英语人>词典>汉英 : 提到的 的英文翻译,例句
提到的 的英文翻译、例句


in question
更多网络例句与提到的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bennigsen ought to have entered Prussia earlier, and things would have taken quite another turn.…""But, prince!" said Dessalle timidly,"the letter speaks of Vitebsk.…""Ah, the letter?


Only those cabalistic works are mentioned here that systematically discuss the Cabala or that are recognized as standard authorities in reference to it.

只有那些cabalistic工程是这里提到的,系统讨论Cabala ,或者被确认为标准当局在提到它。

I wanted this book to make people furious about the books that were included and the books that weren't, figuring this would be the best way to generate a fresh debate about canonicity, etc., Professor Boxall informed me in an e-mail message.


Verse 16 of chapter iv of Colossians does not seem to allude to the letter to the Ephisians, which would need to have been written first; besides, the Epistle here mentioned is scarcely an encyclical, the context leading us to look upon it as a special letter of the same nature as that sent to the Colossians.

新诗16第四章歌罗西书似乎没有提到,信Ephisians ,这将需要已书面第一;此外,书信这里提到的是几乎没有一个通谕中,领导我们的背景下看待它作为一个特殊信性质相同的是发送到歌罗西书。

The musical instruments referred to (xxi, 12; xxx, 31) are only those mentioned in Genesis (Gen. iv, 21; xxxi, 27): organ, harp, and timbrel.

乐器提到( 21 , 12 ;三十,三十一日)只提到的那些成因(将军四, 21 ;三十一, 27日):机关,竖琴,及铃鼓。

Christ Church Cathedral的本名为The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity,全名为Cathedral of the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough and Metropolitical Cathedral of the United Provinces of Dublin and Cashel.

这一座教堂是Dublin两座最古老的中世纪教堂之一,另一座则为上面提到的Cathedral of Saint Patrick,也就是每年3月17日英国跟爱尔兰,特别是爱尔兰,St。

For practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly,本句中的it代表上句提到的pure knowledge.


It has the highest rate of redoublement than that of the other OECD countries. It pays more attention to the academic education than that of the other OECD countries. It gives students more equal opportunity to achieve education than that of the other OECD countries.

A 选项,这点从第五段提到的严格还有第一段提到的都可以得出这个结论;B 选项,根据文后一段,学生们在教室中花费的时间可以推出来这点;C 选项,这点文章没有谈到过;D 选项,从第五段可以可出这一点来。

Separate from 提取,摄取 to separate good plants from wild weeds 由句中的this代替做主语 The college student should learn to realize and remember how much of real value science has found in this wide, confused wilderness and how often scientific discoveries turned out to be rediscoveries of what had existed in this wilderness ago.

大学生们应该学着去认识和牢记有太多有真正有价值的科学来自于广泛,繁多的习俗经验,并且有太多次的科学发现原来是过去的习俗经验的重新认识。在这里把wilderness意译作前文一直提到的&过去的习俗经验& turn out to be结果是。。。;原来是。。。;证明是。。。

Bennigsen ought to have entered Prussia earlier, and things would have taken quite another turn.…""But, prince!" said Dessalle timidly,"the letter speaks of Vitebsk.…""Ah, the letter?


更多网络解释与提到的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the above-mentioned books:上面提到的书

a recently-built house最近建造的一幢房子; | the above-mentioned books上面提到的书 | a widely used language一种广泛使用的语言;

Batman Forever:永远的蝙蝠侠

至于桑多瓦尔与其它艺人乐队的合作作品,比较推荐前面已经提到的与"化学兄弟"合作的>,其它与"耶稣玛丽锁链"合作的作品,以及为>(Batman Forever)电影原声所作的配乐单曲,我认为均处于"迷星"风格的圈定之中,

And the cannoli dessert that you mention there:还你提到的奶油甜煎卷

Bottle of Chianti. Yeah.|还要一瓶基安蒂红葡萄酒. | And the cannoli dessert that you mention there.|还你提到的奶油甜煎卷. | Uh-huh. Okay.|嗯,对,就这样.


last-ditcher 斗争到底者 | last-mentioned 最后提到的 | last-minute 最后的




Dharana 帕坦加利瑜伽第六阶段所提到的程度或完成. | Dhyana Meditation 帕坦加利瑜珈第七阶段所提到的禅宗冥想. | Dwi 双方.

Madeleine Madeline:法语 来自于圣经中所提到的

25.Linnea 斯堪迪纳维亚语 瑞典的国花 | 1.Madeleine Madeline 法语 来自于圣经中所提到的Magdala | 2.Madeline 英语 来自于圣经中所提到的Magdala

The author mentions that:作者提到的

5What time does the writer think is ... ?作者认为的时间是....? | 6The author mentions that ...作者提到的...... | 7The writer states ..... 作者陈述道.....

Get mr angiograms of the aforementioned:对前面提到的都做血管造影

Nothing that a few surgeries won't clear up.|只要几个手术没什么... | Get mr angiograms of the aforementioned.|对前面提到的都做血管造影 | The marines weren't hiding anything. He was.|海军陆战队没有隐瞒任...


Aconite 配制魔药用到的一种植物. 又叫舟形乌头或附子草. | Agrippa 在巫师卡上提到的一个男巫的名字. | Alchemy 炼金术. 在中世纪为点石成金而创立的一门学科.