英语人>词典>汉英 : 掌部的 的英文翻译,例句
掌部的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与掌部的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leaves simple, mostly palmately lobed or parted; sepals valvate, epicalyx segments present; stamens 1–5; style basal or sub-basal; flowers usually in corymbose cymes, always bisexual.


Palm'.'' of the hand in palmistry.


Any of the seven fleshy cushions around the edges of the palm of the hand in palmistry.


Leaves digitately 3-foliolate or 1-foliolate; ovary in bisexual and female flowers with carpels connate at base, otherwise contiguous; fruit of 1-4 basally connate follicles.

掌状的叶具3小叶或单身复叶;在两性和雌花具心皮在基部合生里的子房,否则邻接; 1-4基部合生蓇葖果的果。 4 Melicope 蜜茱萸属

Leaf blade palmately 3(-5)-veined at base, base deeply cordate; corona lobes with a hooklike spur at base of back.


Methods The damaged second metacarpophalangeal joint,distal part of the second metacarpal and proximal part of the proximal phalanx were dissected.The metatarsophalangeal joint was transferred to the region of metacarpophalangeal joint of hand.The dorsal pedis artery Was anastomosed to the radial artery ,and the great saphenous vein Was anastomosed to the cephalic vein at anatomical snuf-box. The dissected bones of the hand removed of the cartilage of joint and soft tissue were grafted back to the donor site of the foot.


Results The computational results of force and pressure transmission through normal carpus matched well with previous studies. The release of TCL resulted in radial and palmar displacement of the scaphoid, flexion and radial rotation of radiocarpal joint as well as a further radial deviation of the whole carpal tunnel.

结果 腕部载荷传递及关节接触应力分布情况与前人实验数据相当接近;腕横韧带的切除导致舟骨发生向桡侧和掌侧的偏移,以及掌向屈曲和向桡侧的转动,而整个腕管结构则产生更大的桡侧偏移。

"The clinical pattern of numerous small red maculae or reticular erythema and pale maculae in the palms of skin atopic persons may be an additional diagnostic feature and sere as the first clue for the ealuation of atopic risk in indiiduals, iewed in conjunction with the person's medical history and the hyperlinearity of the palms," the researchers write.


Methods Zigzag incision was cut in the side of palm of fingers and the operation was performed under the magnifying glass with the trochleae retained. The mass was removed with affacted tenden sheath and synovium sheath. Results 12 patients were treated.


Back to anti-static cloth production, palm point polyester PVC beads, can effectively..


更多网络解释与掌部的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第一部记名演出的电影是95年雅莉茜亚萧华史东(Alicia Silverstone)主演的>(Clueless),标志着布坦妮演艺事业的突破. 1996年,>(Legally Blonde)女主角莉丝韦特斯潘(Reese Witherspoon)有份演出的>(Freeway),


9210被诺基亚命名为"通讯器"(Communicator)而非"手机",名称上对手机的淡化其实质是对通话功能的弱处理和对掌上电脑功能的强化. 诺基亚亚太区移动电话部高级副总裁NigelLitchfield说:"9210通讯器帮助我们朝移动互联网社会迈进了重要的一步. "


metaboly 物质交替 | metacarpal 掌部的 | metacarpus 掌部


metacarpal 掌部的 | metacarpus 掌部 | metacenter 定倾中心


而为了让不擅长动作操作的玩家也能充分享受到游戏乐趣,因此 官方特地在一开始最初的选单画面中加入了难易度设定的部份,让玩家可以依照自己的喜好来设定. 在游戏里,玩家将扮演一名因为掌得跟英雄"西格蒙德"(Sigmund)几乎一...[省略]

Stasis field:靜態力場

与静态力场(Stasis Field)不同的是,在晕眩的同时可以被攻击,这也是这个魔法较为有用的部份. 不过最神秘的,应该是心灵掌控(Mind Control)了,在用这招的时候,暗黑执政官的护盾会全部消失,变得脆弱无比,换来的却是可以永久的控制目标单位,


metabolize 新陈代谢 | metaboly 物质交替 | metacarpal 掌部的

ulnar artery:尺动脉

肱动脉在肘区延续并分支为外侧的桡动脉(RADIAL ARTERY)和内侧的尺动脉(ULNAR ARTERY),两动脉在掌部吻合为掌浅弓和掌深弓(DEEP AND SUPERFICIAL PALMAR ARCH),进而分出多条指动脉(DIGITAL ARTERIES),指动脉行走于指骨的两侧.

claw hand:爪形手

手部关节包括腕(wrist)关节对掌(thumb opposition)活动对掌(thumb opposition)运动尺神经损伤:"爪形手" (claw hand)畸形桡神经损伤:"垂腕" (wrist drop)畸形正中神经损伤:"猿手" (monkey's hand)畸形(7)鹅颈指(swan-neck finger):近侧的指间关节梭状肿大呈过度背伸,

Wrist Drop:垂腕

手部关节包括腕(wrist)关节对掌(thumb opposition)活动对掌(thumb opposition)运动尺神经损伤:"爪形手" (claw hand)畸形桡神经损伤:"垂腕" (wrist drop)畸形正中神经损伤:"猿手" (monkey's hand)畸形(7)鹅颈指(swan-neck finger):近侧的指间关节梭状肿大呈过度背伸,