英语人>词典>汉英 : 接通电源 的英文翻译,例句
接通电源 的英文翻译、例句


plug in
更多网络例句与接通电源相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the air arm will plug into the console of the air interface, will be imported arm with his left arm, the arm of one end zone to pull the lateral, while fixed-arm with the location, with a cloth deduction to be fixed, connected to the power of the state , Press button to stop automatically measured, the measurement results show that after the end of measurement.


Instead of doctoring the machine, he is to go direct to the power house and change the current.


Lin Jingshan the company's Chief Engineer had personally on three of the heater heating method (commonly known as Little Miss Sunshine) to compare the speed of the hot and cold: The hand on heater in front of about 60 centimeters, to be followed by access to power: iodine-tungsten lamp quartz tube the thermal radiation immediately communicated to the hand; electric heating film about two to three seconds will be communicated to the hot hand; and the hot filament resistance will require more than 6 seconds.


Note that in accordance with reset button, you find the device with a diameter of about 2 mm hole in the access to power supply conditions, such as using refillable stamp hard things get, at the same time the need to maintain this state more than 10 seconds to reset the successful operator.


The lifetime of the scintillometer has been extended and the application environment has been widened.The scintillomenter has a 51 series of microcomputer with a powerful 89c52-core.As soon as connected to the power an...

仪器主机选用了功能强大的 51系列单片微机芯 89C52为核心,只要接通电源,输入各项选择参数,仪器即可长期运行,产出可靠数据,入地震传输网即可传输,是对气氡监测首选的仪器。

The shutter may release if the release cable is connected to the camera when the power is on.


To prevent the power supply connected to a wrong direction, the user first powered on, first open the manual to semi-open position, check the instructions at the plate by electric switch direction and consistent with the direction the Check Valves valve can be closed.


Observing the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the hugely familiar and awkward encounter between Michelangelo's God and Man through their index fingers, Tallis identifies an intuitive indication of the central role of the index finger in making us unique.


Function: Throws the coin fixed time electrically operated wobbler: Puts through the power source, will invest a Yuan coin, the controller automatic accumulation counting, the machine around up and down will swing, simultaneously will broadcast the nursery song, will press the push button immediately, will make eight kind of simulation sounds, the time, automatic stopping.

概述: 功能:投币定时电动摇摆机:接通电源,投入一元硬币,控制器自动累计计数,机器就会前后上下摇摆,同时播放儿歌,即时按按纽,会发出八种模拟声响,时间到,自动停止。若要移动,只需一只手从前面功能:投币定时电动摇摆机:接通电源,投入一元硬币,控制器自动累计计数,机器就会前后上下摇摆,同时播放儿歌,即时按按纽,会发出八种模拟声响,时间到,自动停止。

Function: Throws the coin fixed time electrically operated wobbler: Puts through the power source, will invest a Yuan coin, the controller automatic accumulation counting, the machine around up and down will swing, simultaneously will broadcast the nursery song, will press the push button immediately, will make eight kind of simulation sounds, the time, automatic stopping.


更多网络解释与接通电源相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Major chord:大三

Main 电源,主要的 | Major chord 大三*** | Make 接通,闭合

hot wire:热线

核心部分为温度依赖性电阻元件,热线(hot wire)或热珠(thermistor bead)接通电源时该元件加温,当气流通过热敏件时可使其温度下降,并改变电阻,(热珠温度下降时电阻增加,热线温度下降时电阻减少).

nail file:锉

但不要靠近门.那三块坚着的感应板会让你的项圈电人.门旁是开关,下面是插座.选择刚才拔下的电视天线,对开关使用,接通电源.再查看电视机后面坚着的感应板,发现有块板下面可以打开.取出指甲锉(nail file),拧开螺丝,再用拔下的电线接入,

overload protection:过载保护

出噪声(Output Noise)电源的直流输出端可能出现的额定输出功率(Output Power Rating)在保持安全机构输出电压精度(Output Voltage Accuracy)请参看"设过载保护(Overload Protection )过载状态下限制输出电过冲(Overshoot)电源接通或关断时,

pluck up:连根拔起,根除;振作起来,鼓起勇气

43plough under使消失,埋葬掉 | 44pluck up连根拔起,根除;振作起来,鼓起勇气 | 45plug in插入,插上插头(以接通电源)




SORPTOMATIC-1900型吸附仪系意大利卡劳尔巴(CARLO ERBA)仪器公司出品,采用经典的静态氮吸附法测定样品的比表面积、孔体积及孔径分布. 接通电源,将机体背后的电源(SUPPLY)及机械泵(PUMP)的开关打向ON的方向.

switch on:接通(电源)

这是住在中国南京估计是对变形金刚(transformer)强烈的爱好者制作的真实比例(real-size)变形金刚. 嘛阿但是即使接通电源(switch on)也不能成为真正的变形金刚. 反正现在作出这种东西也是要移送至transformer部队 人民解放军什么的吧.

he can plug a toaster in and wait 'till daddy's nice and warm:接通烤箱的电源,等到爸爸在澡盆里温暖舒适时

He can draw a hot bath. 他能画一个热气腾腾的澡盆 | He can plug a toaster in and wait 'till daddy's nice and warm 接通烤箱的电源,等到爸爸在澡盆里温暖舒适时 | And toss it in. 再把它丢进去


RS-232C 和IEEE-488 接口命令使用国际惯用的可程控仪器标准命令(SCPI)格式编写,内部(INT)、外部(EXT)、总线(BUS)、手动(MAN)2 电源开关(POWER) 接通或切断220V 市电,处于按下位置时,接通4 软键(SOFTKEYs) 这部分五个键的功能是"软的",