英语人>词典>汉英 : 摩拳擦掌 的英文翻译,例句
摩拳擦掌 的英文翻译、例句


be eager to get into action · be itching for a fight · be ready to fight
更多网络例句与摩拳擦掌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Without doubt, beijing Olympic Games brought best development opportunity to new media, new media also be eager for doing sth, prepare for war actively.


The net swims the industry is right now distinctive scenery, a lot of net that allowing home swims the enterprise begins be eager for doing sth to strive for more markets, the company also swims to bring the opportunity that development expands to burgeoning net in the meantime, shang Jin of 31 years old and his kylin game is a among them.


It is reported, near future of Chinese production net also is in Fosan be eager for doing sth, what they are certain is the prospective development foreground that Fosan regards China as main manufacturing industry base.


To this fair measure, each passerby horse is more early with be eager for doing sth, itch to try.


Before the Olympic Games kicks off, website of website of video of each big state-operated, civilian battalion, TV station government and each are big portal website be eager for doing sth, the tremendous business chance of Olympic Games of hope have the aid of, implementation trademark is well-known spent promotion, achieve the growth of profit.


Just began me to want to express what view to this 100 Ao Gu's matches far from, however, look at the Seoer beside people be in basically be eager for doing sth, it is a certain number of people had registered the domain name such as Com, Org, Net, Cn more and open website impetus, I still am pressed be unable to bear should for two.


Although each be eager for doing sth, but in actual unit process of cargo bandling, most orgnaization and enterprise also encountered not little obstacle, the face accepts the business that coach like long to already having before the move dragon queueing up, whether the biggest question is on the platoon.


Although network advertisement market still is not a cake with Internet the largest trade at present, but its considerable growth foreground is agreed to agree with however, each network tycoon also all without exception is this one " the ground that military strategist in ancient China contends for surely " be eager for doing sth.


The fowl of announce good news that the failure of the career considers to become success one time to be eager for doing sth cannot call not quite, but the horse has break hoof, the person has break a fault, unavoidable of success or failure.


The abidance of market of global shipbuilding estate is prosperous let be eager for doing sth of Chinese shipbuilding entrepreneur press be unable to bear, do all one can surmounts the posture as one falls of Japan, Korea.

梗概: 全球造船业市场的持续红火让中国造船企业家摩拳擦掌按耐不住,奋力超越日本、韩国的态势此起彼伏。

更多网络解释与摩拳擦掌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


通用的老对头早已摩拳擦掌,准备好好地收拾它.> (Automobile)的编辑兼发行人戴维.戴维斯(David E. Davis)在"华盛 顿汽车新闻协会"(Washington Auto Press As-Sociation)的演说中,狠 狠地抨击通用过去和现在的管理.戴维斯说:"通用疏于管理,


与同胞妮可基德曼主演的影片>也获得不错的评价. 于是,"金刚狼"又摩拳擦掌,准备在新的领域大显身手,将在一部2010 年新上演的百老汇音乐剧>(Houdini)中扮演角色. 音乐剧>根据KurtAnders

square up to:摩拳擦掌(找**算账)

Bite off more than one can chew. 承担力所不及(牙不好别嚼硬东西哦) | square up to 摩拳擦掌(找**算账) | have a thing about 对**反应强烈(喜欢或者不喜欢)

square up to:对......摩拳擦掌

51、give it to somebody straight 直截了当告诉某人 | 52、square up to 对......摩拳擦掌 | 53、have a thing about 对.......反应强烈(喜欢或不喜欢)

square up to:对......摩拳擦掌 , 搏斗

51. give it to somebody straight 直截了当告诉某人 | 52. square up to 对......摩拳擦掌 , 搏斗 | 53. have a thing about 对.......反应强烈(喜欢或不喜欢)


东方网4月22日消息:5月底,全球黑客迷们期待已久的>(The Matrix Reloaded)即将在世界各地同时掀起新的"黑客浪潮". 而记者昨天获悉,在中国>由於非典,该片目前将延缓送审. 不过广告商却纷纷摩拳擦掌开始利用电影宣传自己.

in this hole-and-corner fashion:鬼鬼祟祟

<br>55.摩拳擦掌 to roll up one's sleeves | <br>56.鬼鬼祟祟 in this hole-and-corner fashion | <br>57.热锅上的蚂蚁 a cat on hot bricks


东方网4月22日消息:5月底,全球黑客迷们期待已久的<<黑客帝国II:重装上阵>>(The Matrix Reloaded)即将在世界各地同时掀起新的"黑客浪潮". 而记者昨天获悉,在中国<<黑客帝国II:重装上阵>>由於非典,该片目前将延缓送审. 不过广告商却纷纷摩拳擦掌开始利用电影宣传自己.


四年一度的美国总统竞选(presidential election campaign)又拉开了帷幕,候选人(candidates)各个摩拳擦掌,蓄势待发,其中不乏信誓旦旦、志在必得者. 近日偶尔在电视上看到一则有关美国总统竞选的新闻,节目主持人用retail politics来形容候选人马不停蹄的竞选活动.