英语人>词典>汉英 : 摘要的 的英文翻译,例句
摘要的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
summary  ·  synoptical  ·  summaries

更多网络例句与摘要的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstract摘要: Objective摘要:To evaluate CT diagnostic value of carcinoma of vaters ampulla.

摘 要摘要:目的摘要:探索螺旋CT在诊断乏特氏壶腹癌的应用价值。

Abstract摘要: Objective To observe the effect of HgCl2 on the astrocyte in spinal cord.


Abstract摘要: Objective To study the effect of drinking brick tea on total amount of aluminum intake of herdsmans.


摘要: Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a kind of disinfector of good quality.


3Clinical investigation摘要: during the epidemicity of SARS, 21 SARS patients were admitted by Inner Mongolian Hospital between April and May , 2003. as a controlled group who were treated with anti-virus, antibiotic, immunization and allowance of nutrients摘要: and another 21 SARS patients as clinical treatment group who were treated with both Erihemu-8 (3g once, twice a day, taken orally , ten days in all ) and the above medicines.

3临床观察摘要:在SARS 暴发流行期间,对内蒙古自治区医院在2003年4~5月收治的SARS 住院患者选取21例作为临床对照组,给以抗病毒,预防感染,免疫调节,营养支持,对症治疗;另选取21例SARS 住院病人作为治疗组,在上述治疗基础上加用蒙药额日赫木—8,3g/次,2次/日,冲服,疗程10天。

Abstract摘要: The individualization requirement has become an important research question in e-commerce development.


Abstract摘要: Objective To explore the mitochondria and microsome of testis cells caused by nickel sulfate in rate.


Abstract摘要: Objective Observe the effect of temperature,pH and their interaction on Penicillium citreoviridin'


Abstract摘要: Objective To study the toxic effects induced by rotenone on primary cultured astroglia.


METHODS摘要: Thirtysix SD female rats were randomly separated into 3 groups (n=12 in each one) according to the infarction duration (1, 3, 28 d), which were randomly and evenly again separated into 2 subgroups摘要: operated group and sham operated group. The levels of mRNA expression of ACE2 in the noninfarct and infract area of left ventricle 1, 3, 28 d after AMI were detected by RTPCR and analyzed semiquantitatively by imageanalysis system.

方法摘要:将36只SD雌性大鼠按时间段随机分为3组(每组12只),每组再随机分为假手术组、手术组2个亚组(每组6只),应用RTPCR方法检测大鼠AMI后1,3,28 d左心室梗死区及非梗死区心肌ACE2 mRNA的表达,并以图像分析系统对其进行半定量分析。

更多网络解释与摘要的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


synoptic 摘要的 | bombastic 夸夸其谈的 | sarcastic 讽刺的


1摘要书写的一般技巧:英文摘要的撰写应遵循ABC原则,即准确(accuracy)、简练(brevity),清晰(clarity). 为确保摘要的 "独立性"(stand on its own)或"自明性"(self-contained).撰写中应遵循以下规则:(1)摘要的目的部分不要与文题重复,


对于科技会议的摘要,也可以用另一种称为"描述性"(descriptive)摘要的形式来写,这种摘要就像文章的目录那样,描述在会议文章中将要报告的东西. 不过,比较正式的国际会议都要求按以上的标准来准备摘要,

digital digest:数字摘要

(2) 数字摘要(Digital Digest) 数字摘要一般采用安全的 Hash 算法,通过使用单向散列函数(Hash)将需要加密的明文"摘要"成一个固定长度(128 位)的密文.


digestible 可消化的 | digestible 可摘要的 | dighthousecleanneaten 整顿



litigious:好诉讼的, 爱争论的

depreciatory 贬值的, 贬低的, 蔑视的, 跌价的 | litigious 好诉讼的, 爱争论的 | compendious 简明扼要的; 简略的; 摘要的

Executive Summary ):摘要

(一)摘要(Executive Summary) 一份正式且篇幅较长的报告通常在报告的前面加上摘要.摘要一般不超过一页,是报告的导言,调查结果,结论和建议的内容总结.这部分一般是在整篇报告写好以后再写.非正式或篇 幅较短的报告则无需写报告摘要.写摘要时,


synoptic 天气的 | synoptic 摘要的 | syntactic foam 微球组合泡沫


synoptic wave-chart 波浪图 | synoptic 天气的 | synoptic 摘要的