英语人>词典>汉英 : 接近中性的 的英文翻译,例句
接近中性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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When the pH of the electrolyte is 7.0 and the temperature is close to 40℃ the electrochemical activity of DNR at the β-CD modified electrode is best.


It is found that the concentration of sulfuric acid in liquid and the reaction temperature are the most sensitive factors for this process. Increasing the ratio of solid to liquid is disadvantageous for growth of crystals even though it does not effect obviously for the rate of dehydration of FGD gypsum. On the other hand,the more closed to the neutral range of pH value the liquid is adjusted,the better stability of the α-form calcium sulfate hemihydrate appear,the more favorable for modification of crystal habit the process is made.


The median time to achieve a neutrophile count of 0.5×109/L was 10 days after the last dose of chemotherapy in regimen A,and the time was 16 days in regimen B.The average SLEDAI decreased from 9.2 to 4.4,and the proteinuria decreased from to (0~+) in 3 weeks after the treatment.Two cases with complication of hemolytic anemia and 1 with thrombocytopenia before the treatment recovered to normal or nearly normal hemogram respectively.Among these 5 cases,1 patient had a short time improvement during the therapy,but died 50 days later because of refractory thrombosis of renal vein; 4 other patients achieved complete or partial remission within 5~16 months follow-up.

结果方案1从CTX结束算起,中性粒细胞恢复到0.5×109/L平均需10d,方案2从Ara-C结束起,中性粒细胞恢复到0.5×109/L需16d;治疗3周时 SLEDAI平均从9.2降至4.4,尿蛋白从降至(0~+),合并有重度难治性贫血或血小板减少者,治疗后血红蛋白或血小板分别恢复正常或接近正常;方案2治疗的1例由于肾血管血栓形成未能控制,病情短暂好转后再度恶化,1个月后死于DIC和肾功能衰竭;另4例随访5~16个月,病情基本控制。

The diagram above shows that those pigs that were hit (negative reactions – red bars) took much longer to come forward and interact with the stockman than those pigs which had had no interaction with stockmen and those that had been stroked in a positive way.


In paddy soils,a better response to magnesium fertilizer was found in milk vetch than in the suc- ceedi...


更多网络解释与接近中性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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