英语人>词典>汉英 : 摆动身体 的英文翻译,例句
摆动身体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
boogie  ·  boogied  ·  boogies  ·  boogying

更多网络例句与摆动身体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

H! Yes sir, I can boogie, but I need a certain song.


The stude announces that their changeable regular of the center of gravity level speed in supporting phase is falling in tne first cushioning phase. When their center of gravity's vertical lines pass their heels and their knee joints go on extended contraction ,their center of gravity level speed has extended .the reason is that their angles have passed the heels and their swinging legs' kenn joints have swinging the front of their bodies. Its power originates the swinging leg's forward active swinging and the decurtation contraction of hip joints 、ankles of the supporting legs.the swinging leg shows "the calf's active backward swinging"before its landing impact,the skill affects the loss of center of gravity level speed when the swinging leg lands.they enlarge their trunks' forward-landing impact phase ,it can decrease the center of gravity level speed's loss after landing and impel the center of gravity level speed to pass the supporting spot quickly.


To predict sandfish swimming speed, we developed an empirical model by measuring granular drag force on a small cylinder oriented at different angles relative to the displacement direction and summing these forces over the animal movement profile.

据美国《Science》杂志线上新闻报导,高速 X 射线成像结果显示,这种蜥蜴会缩拢它们的四肢,并通过Z字型地左右摇摆身体来推动自己在沙子上前进,其像鱼或蛇一样摆动身体前行的速度能够达到每秒钟15厘米。

A skateboarder on a horizontal surface can accelerate from rest just by moving the body, without touching external support.


Shake the head and wag the tail -- assume an air of complacency ; toss its head and tail; waggle the tail to please the master; well-content and pleased


Postural sway was measured by seven parameters derived from a force platform (kistler-9281). The seven parameters were: 1 CP sway area; 2 CP total excursion; 3 mean velocity of CP sway in the mediolateral and anterioposterior directions; 4 mean value of CP sway amplitude in the mediolateral and anterioposterior directions; 5 variability of CP sway amplitude in the mediolateral and anterioposterior directions; 6 mean value of the force signal in the mediolateral and anterioposterior directions; 7 variability of force signal in the mediolateral and anterioposterior directions; Repeated measures ANOVA procedures were used to analyze the effect of vision condition and ankle sprain.


The young man jiggled his body in time to music only he heard.


Did our quite refined ZaiZai shacked his body?


The ball is high, so she's straightening her knees as she begins her swing.


This Swiss man flew from France to England wiggling his body to control the homemade wing.


更多网络解释与摆动身体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dancing by himself:不停旋转

Spin around like a crazy elf|就得象独自跳舞的疯狂的精灵一样 | Dancing by himself|不停旋转 | Boogie down like a unicorn|象独角兽一样不停的摆动身体

body feint:身体虚晃

193.身法:body work | 194.身体虚晃:body feint | 195.上下左右摆动:bob and weave


身体在空中有一个平行于地面的过程 B1.111 猫跳(leap)转体360,膝盖必须到达水平线 A1.211猫跳(leap)转体540-720,膝盖必须到达水平线 B1.212 跳(hop)转360,摆动腿在水平线上完成伸展-单腿起跳 B3.105A 单腿起的前手翻(handspring)或者并腿起的前手翻

Pavan Ke Sang Sang:爱情随风飘扬

Zaamane ko bida kar de 世界因你而疯狂 | Pavan Ke Sang Sang 爱情随风飘扬, | Har Ang Chale Hichkole Leke 身体突然轻轻摆动


将它调到"木偶"(Puppet)模式后,摆动它的四肢,转一下它的头,或是扭动一下它的身体,所有这些动作都会被一一记下. 当然,除了这些简单动作之外,你还可以执行一些更复杂的程序. RobosapienV2会把前一次的编程作为它的默认程序,

Rise And Fall:升降动作

由于他们的努力和凭借着他们丰富的舞蹈经验,去编制舞蹈技术和制定成规,如身体摆动(body sway)、反身动作(contrary body movement)和升降动作(rise and fall),当然这些舞蹈的精髓并非一年半载就可一蹴可及,也是经过长期的琢磨与钻研,





festinating gait:慌张步态

4.慌张步态(festinating gait)起步困难,起步后小步行走,双脚擦地,身体前倾,越走越快,难以止步,双上肢缺乏摆动动作,见于震颤麻痹. 6.剪刀式步态(scissors gait) 移步时,下肢内收过度,两腿交叉如剪刀状. 这是由于双下肢肌张力增高,

jai ho:胜喽

i wanna take you higher 我要令你如痴如醉 | jai ho 胜喽! | i keep it steady 我稳稳摆动身体