英语人>词典>汉英 : 撞击地 的英文翻译,例句
撞击地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与撞击地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The experimental results reveal that there is no apparent difference in the frequency of sounds generated by the friction and collision between two stones, although the sounds may differ in pressure.


By rational designs of mechanical structure and plan, the system uses PLC as the core of control on site, and accomplishes control of the installment and debug of the system step by step by software configuring design of the touch panel. Industrial computer, the centre of monitor, control and management of the system, composes epigyny and hypogyny machines' real-time monitoring and controlling system with PLC by designing the communicative model and program, and accomplishes man-machine dialogue in form of suppositional panel by designing supervisory software. Meanwhile, we also adopt client/server model and realize long-distance supervision of impact sensitivity experiment by program designing.


The crash occurred exactly 29 years after New Zealand's worst-ever air crash, when an Air New Zealand plane on a sightseeing trip in Antarctica hit the side of Mount Erebus, killing all 257 people on board.


Likewise, it would appear a reasonable hypothesis that the Earth has also been subjected to meteoroid bombardment in the past, and that very large bodies struck the Earth early in its geological history.


Studies on impact-related minerals, geochemical anomalies, impact microspherules and microtektites enable us to define frequencies, magnitudes and types of impact bodies of extraterrestrial impact events. Impact layers and ejectas may not only provide distinct event markers in high-resolution stratigraphical correlation, but also potential interpretations for the catastrophic changes and their causes of life and global environment.


Studies on impactrelated minerals, geochemical anomalies, impact microspherules and microtektites enable us to define frequencies, magnitudes and types of impact bodies of extraterrestrial impact events. Impact layers and ejectas may not only provide distinct event markers in highresolution stratigraphical correlation, but also potential interpretations for the catastrophic changes and their causes of life and global environment.


The email stated that according to the ARECIBO Telescope data that it keeps changing, and if fact it has changed so much that according to this NASA employee, NASA thinks that it may be a 50/50 chance of possibly hitting Earth and NASA does not want to tell us because if its a 50/50 chance and you tell people that something this large is going to hit the pacific or atlantic ocean and everybody evacuates all the coastal areas and it doesnt hit, people will be really, really furious, so say the least!

电子邮件说根据 ARECIBO 射电望远镜的数据,它不断变化,并且如果面对它那么多的变化与这个NASA雇员一致,NASA认为撞击地球的可能性是50/50而且NASA不愿意告诉我们,因为如果50/50的可能性而且你们告诉人们这大事是去撞击太平洋或者大西洋而且每个人全部沿海岸区撤走而且它不撞击,人们将是真正地,真正地狂怒,至少这样说!

An attentive belayer can also save a climber from hitting the ground by taking the rope in and running backwards.


No more would the streets of Germany echo to the jackboot of the goose-stepping storm troopers or the lusty yells of the brown-shirted masses or the shouts of the Fuehrer blaring from the loudspeakers.


No more would the streets of Germany echo to the jackboot of the goose-stepping storm troopers or the lusty yells of the brown-shirted masses or the shouts of the Fuehrer blaring from the loudspeakers.

德国的大街上,除了踢着正步的暴风装甲兵的长统靴撞击地面的回声,除了那些身穿棕衫的劳动者精力充沛的喊叫,除了从喇叭里传出的元首刺耳的呵斥,便不再有其他声音。我的问题是这段话中的echo to指的是后面全部的回声,还是只有第一个的回声,还有storm troopers怎么翻?

更多网络解释与撞击地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

against one's will:违背意愿地,违心地

fight against evil : 同邪恶作斗争 | against one's will : 违背意愿地,违心地 | 2. preposition 撞击;跟...相撞,同...冲突,顶着

bump into 1:撞上, 撞击 2.遇上, 偶然碰上

as luck would have it 碰巧; 碰得不巧(表示有幸或不幸) | bump into 1.撞上, 撞击 2.遇上, 偶然碰上 | by accident 偶然地, 碰巧; 无意地

run up against:意外地碰到(困难等)

run through 跑着穿过;刺 | run up against 意外地碰到(困难等) | run upon 撞击;触(礁)

run upon:撞击;触(礁)

run up against 意外地碰到(困难等) | run upon 撞击;触(礁) | rush into 匆忙做某事


跑步时,脚在著地的同时,踝关节的内翻与足背收缩动作,可以避免脚与地面的巨大撞击,而且,跑者的体重会沿著足部的外侧缘传递,此时足部呈轻旋后(supination),接著体重自外侧经过横弓(transuerse arch) 转移到足底肉球,此时足部由正中位变为旋前,


当轿车受到后部的撞击时,"头部保护系统"(WHIPS)会迅速充气膨胀起来. 整个靠背都会随乘坐者一起后倾,乘坐者的整个背部和靠背安稳地贴近在一起,靠背则会后倾以最大限度地降低头部向前甩的力量,座椅的椅背和头枕会向后水平移动,

appulsive:趋向的, 撞击的

appulsion | 趋向, 撞击 | appulsive | 趋向的, 撞击的 | appulsively | 趋向地, 撞击地

appulsively:趋向地, 撞击地

appulsive | 趋向的, 撞击的 | appulsively | 趋向地, 撞击地 | appurtenance | 附件, 附属物, 从属权利

rupa kalapa:色聚

入息是许多非常微细的色聚(rupa kalapa),出息也是许多非常微细的色聚. 在每一粒色聚里有八个色法,即地、水、火、风、色、香、味及食素. 当一粒色聚中的地,跟另一粒色聚中的地,互相撞击时就会产生声音,它就是呼吸的声音. 所以,一共有九种色法.

Wilkes Land:威克斯地

研究人员利用美国国家航空暨太空总署的卫星及雷达影像,在南极东部冰原威克斯地(Wilkes Land)冰下1.6公里处发现此陨石坑,并估计至少要一颗宽约48公里的陨石撞击,才能形成如此大的坑洞.