英语人>词典>汉英 : 撤退 的英文翻译,例句
撤退 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
backtrack  ·  evacuation  ·  pullout  ·  recoil  ·  retiral  ·  retire  ·  retirement  ·  retreat  ·  withdraw  ·  withdrawal  ·  katabasis  ·  backtracked  ·  backtracks  ·  recoiled  ·  recoils  ·  retires  ·  retreated  ·  retreats  ·  withdraws  ·  evacuations  ·  recessions

bug out · give way · beat a retreat · draw off · haul off
更多网络例句与撤退相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Woman begins by resisting a man's advance and ends by blocking his retreat.


With the German troops still well outside the range of their own guns, the Allied Powers were quickly forced to retreat.


VIII. All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored, and the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be righted, in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of all.


Correlation between endometrial thickness,estradiol level and the results of progesterone withdrawal bleeding in amenorrhea patients

目的 评价闭经患者子宫内膜厚度和雌激素水平(E2)与其应用孕激素引起撤退性出血的关系。

EM and E2 of secondary amenorrhea patients is useful and can predict the results of progesterone withdrawal bleeding.


II. The retreat that followed his defeat and death are described in Xenophon's Anabasis.


Due to Jin's use of negative shots, this series of photographs does not correspond to the realist reflectionist theory right from the very beginning. It does not reflect or present any social phenomenon. Instead, it transforms the phenomenon into a problem situation that offers and invites review. In contemporary art, to intervene society by way of negation is strategic, as can be seen in Jin's Great Economic Retreat: the images featuring empty factory buildings reveal more than that. When the enlarged photos are exhibited in a museum gallery, Jin's real question surfaces: is what post-colonial economy brought China a blessing or a curse?


Traveling some 16 km along the assigned azimuth, the company suddenly and vigorously attacked the enemy who was pursuing our reconnaissance group. Unable to withstand the flank attack of the aerosled company, the enemy was forced not only to halt his pursuit but also to withdraw to his own start position, suffering significant losses in the process.


In the west, in late November, at the Battle of Ch'ongch'on River , the PVA attacked and over-ran several ROK Army divisions, and the flank of the remaining UN forces. 98-99 The UN Command retreated; the US Eighth Army's retreat,occurred because of the Turkish Brigade's successful, but very costly, rear-guard delaying action at Kunuri, slowed the PVA attack for 4 days,(26–30 November).

在西方,在11月下旬,在战役Ch'ongch'on河,聚乙烯醇攻击和过跑几个韩国陆军师,和侧翼剩余的联合国部队。98 - 99联合国军司令部撤退,在美第8集团军的撤退,发生,因为土耳其队的成功,但非常昂贵,背投后卫拖延行动Kunuri,减缓了攻击聚乙烯醇4天(26-30月)。

But the formations of the People' Liberation Army who inherited the wreckage of Hamhung in the last days of 1950 could at least exult in the certainty of strategic achievement. They had driven the US X corps headlong out of North Korea.


更多网络解释与撤退相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


0117 Field of Nine Digital Edition 2001 九局战场 数位版2001 SPG SLG 64 | 0118 Backtrack 撤退 FPS 32 | 0119 orita Shogi Advance 森田将棋 TAB 32

move backwards:撤退

move forwards 前进 | move backwards 撤退 | fire 开火

BBC Dunkirk:敦克尔克大撤退

BBC - Dunkirk 敦克尔克大撤退 | BBC - Earth Story.1998 地球形成的故事1-8 | BBC - Earth Ride 地球水之旅1-8


evacuation 撤退 | evacuator 撤退的人 | evacuee 撤离者

fall back upon:求助于; 依靠; 退守; 撤退到...线; 回过来再谈

fall back on 求助于; 依靠; 退守; 撤退到...线; 回过来再谈 | fall back upon 求助于; 依靠; 退守; 撤退到...线; 回过来再谈 | fall behind 落后; 跟不上; 拖欠

fallback recovery:撤退校正

fallback procedure 撤退过程 | fallback recovery 撤退校正 | fallback state 后退状态

recede:后退 撤退

unprecedented 史无前例的 | recede 后退 撤退 | recession 后退 撤退



catabases:连事撤退/下降 (复数)

cat-foot /象猫似的偷偷摸摸前进/ | catabases /连事撤退/下降 (复数)/ | catabasis /连事撤退/下降/

As our army inched forward, the enemy gave ground:由于我军步步紧逼,敌人撤退了

give ground撤退;让步,放弃: | As our army inched forward, the enemy gave ground. 由于我军步步紧逼,敌人撤退了. | He refused to give ground. Can you persuade him? 他拒绝让步. 你能劝劝他吗?