英语人>词典>汉英 : 挥霍 的英文翻译,例句
挥霍 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
devour  ·  extravagancy  ·  prodigality  ·  profusion  ·  riot  ·  splurge  ·  wanton  ·  wastefulness  ·  devourment  ·  devouring  ·  prodigalize  ·  rioting  ·  devoured  ·  devours  ·  prodigalities  ·  rioted  ·  riots  ·  splurged  ·  splurges  ·  splurging  ·  wantoned  ·  wantoning  ·  wantons  ·  extravagances  ·  wastery  ·  wastry

run through · go the pace · play the prodigal · splash one's money about · be profuse in · spend lavishly · spend freely
更多网络例句与挥霍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To spend or intemperately or wastefully squander .


To spend or expend intemperately or wastefully;squander.


Great nations are never impoverished by private,though they sometimes are by public prodigality and misconduct


It's not so much the sounds of Rossini's "Thieving Magpie Overture" or a swinging "Valencia" we hear as those of children's laughter when the world was young and the brass ring there for the grabbing.


It's not so much the sounds of Rossini's "Thieving Ma gpie Overture" or a swinging "Valencia" we hear as those of children's laughter when the w orld was young and the brass ring there for the grabbing.

勤俭持家的人是不可能这样做的,所以引申义是"某人将金钱挥霍掉",而这个短语中"burn"本来就有"挥霍"的意思,例如在 19 世纪美国铁路日志上的一段话:。。

These smart-ass lavish thire sperms, but do not know this also lavish their opportunities! When you treat love as a game, love will see you as nothing. There's no who should say sorry to whom in the world, but there should be who didn't know to cherish whom.


I hope one day,i can burden the travl bag to see the mountain unseen,to pass the river unexperienced,to spend the youth that is not spent,to remember the recollections that are not recollected.


If, for example, a man, through intemperance or extravagance, becomes unable to pay his debts, or, having undertaken the moral responsibility of a family, becomes from the same cause incapable of supporting or educating them, he is deservedly reprobated, and might be justly punished; but it is for the breach of duty to his family or creditors, not for the extravagance.


Still , the Gulf's splurge might be better spent if governments were doing even less of the splurging .


George Loewenstein, a professor of economics and psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, in a separate study called " Tightwads and Spendthrifts" published last year, found that the degree people feel of a "pain of paying" determines if they are a "tightwad" or a "spendthrift."


更多网络解释与挥霍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


extravagance /浪费/挥霍无度/毫无道理的/过度/放肆的言行/ | extravagancy /浪费/挥霍/ | extremeness /极端/非常/最后/

kiss away:吻掉(用吻来消除忧愁、眼泪等);由于荒淫而挥霍掉(钱财等)

steal a kiss 偷吻, 冷不防接个吻 | kiss away 吻掉(用吻来消除忧愁、眼泪等);由于荒淫而挥霍掉(钱财等) | (He kissed away a large fortune. 他寻花问柳, 挥霍掉大笔家产. )

profligacy: n.1:放荡,荒淫,行为不检 2.挥霍浪费

extravagant: a.铺张的,侈奢的,挥霍浪费的 | profligacy: n.1.放荡,荒淫,行为不检 2.挥霍浪费 | austere: a.1.严峻的,严厉的,严酷的 2.禁欲的 3.朴素的,简朴的

profligacy: n.1:放荡,荒淫,做法不检 2.挥霍浪费

extravagant: a.铺张的,侈奢的,挥霍浪费的 | profligacy: n.1.放荡,荒淫,做法不检 2.挥霍浪费 | austere: a.1.严峻的,严厉的,严酷的 2.禁欲的 3.朴素的,简朴的

profligate : demand:挥霍者 : 要求 要求者的特征是要求

profiteer : consume 奸商,投机商:消费 奸商的特性特征是投机 | profligate : demand 挥霍者 : 要求 要求者的特征是要求 | prodigal : squander 挥霍者 : 挥霍 正确答案


恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty | 挥霍浪费 spendthrift | 挥霍浪费 waste

WESTBANK spendthrift:挥霍浪费

恢复行使主权 WESTBANK resume the exercise of sovereignty | 挥霍浪费 WESTBANK spendthrift | 挥霍浪费 WESTBANK waste


splotchy /弄的/有污渍的/ | splurge /炫耀/夸示/卖弄/挥霍/ | splurge on /挥霍/浪费/

splurge on:挥霍/浪费

splurge /炫耀/夸示/卖弄/挥霍/ | splurge on /挥霍/浪费/ | splutter /咕哝/急语/

squanderer:挥霍者 (名)

squander 浪费, 挥霍 (动) | squanderer 挥霍者 (名) | square away 迎风扬帆, 摆好姿势, 把一切弄整齐