更多网络解释与支气管炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acute bronchitis unspecified:呼吸道合胞病毒引起的急性(毛细支气管炎)细支气管炎

柯萨奇病毒引起的急性支气管炎 Acute bronchitis due to stre... | 呼吸道合胞病毒引起的急性(毛细支气管炎)细支气管炎 Acute bronchitis unspecified | 急性查加斯病伴友累及心脏 Acute Chagas' disease with heart ...



Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus:柯萨奇病毒引起的急性支气管炎

艾柯病毒引起的急性支气管炎 Acute bronchitis due to rhino... | 柯萨奇病毒引起的急性支气管炎 Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus | 呼吸道合胞病毒引起的急性(毛细支气管炎)细支气管炎 Acute bronchitis unsp...

Asthmatic bronchitis:喘息性支气管炎

喘息性支气管炎(asthmatic bronchitis)又称喘息样(或哮喘样)支气管炎,是指一组由多种病原引起的.以喘息症状为主的婴幼儿支气管炎. 病原体多为病毒,病理特点是支气管黏膜充血肿胀,分泌物黏稠,致使支气管阻力增加,肺实质受累很少.


毛细支气管炎(bronchiolitis)是由多种致病原感染定期急性毛细支气管炎症,以喘憋、三凹征和喘鸣为主要临床特点. 临床上较难发现未累及肺泡与肺泡间壁的纯粹毛细支气管炎,故国内认为是一种特殊类型的肺炎,有人称之为喘憋性肺炎. 急性毛细支气管炎

bronchiolitis:细支气管炎 毛细支气管炎

毛细支气管炎: 毛细支气管炎(bronchiolitis)是由多种致病原感染定期急性毛细支气管炎症,以喘憋、三凹征和喘鸣为主要临床特点. 临床上较难发现未累及肺泡与肺泡间壁的纯粹毛细

bronchitic:支气管炎的 (形)

bronchiolitis 细支气管炎 (名) | bronchitic 支气管炎的 (形) | bronchitis 支气管炎 (名)

bronchitis, catarrhal:卡他性支气管炎

"毛细支气管炎","bronchitis, capillary" | "卡他性支气管炎","bronchitis, catarrhal" | "慢性支气管炎","bronchitis, chronic"

Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus:艾柯病毒引起的急性支气管炎

鼻病毒引起的急性支气管炎 Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial ... | 艾柯病毒引起的急性支气管炎 Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus | 柯萨奇病毒引起的急性支气管炎 Acute bronchitis due to strepto...


气管支气管炎(tracheobronchitis)是气管、支气管黏膜表层或深层的炎症. 临床上以咳嗽、气喘、胸部听诊有啰音为主要特征. 临床上,单纯性支气管炎比较少见,通常是先发生气管炎后继发支气管炎,按病程有急性和慢性气管支气管炎之分.