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接近者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Therefore the gazer would take more actions, so he/she became a follower/stalker who started to collect pieces of the loved one.


In the past many young people journeyed to India and the Far East, hoping to find some peace of mind and to discover the secrets of the Eastern spiritual masters, who, after a long process of self-mortification, frequently radiate a more genuine kind of love that touches the people they meet.


Results All cases became amenorrheic during GnRH-α therapy. The enlarged uteri all decreased to normal or near normal size. Menstruation returned in 80~90 days after cessation of treatment. Three cases conceived within four menstrual periods. One of them resulted in the birth of a healthy 3 150 g male at 38 weeks gestation by cesarean section. The second pregnancy resulting after adenomyomectomy was terminated by emergent cesarean section at 30 weeks gestation because of threatened rupture of uterus. The third is now normal at 28 weeks pregnancy .The fourth has had 2 menstrual periods and is still being followed up.

结果 GnRH-α用药期间4例均闭经,血雌二醇于用药的第3周降到绝经期水平;用药6次后增大的子宫缩小至正常或接近正常。1例子宫后壁局限性腺肌瘤未行手术切除者,用药后腺肌瘤缩小73.7%。3例于腹腔镜术后、停药转经的4个月内妊娠;另1例停药转经2个月,现在随访中。3例妊娠转归:1例足月剖宫产分娩;1例手术切除肌壁间腺肌瘤者,孕30周时因先兆子宫破裂急诊行剖宫产术;1例目前孕22周。

Their fecundity outcome were followed-up after cessation of GnRH-α treatment. Results All cases became amenorrheic during GnRH-α therapy. The enlarged uteri all decreased to normal or near normal size. Menstruation returned in 80~90 days after cessation of treatment. Three cases conceived within four menstrual periods. One of them resulted in the birth of a healthy 3 150 g male at 38 weeks gestation by cesarean section. The second pregnancy resulting after adenomyomectomy was terminated by emergent cesarean section at 30 weeks gestation because of threatened rupture of uterus.

结果 GnRH-α用药期间4例均闭经,血雌二醇于用药的第3周降到绝经期水平;用药6次后增大的子宫缩小至正常或接近正常。1例子宫后壁局限性腺肌瘤未行手术切除者,用药后腺肌瘤缩小73.7%。3例于腹腔镜术后、停药转经的4个月内妊娠;另1例停药转经2个月,现在随访中。3例妊娠转归:1例足月剖宫产分娩;1例手术切除肌壁间腺肌瘤者,孕30周时因先兆子宫破裂急诊行剖宫产术;1例目前孕22周。

He CD4〓 T-cell viability determined by the trypan blue test was over 90%. PBMCs from the recipients, after inactivated, were added in 96-well culture plates with donor CD4〓 T-cell cocultured at 37℃ for 24 hours, TJU103 and CTLA4-Ig were given for additional 48 hours coculture. The CD4〓 T-cell was collected and washed as anergic CD4〓 T-cell.


Their metabolism provides organoleptic qualities to several traditional FM and cheeses, and more recently, to new fermented milks.


Pulse of been extracted in different scales of energy feature is classified by fuzzy cluster analysis and come into being standard pulse model bank, which is used to help unsorted pulse find the closest pulse in standard pulse model bank by fuzzy diagnosis.


As these trends converge, diasporas will move even closer to centre stage in the delivery of succour to the needy.


A person who stays away from power, profit and luxury is clean. However, a man who stays near them but is free from their influence is even cleaner. He who is ignorant of tactics and tricks is noble. Nevertheless,a person who knows them well but distains to use them is even nobler.


Th easy answer is to blame incompetent or impotent sultans.As the Turks used to say,"Balik basdan kokar"("the fish stinks from the head"). The Reforming Sultans and Vizirs There is,as usual in such popular accounts,a germ of truth in all this.Conditions were getting worse.No one denies the insanity of Sultan Ibrhim (r.1640-1648),who had his 280 concubines tied up in sacks and drowned in Bosporus.MustafaⅡ(r.1695-1703)was wrong to insist on leading his troops into battle.His catastrophic defeat at the hands of Prince Eugen of Savoy,the military genius of the age,cost the Ottomans an army,the province of Hungary,and their military prestige.Drinking problems and harem intrigues afflicted the later sultans far more than they had the first ten. In addition,there were menbers of the ruling class who milked the Ottoman system to enrich themselves while failing to perform their duties.

奥斯曼无力改变的关系,我们可以追踪中东和西方的一连串事件日期:1683年土耳其人未能karlowitz条约,割让匈牙利帝国;他们于1699年签署的一项条约karlowitz割让匈牙利的哈布斯堡王朝和爱琴海沿岸的venetians;他们在1718年签署的欧洲以外更多土地; 1774年俄罗斯获准与他们失去了克里米亚代表正统基督教的科目; 1798年拿破仑占领和侵略palestine.meanwhile埃及和其他穆斯林王朝,如帖木儿王朝印度,以及其继承人safavids伊朗、摩洛哥sharifian统治者,也可能转弱前安装十八世纪土耳其人europe.but最接近者的新权力,传统上作为战斗ghazis为伊斯兰教主张失去其最lands.my板如果欧洲人对重点何故被奥斯曼帝国。

更多网络解释与接近者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

approximator:近似者, 接近者

approximatively | 近似地, 接近地 | approximator | 近似者, 接近者 | appui | 支撑支持

buck fever:无经验猎者初见猎物接近时紧张兴奋的心情

buck basket | 洗衣筐 | buck fever | 无经验猎者初见猎物接近时紧张兴奋的心情 | buck for | 谋求

The closest continuer:最接近的连续者

Reduplication argument 倍增论证 | The closest continuer 最接近的连续者 | The multiple occupancy theory 多元占位理论

New England Patriots:新英格蘭愛國者隊

这去年11月,在对阵印地安那波里斯小马队(Indianapolis Colts)的美式橄榄球赛接近尾声时,新英格兰爱国者队(New England Patriots)主教练比尔?贝里提克(Bill Belichick)命令球队带球跑动,而不是踢球. 他的决定让爱国者队输掉了那场比赛.


prowler 徘徊者 | proximal 最接近的 | proximate 最近的

Flat swing:平挥杆:指以接近横向的打法挥杆,这是矮个子的挥杆法

Flange 厚底(杆头底部较厚者) | Flat swing 平挥杆:指以接近横向的打法挥杆,这是矮个子的挥杆法 | Floater 浮球(水面浮动的球)

Veda Gamya:因為研究韋達經典可以接近她,所以她也叫

因為她是韋達經典的至高目標,所以她也叫Veda Para | 因為研究韋達經典可以接近她,所以她也叫Veda Gamya; | 因為她是所有哲學家當中最具智慧者,所以她也叫Vid-Uttama;


abonne,-e 预定(约)者 | abord 接近,靠近 | abordage 靠岸,登陆

approximatively:近似地, 接近地

approximative | 近似的, 接近的 | approximatively | 近似地, 接近地 | approximator | 近似者, 接近者


approximator || 近似者, 接近者 | appui || 支撑支持 | appulse || 趋向, 撞击