英语人>词典>汉英 : 挈 的英文翻译,例句
挈 的英文翻译、例句

take along
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Zong Bai-hua, the prominent aesthetician in the history of Chinese aesthetics in 20th century has made many original achievements by study of art experience.


In 1975, your emergence, the setting sun also dyes red day, originally you are legendary feather springs Celebrate you to meet in 1998, oscular details in the vegetables City, now whether will also present to public In 1999, your shoulder also combines a shoulder, promising the wish of 默挈, hence appearing the most beautiful appearance In 2000, you 《cruelty exactly 》of battle cry, infuse into again for the music fresh, you the classic of certain that time generation In 2003,《didn't you not go 》of remember fondly, muddled asseveration, deeply grave in unexpectedly between the heart In 2004, red May of around-the-clock expect, you flow tear falls water of for an instant, but became world forever~!

1975年,你们的出现,夕阳也染红了天,原来你们就是传说中的羽泉 1998年,纪念你们的相见,菜市口的情节,如今是否还会上演 1999年,你们肩也并着肩,许下默的心愿,于是出现了最美的画面 2000年,你们《冷酷到底》的呐喊,为乐坛再一次注入新鲜,你们一定是时代的经典 2003年,《没你不行》的思念,懵懂的誓言,竟深深铭刻在心间 2004年,红五月的日夜期盼,你们流下泪水的一瞬间,却化成了世间的永远~!

A review on change process of the branching portion in the south--north branches, the south--north channels and the south--north passages is made.


"Mr. Rouncewell," says Sir Leicester, with his right hand in the breast of his blue coat—the attitude of state in which he is painted in the gallery:"do you draw a parallel between Chesney Wold, and a--" here he resists a disposition to choke—"a factory?"


Everybody here has got a story about a grandparent or a great-grandparent who worked in a coal mine, who worked in a tough factory, maybe got injured somewhere, but they said 'you know what, I may not have a home, but if I work hard enough, someday my child, my grand-child they'll have a home they can call their own.

还有一个人就是丹中尉,本来想战死沙场,可阿甘把他救回来成了一个失去双腿的 crippled ,感觉苟且偷生的他领取着综援,自暴自弃,一个意气风发的将军突然成了社会上最底层的人(幸好他后来在阿甘的带下有个好的结局)。

Past Canadian prime ministers have normally asked the governor-general (who acts as Canada's head of state) to prorogue Parliament only after the government has completed most of its legislative business in order to start afresh with a new speech from the throne outlining new priorities.


There was his team's soccer game, his church was having a special mission rally for the children, and a movie he really wanted to see would showa?|.


Is set development, development, production was one of the high-tech enterprises, with many years of rich experience in the field of automation and continued to forge ahead, relying on the staff of sincere cooperation, pragmatic innovation, respect off work, service and quality of both the spirit of enterprise culture ,承蒙new and old customers of the support and trust companies in the fierce market competition in the development of healthy, and orderly-like, so far, the products have been throughout most of China, has been used in building materials, metallurgy, iron and steel, chemicals, food and Industrial washing equipment, and other fields, and deeply benefit from the various sectors of the real peer education and goodwill Tiqie.


In fact the flight of Shun together with his father amounts to a kind of passive resistance.


The search narrowed down to one plane, the B-25 Mitchell medium bomber.


更多网络解释与挈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


让他想到了二十世纪重要的荒诞剧场先驱皮蓝德律(Luigi Pirandello)的作品>(Henry IV);而站在一个东方式的凉亭前,他似乎看到了普尼歌剧>中的乔乔桑马上就要撑着小凉伞走出来......海伊(Hay)是威尔士一个美丽的小镇,


[on.cc专讯] 陈豪(Moses)出席BALLY 08秋冬时装骚,被问到近况,他指在新年后忙到一浪接一浪,全靠夺得视帝带,Moses又表示和好友廖碧儿一样,看好买楼会保值.

Gioacchino Rossini:吉奥阿基诺.罗四尼

古斯塔夫.马勒 -- Gustav Mahler | 吉奥阿基诺.罗四尼 -- Gioacchino Rossini | 吉亚卡摩.普尼 -- Giacomo Puccini

teacher's desk:讲台 ----提挈师德师课

computer 计算机--康普特 | teacher's desk讲台 ----提师德师课 | wall 墙--蜗

hoistway door:厅门

hoistway access switch 井道通道开关 | hoistway door 厅门 | hoistway door catch 门厅,厅门捕捉器

Giacomo Puccini:吉亚卡摩.普挈尼

吉奥阿基诺.罗四尼 -- Gioacchino Rossini | 吉亚卡摩.普尼 -- Giacomo Puccini | 安东尼.德沃夏克 -- Antonin Dvorak