英语人>词典>汉英 : 控诉者 的英文翻译,例句
控诉者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accuser  ·  charger  ·  accusant

更多网络例句与控诉者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We haven't heard him crying ageism - he has just got on with the job of trying to persuade his critics otherwise.


We strongly urge International Criminal Court to take an immediate investigation into our complaints, and to charge these secret fascist criminals who heavily violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime, and to make a historic great contribution to guarantee the fundamental human rights of all the human beings!!


Serial Harasser - Harassers of this type carefully build up an image so that people would find it hard to believe they would do anyone any harm. They plan their approaches carefully, and strike in private so that it is their word against that of their victims.


By describing those tramps'miserable life, the writer uncovers the cruel reality of Russian society and condemns the evil society indignantly. Second, Luke-the reprehensive of sympathy.


If any man upbraid his shopmate ,or any member of society ,or stranger ,of his country or anything relating thereto ,or use any other abusive language ,so as thereby to cause disgust ,the same shall be reported to the first committee or body meeting, or on the regular meeting night ,when an impartial investigation of the charges shall take place ,and if the accused is found guilty ,he or they shallbe fined according to the enormity of the offence ,and such fine to go towards the deficiencies of the society.


According to the complaint, Cottec, John Aucella and Eugene Aucella are liable for the violations as controlling persons of ICE and aiders and abettors of the fraudulent solicitations.

根据控诉, cottec ,约翰aucella和Eugene aucella次被侵犯作为管制者冰协助及教唆的欺诈性募捐。

The accusers point to the link between the volume of transactions on the futures markets and the price of oil.


Story background : Prosecutors in east China have charged a group of 22 alleged swingers with criminal licentiousness, state media said Wednesday, stoking calls for greater sexual freedom in the Asian country.

背景:有媒体称,中国东部的检察官控诉22名交换性伴侣者以&聚众淫乱罪&,亚洲国家性自由的呼吁。Winger 时髦的人,性开放者,交换性伴侣者

Less than a week old, it already has Westminster agog with its well-sourced but roundly denied allegations, serialised in the Observer weekly newspaper for which Mr Rawnsley writes.


更多网络解释与控诉者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


质(humor)上的两种差异,亦即平民与贵族在政治生活各自展现所出现的斗争、不合控诉(accusation)的探讨. 对负有捍卫城邦自由者而言,其最有用且必须(useful and necessary)的权威莫过于当公民有灭. 其次,当人民不满某位公民时,


牐燗cession-year system 登基年的制度290 | 牐燗ccuser控诉者338 | 牐燗chor,Valley of亚割谷(亚干被掷石)284


appellate 上诉的 | appellee 被控诉者;被上诉人 | appellee 被控诉者被上诉人

Erin Brockvich:(永不妥协,又名:爱琳.布洛科维奇或亿万控诉)

230) Eraser (蒸发密令,又名:毁灭者) | 231) Erin Brockvich (永不妥协,又名:爱琳.布洛科维奇或亿万控诉) | 233) Escape Under Pressure (魂断爱琴海,又名:迷离深海)


accuser 原告,控诉人 | refuser 拒绝者 | diffuser传播者


accusable | 可指控的, 有可非难之处的 | accusant | 控诉者 | accusation | 谴责, 指控

accusatorial:控告者的, 责问的

accusative | & 宾格(的), 宾语(的) | accusatorial | 控告者的, 责问的 | accusatory | 非难的, 控诉的, 指责的

accusatory:非难的, 控诉的, 指责的

accusatorial | 控告者的, 责问的 | accusatory | 非难的, 控诉的, 指责的 | accuse of | 因某事控告某人


accusatorial /控告者的/责问的/ | accusatory /非难的/问罪的/控诉的/ | accused /被告/


Horkheimer在其<<批判理论>>(Critical Theory)书中,直言无讳地把宗教视为过去世代对不公义"控诉"(accusations)记录的表徵. 2 这样的观点与马克思的看法大同小异,马克思是把宗教视为被压迫者对不公义苦难的抗议,而且寻求一个更有人性的社会.