英语人>词典>汉英 : 插管法 的英文翻译,例句
插管法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
intubation  ·  tubage

更多网络例句与插管法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gallstones coming from the same patient were divided into four groups and soaked in different solutions: NS, Danshitong solution, and 2 JEYS solutions; Cholagogue effects was observed with method of intubating in cobaya' bile duct.


We describe an objective method for evaluating the benefits of video-assisted laryngoscopy, compared with standard techniques using force measurements.


The guided technique involved priming the drain tube with anEschmann tracheal tube introducer, placing the introducer inthe esophagus under direct vision and railroading the PLMA intoposition.

引导法按以下步骤:把引流管插入 Eschmann 气管导管插管器内,明视下把插管器插入食道,顺着插管器插入 PLMA 到位。

In order to establish relative analysis methods and find out transfer rules and vertical distribution characteristics of heavy metals in sediments of Poyang lake,column form sampler designed by us was used in the experiments,the sediments samples from Wucheng section of the Ganjiang River in Poyang lake area were collected using adjacent water vertical spile method.


Methods Fifteen pigs were anaesthetized, and trachea intubation and transfemoral cannula were performed then. Swan-Ganz catheters were inserted to pulmonary artery via internal jugular vein, and aeroperitoneum was set up by airing CO2. These pigs were randomly divided into three groups (5 pigs in each group) according to different levels of IAP (IAP10, IAP20, IAP30). Hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism values were observed and recorded before airing, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours after airing, respectively.

15只猪经麻醉后,行气管插管、股动脉插管及经颈内静脉肺动脉插管,CO2充气建立气腹,根据随机数字表法将猪分为IAP 10 cm H2O组(IAP10组)、IAP20组及IAP30组(每组5只),记录充气前,充气后6、12、18及24 h的血流动力学和氧代谢指标,观察不同水平IAP在不同时点上对血流动力学及氧代谢的影响。

The pharmacokinetics of Hup A in blood and eerebrospinal fluid after intranasal, intravenous and intragastric adminstration to rats was studied using cisternal cannulation for serial CSF sampling and femoral artery cannulation for serial blood sampling.


To pay attention to carry out effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemostasis by compression and deep vein intubation rapidly in the initial stage of emergency. The carotid shunt tube plays an important role in severe carotid injury and re-establishment process. We use external jugular vein to transplant and re-establish,which are rung with artificial blood vessels for the long distance carotid injury and achieved the best result. We expose as fully as possible for the hepatic venae and the posthepatic post caval injury,and adopt effective methods to stop bleeding and repair. The application of blood shunt pump could raise the success rate for those severe patients. The self-double vastransplantation with both ends being all trousers-style one opening solve some problems such as there are no suitable caliber self-transplantation blood vessels and the artificial blood vessels are easy to occur obliteration for long-term and so on for the great or middle blood vessels.We use improved Fogarty duct and anterograde intubation to eliminate thrombus could eliminate thrombus effectively and avoid accessory injury for the deep vein injury and extensive thrombosis.


To pay attention to carry out effective cardiopulmonary resus-citation,hemostasis by compression and deep vein intubation rapidly in the initial stage of emergency.The carotid shunt tube plays an important role in severe carotid injury and re-establishment process.We use external jugular vein to transplant and re-establish,which are rungwith artificial blood vessels for the long distance carotid injury and achieved the best result.We expose as fully as possible for the hepatic venae and the posthepatic post caval injury,and adopt effective methods to stop bleeding and repair.The application of blood shunt pump could raise the success rate for those severe patients.The self-double vastransplantation with both ends being all trousers-style one opening solve some problems such as there are no suitable caliber self-transplantation blood vessels and the artificial blood vessels are easy to occur obliteration for long-term and so on for the great or middle blood vessels.We use improved Fogarty duct and anterograde intubation to eliminate thrombus could eliminate thrombus effectively and avoid accessory injury for the deep vein injury and extensive thrombosis.


Of the rabbits subsequently underwent improved microsurgical catheterization of hepatic artery for intervention therapy, while the remaining 10 were catheterized with 3F micro-catheter by Seldinger technique.


Methods Eight postoperative HCC patien ts were treated with TILs, rIL-2 and cyclophosphamide.Six patients were infu sed from the hepatic artery, and the other 2 infused from the portal vein.

方 法 对8例HCC术后患者进行了TIL、rIL-2和环磷酰胺治疗,6例从肝动脉插管输入,2例从门静脉插管输入。

更多网络解释与插管法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


introscope 内腔检视仪,内孔窥视仪 | intubate 插管,插入喉管 | intubation 插管(法)


更有些医生采用较霸道的治疗法如插管法(Intubation)及机械通气法(Mechanical Ventilation). 此外气管灌洗法(Bronchial lavage)对某些病人亦可产生良好的效果. 气管造口术(tracheostomy)及支气管镜检法(Bronchoscopy)对这种病人以少用为宜.

intubation canula:插管套管

intubation 插管(法) | intubation canula 插管套管 | intubation forceps 插管钳

endotracheal intubation:气管内插管法

电烙机 Electro surgical unit | 气管内插管法 Endotracheal intubation | 气管内导管 Endotracheal tube


\\"癸烷,十碳烷\\",\\"decane\\" | \\"拔除插管法\\",\\"decannulation\\" | \\"十倍规定的(溶液)\\",\\"decanormal\\"


salpingo-ureterostomy 输卵管输尿管吻合术 | salpingocatheterism 咽鼓管插管法 | salpingocele 输卵管疝


tu shu 督俞 | tubage 插管 | tubal insufflation 输卵管通气法


tubadil 右旋筒箭毒 | tubage 插管法 | tubaicacid 土芭酸

Loose hubbed cast iron pipe flanges for lapped pipe end:管端翻边带颈松套铸铁管法兰

带颈平焊和带颈承插焊铸铁管法兰 Hubbed slip-on-welding and hubbed socket weld... | 管端翻边带颈松套铸铁管法兰 Loose hubbed cast iron pipe flanges for lapped pipe end | 整体铸铁管法兰 Integral cast iron ...

Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face:榫槽面带颈承插焊钢制管法兰

凹凸面带颈承插焊钢制管法兰 Hubbed socket welding s... | 榫槽面带颈承插焊钢制管法兰 Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face | 环连接面带颈承插焊钢制管法兰 Hubbed socket weld...