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摩门经 的英文翻译、例句


Book of Mormon
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Mark Twain, less charitably, called the Book of Mormon "chloroform in print".


The Book of Mormon is not arranged according to chronological order.


Deseret is a word taken from the "Book of Mormon", and signifies honey-bee.


The Mormon church retorts that an ill-educated farm boy such as he could not simply have made up so sublime a work as the Book of Mormon.


So a web series produced at Brigham Young University, based on themes from the Book of Mormon, and aimed at Latter-Day Saint audiences doesn't exactly sound ripe with mainstream crossover potential.


Six months after its inception, the Mormon Church sent its first mission to the American Indians -- called in the "Book of Mormon" the Lamanites, the degenerate remnants of the Nephite nation.

&六个月后开始,摩门教会派出第一次访问美国印第安人-所谓的&摩门经&的L amanites,&退化的残余N ephite国家。

Six months after its inception, the Mormon Church sent its first mission to the American Indians -- called in the "Book of Mormon" the Lamanites, the degenerate remnants of the Nephite nation.

& 6个月后成立,摩门教教堂发出的第一次使命,美洲印第安人-在所谓的&书摩门经& l amanites,&残余分子堕落的n ephite民族。

I have long seen an apparent problem with the Book of Mormon, which no Mormon has yet suitably explained to me.


Orthodox LDS church member Brant Gardner has done the most research in the field and concludes that there is 'no connection' between Quetzalcoatl and the Book of Mormon's Christ .

正统摩门教会友 Brant Gardner 在这方面做了许多田野调查并下了论说 Quetzalcoatl 和《摩门经》里面的基督「没有任何关联」。

Smith's translation of these tablets became the Book of Mormon, the holy scripture of Mormons.


更多网络解释与摩门经相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


后经大家一致同意,居师那迦一位德高望重的婆罗门德罗纳(DRONA)出面,将佛陀的残余骨烬平均分为八份,各自带回建佛塔供奉. 根据一种传说,公元前3世纪初,阿育王将摩揭陀国王所造的舍利塔(即现在的菩提伽耶佛塔)掘开,取出那份舍利,


庙temple | 摩门教Mormo | 摩门经Book of Mormon


根据这个领域的专家,在哥伦布之前的美洲的驯化动物是美洲驼(llamas)、羊驼(alpacas)、天竺鼠(guinea pigs)和火鸡. 但是这些没有在<<摩门经>>里面被指出. (参见<<哥伦布前的美洲人>>第二十六到二十七页). 连摩门教护教学者 John Sorenson 承认说

Book of Mormon:摩门经

1830年3月,一个名叫约瑟夫-史密斯(Joseph Smith, Jr., 又译史密约瑟)的美国人在纽约州出版了<<摩门经>>(Book of Mormon). 之所以叫做<<摩门经>>,是因为经文里描述了一位叫做摩门的美洲使徒,他是摩门教尊奉的多位美洲使徒之一.

The Book of Mormon:摩门经

他们已经和托尼奖(Tony Awards)最佳音乐剧<<Avenue Q>>的创作者罗伯特.洛佩兹(Robert Lopez)合作,这部名为<<摩门经>>(The Book of Mormon)的歌舞剧定于明年3月于纽约公演.