英语人>词典>汉英 : 提前发生的 的英文翻译,例句
提前发生的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与提前发生的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is also proved by specific heat analysis that the aging process of the composite takes place earlier than that of the matrix alloy.


The research result shows that the best fuel delivery advance angle of diesel engine used has been changed; with the first cylinder as the standard, the deviation of the fuel delivery advance angle between the first cylinder and other cylinder surpasses allowed range; the smoke emission and fuel consumption can be decreased and delivering fuel to each cylinder at the right time can be assured, through the selection and adaptation of fuel delivery advance angle .


Recent Findings: A number of prospective studies have shown that weight gain can antedate the development of asthma.


Based on the many years recording data analysis of earthquake disasters in Sichuan-Yunnan region, the tendency of the next strong earthquake is predicted by commensurability ,for the purpose of disaster prevention and reduction.


The instability originated in the upper R_B-like convection zone develops to larger region with the increase of Grashof number, and the number of non-axi-symmetric circulations decreases. When Grashof number exceeds another critical value, cooling air may invade the cavity and flow toward the shroud, the circulations decrease to one pair occupying the whole cavity in radial, thus these two zones are merged into one. The core structures in the cavity rotate against the disks, while the structures keep no change at the case of periodic oscillatory flow. With the Grashof number rises, the flow undergoes stable, periodic, periodic with cool air invading, quasi-periodic and ultimately to chaos.


In this paper, the author records followed, in February 1996 the capacity of 3 to 7 day and night and seismic November 9, 1996 Health and Activity 160 kilometers before and after the 6.1 earthquake, meteorological cloud anomalies of the whole process of change , and 2-4 days in advance of earthquake prediction and the magnitude of the region; the earthquake in China's Xinjiang, Tibet, earthquake, earthquake in Yunnan Province, four Kawasaki Wenchuan 8 earthquake, the Taiwan earthquake, Iran earthquakes, the earthquake in Pakistan, Afghanistan, earthquake, earthquake in Indonesia and Japan earthquake happened before and after the anomaly caused by meteorological satellite cloud images and the different characteristics of the atmospheric circulation anomalies; describes the November 4, 1952 Kamchatka 8.5 earthquake and November 6, 1958 Kuril Islands 8.2 earthquake in 1960, May 21 Day 2 after 7.9 earthquake occurred in Chile and 8.5 earthquakes, August 25, 1933 North Sichuan Timor-mao Diego River and the 7.5 earthquake in 1976 in Tangshan, Hebei 7.8 earthquake happened before and after the abnormal atmospheric circulation features; analyzed, drought in our country large floods, heavy rain and local in 2008 China's 21 provinces in spring Serious frozen snow disasters, which occurred due to seismic activity.


On one hand, turbulences cause the thermonuclear reaction of the H-burning shell in AGB star to be unstable, and the occurrence of the thermal pulse greatly beforehand, and very frequent.


Apoptotic cells significantly increase in the premature calcific placenta and it may play an important role in the pathophysiologic mechanisms of premature calcification of placenta.


If you are going to bathe put before your mind what happens in the bath---water pouring over some, others being jostled, some reviling, others stealing; and you will set to work more securely if you say to yourself at once:" I want to bathe, and I want to keep my will in harmony with nature," and so in each thing you do; for in this way, if anything turns up to hinder you in your bathing, you will be ready to say," I did not want only to bathe, but to keep my will in harmony with nature, and I shall not so keep it, if I lose my temper at what happens."


The more you know about the future, the better you could be parepare for it in advance.


更多网络解释与提前发生的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从2000年开始,关于AC救治的国际指南得到了专家的一致通过,并可以在 "美国心脏协会"(AHA)的网站上找到1,2. AC源自于呼吸或循环衰竭,它可能是突然地、不可预知地发生,也可能提前有一些可预知的征象而且有时是可以采取手段加以预防的.

compensatory pause:代偿间歇

le)和 代偿间歇(compensatory pause) 当心肌进行正常的窦性节律性收缩时,如果在舒张期(有效不应期之后,正常窦性节律到来之前)心肌受到额外刺激,就会引起一次比正常窦性节律提前发生的额外兴奋和产生额外收缩.这种发生在下一次正常收缩之前的额外收缩,


在计划的分配(contribution)上,有两种分配方式,一种是全额分配,一次性付清所有的分配,另一种是按月分配. 如果在法定分配日到期前发生了分配行为,则成为提前分配. 提前分配有很多限制,对于利润共享计划的参与者来说,如果能满足两个条件,


定期对车子进行预防性检查是汽车维护种很重要的一环. 通过定期检查、维护,您不仅可以使自己的车子保持在良好的状态,降低燃油消耗,还可以提前发现汽车潜在的问题,预防重大事故的发生. 检查 / 更换 / 维护 部件 推荐周期 冷却剂 (Coolant) 检查 每星期 - 清洗整个冷却系统

interfere destructively:相消干涉

太阳光子可以径直通过每个飞盘上的氮化硅,也可以从飞盘的小孔中穿过,后一种光子的相位要比前一种光子稍稍提前一些. 因此这两种光子会发生相消干涉(interfere destructively),进而阻挡一部分本应到达地球的光线,并将其中大约2%的光线散射到地球两侧.


提前(pre)说(dict) è 预言事实上,很多构词法单词并不能由其前缀和词根简单推知其意义,它的意义已经发生了转变或引申,此时我们就要运用构词联想法来帮助记忆为提高效率,用构词联想记忆法来背单词,大致要经过以下几个步骤.


4.显著性(Significance)首次由Fisher在假设检验中提出.假设检验中有两种错误: 拒真和纳伪.显著性检验仅考虑发生拒真错误的概率,也就是考虑原假设的Significance的程度,把拒真的概率控制在提前所给定的阈值alpha之下,来考虑检验原假设是否正确.

The Night Listener:听众

此外最近还有其他一些影片的上映日期发生了变动,>(Garfield's A Tale of Two Kitties)现在提前到6月16日上映(>上映的第二周),罗宾.威廉姆斯主演的>(The Night Listener)提前到8月4日上映,