英语人>词典>汉英 : 插上电源 的英文翻译,例句
插上电源 的英文翻译、例句


plug in
更多网络例句与插上电源相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not plugged in or connected to a power source .


Plug in the power, the master volume knob to adjust the location of an appropriate, open the power switch, according to the needs of your volume knob to adjust the bass, you can enjoy the music Edifier charm R4.1 system.


Our team - experts in managing match time, when they want rhythm they plug in the turbo and if necessary they use the hand brake – put the match on ice.


The druggist plugged in an electric percolator, found two cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it.


It works great and very easy just plug it in.


I plugged it into the wall and when I came back, it was gone.


Firstly , plug the wire cord to electric outlet .signal Lamp in the Electric Box will gleam .


First plug in the power plug, then turn the power switch, which can not plug the power plug means switching TV, not frequently switch TV.


When he was just 24 months old, he can operate my laptop for his own interest in full function from pressing the power button to opening the target document in hard disk.

现在的他,只要我把手提电脑插上电源,就完全可以DIY了。自己开机,口中念念有词:我的电脑, D,给笑笑的礼物,自己找到想听想看的文件,打开播放,调整音量,而且对播放器功能的熟悉程度甚至超过笑笑妈妈。

You simply plug it in like you would an electric blanket and it heats up to keep you, quite literally, snug as a bug in a rug!


更多网络解释与插上电源相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一氧化氮激活鸟苷合成增加,从而引起阴茎海绵体平滑肌和阴茎小动脉平滑肌人松弛,血液注入阴 ...操作步骤 1.插上电源,按下电源(POWER)开关,开始加温,加热(HEAT)灯时高时暗,亮时处


每条数据线最多可以连接2台设备,需要将设备分别设置为 主盘(master)和从盘(slave),这样的设置一般通过驱动器上的跳线实现. 错误示范!可别把20/24针可分离式电源接头的4针扩展接头插进12V辅助(AUX)电源接口中(一般来说那个接口也比较远你够不着).


今天早上我打开电视,看了一场由"中央电视台第五频道"(CCTV5)转播的"美国职业篮球联赛"(NBA),科比表现不错堪称"常规赛最有价值球员"(MVP). 其间看新闻说,奥巴马昨天为"美国职棒大联盟"(MLB)开球了. 完了我插上"索尼第二代游戏工作站"(PS2)的电源,

pitch in:投入,加入,参与,帮助

Eg: The train pulls in the station slowly. 火车慢慢的进站了. | pitch in 投入,加入,参与,帮助 | plug in 插上电源的插头

pluck up:连根拔起,根除;振作起来,鼓起勇气

43plough under使消失,埋葬掉 | 44pluck up连根拔起,根除;振作起来,鼓起勇气 | 45plug in插入,插上插头(以接通电源)

status:状态 状态


Put the tape-recorder away:请把录音机拿走

115. Plug in the tape-recorder, please. 把录音的电源插头插上. | 116. Put the tape-recorder away. 请把录音机拿走. | Encouraging (鼓励)

Plug in the tape-recorder, please:把录音的电源插头插上

114. Pick up the scraps. 请捡起纸屑. | 115. Plug in the tape-recorder, please. 把录音的电源插头插上. | 116. Put the tape-recorder away. 请把录音机拿走.

electric water heater:饮水机

drawing pin 图钉 | electric water heater 饮水机 | plug in 插上电源

He can plug a toaster in and:他能给烤箱插上电源

[01:55.41]He can draw a hot bath 他会画一个热澡盆 | [01:57.35]He can plug a toaster in and 他能给烤箱插上电源 | [01:59.97]wait 'till daddy's nice and warm and toss it in 等到把拔泡得舒服又暖和时把它扔...