英语人>词典>汉英 : 提供信息地 的英文翻译,例句
提供信息地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与提供信息地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It relies on tax collection and management system in order to land and resources-based geographic information system as the carrier, by way of data processing system for rent collection and management of land-use tax information and land departments cadastral information, the taxpayer reporting the information to dynamically match and comprehensive analysis to three-dimensional electronic map shows the streets, the main building and the taxpayer identity information, support bi-directional maps and database query, map identification and taxpayers to provide a variety of state of the display, and information to achieve grid-based management, and network information pass for the "checkerboard" management to provide information support platform.


The university impart s information, but it impart s it imaginatively.


University imparts information, but it imparts it imaginatively.


In the smaller firms, this task is usually delegated, on a fee basis, to a freight forwarder, who can handle merchandise, documents and information knowledgeably, efficiently, expeditiously and honourably.


Since there is little in the way of space limitation on Wikipedia, it also aims to subsume the functions of many specialist encyclopedias.


Firstly, need some geometric information which include the vanishing line of the ground plane, a vanishing point for the vertical direction and a known vertical height.


The unique geographic position of shelf and marginal sea causes the material supply of seafloor sediments plenteous and the material sources of them diverse. As terrigenous materials being input into the sea continually and a great deal of authigenous minerals coming into being, the sediments can be used to study the change of sea level and the meterail and energy exchange between the sea and the land.


Furthermore, this paper puts forwards that if the intelligence workers want to makes their work better, they must let their work to became "facing to user" and "user-centered". Doing it like this can increase the findability of network information resource.


This paper takes finance management reformation in Dongfeng Nissan for example, explaining that under macro background of information economy and network revolution and with the reference of existing theoretical framework of strategic management accounting, focusing on the crying for car enterprise strategic management, demonstrating impersonally and reasoningly strategic management accounting's practical condition in application in car enterprises and the existing problems in actual usage. It let us understand how strategic management accounting penetrated strategic management idea to the management accounting information system in car enterprise, providing information for car enterprises management , making car enterprises to get permanent strategic competitiveness and accelerating to promote the application course of strategic management accounting theory in practice of car enterprise finance management.


Refers to a party that is allowed to provide information (usually in the form of a legal brief) to a court even though the party is not directly involved in the case at hand.


更多网络解释与提供信息地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


DACSVI-2000能自动地将信号类和设备类的缺陷(defect)和告警(alarm)以及告警清除等信息以时间顺序依次记录. 同时系统会记录以不同用户名登录的操作者所执行的命令. DACSVI-2000提供15min或24h的性能监视管理.



Provides consistent feedback constructively:提供建设性的反馈信息

ü Treats all team members equally and fairly. 平等、公正地对待所有的团队成... | ü Provides consistent feedback constructively. 提供建设性的反馈信息 | ü Develops team members effectively. 有效地发展团队成...


使企业内部人员方便快捷地共享信息,高效地协同工作;改变过去复杂、低效的手工办公方式,实现迅速、全方位的信息采集、信息处理,为企业的管理和决策提供科学的依据,提高企业内人员之间沟通(Communication)、 协作(Cooperation)和控制(Control) 水平,

file transfer:文件传输

Internet向用户提供的各种功能称为"Internet的信息服务",其最基本的服务方式是电子邮件(E-mail)、文件传输(File Transfer)和远程登录(Remote Login). 为了帮助用户从浩瀚的信息海洋中方便地获取信息,人们又开发了一系列信息检索服务,


一个提供信息的(informative)的散点图可以揭示数据集的临界的、潜在的或许可能的或许丢失的特征,并且也可以起到对复杂统计分析的可视控制作用. 例如,在几个MS 数据集上的 一个"heat" 地图清楚地演示了在原始数据集上的某些内在的问题 (Baggerly 等,



accounting period:会计分期

其中会计主体(Enfity)假设、持续经营(Going Concern)假设、会计分期(Ac...会计分期会计分期(Accounting Period)是指会计核算人为地划分为若干个时间间隔相等的时期,以便提供会计信息,便于比较会计信息.

information service industry:信息服务业

>将信息服务业(Information Service Industry)定义为:有效地运用信息加工机器对信息资源科学地加工并将结果提供给顾客以获取收益的行业.

touring club:旅游俱乐部

在此情况下,可以全面地安排自己到达意大利的行程. 网站中致力于成员展览中心的栏目还通过与旅游俱乐部(Touring Club)合作创建的微型信息网页向前来我国的外国参观者提供了有益的信息指导.