英语人>词典>汉英 : 持有股份的 的英文翻译,例句
持有股份的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与持有股份的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Disclosed today, the company on November 3 Shenzhen securities trading system after closing Shenzhen received Mao Building Industry Co., Ltd. fax letter, Mao Building industry since last month the company began to buy the company A shares, the transaction price of District 324 yuan/share -3.97 yuan/share, as of November 3 closing, Mao Building Industry Total 8,191,418 shares held by company A shares; Mao Building industry investment concerted action the National People's Congress Co., Ltd. since Last month, the company began to buy B shares, the transaction price of 1.69 Hong Kong dollar area/-2.17 HK shares/shares, as of November 3 to close, large investment in China a total of 3,051,800 shares held by company B shares.


As a joint venture fund companies, the shares before the change, Hebei Securities and Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. are held by the Fund to finance 40% stake in a new era of security holders 20% of the shares.


At the shareholders meeting angry farmer-shareholders accused management of putting growers "on the scrapheap", and "walking out on Irish agriculture".


In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu.


As we have learned, alibaba was changed 1 billion dollar is adscititiously to Yahoo company with the equity of 39% 2005 Yahoo when control counterpoises, already decided in the agreement, if Yahoo is bought by other company, equity control advantageous position will produce the Alibaba of Yahoo place hold move, what Alibaba owns pair of Yahoo hold share is preferential counter-purchase authority.


Once any such stock certificate is issued and during the period that the Plan holds the Restricted Shares, Officer shall be entitled to all rights associated with the ownership of shares of Common Stock not so held, except as follows: if additional shares of Common Stock become issuable to Officer with respect to Restricted Shares due to an event described in Section 6 below, any stock certificate representing such shares shall be issued in the name of the Plan and delivered to the Committee or its representative and those shares of Common Stock shall be treated as additional Restricted Shares and shall be subject to forfeiture to the same extent as the shares of Restricted Shares to which they relate; if cash dividends are paid on any shares of Common Stock subject to the terms of this Agreement, those dividends shall be reinvested in shares of Common Stock and any stock certificate representing such shares shall be issued in the name of the Plan and delivered to the Committee or its representative and those shares of Common Stock shall be treated as additional Restricted Shares and shall be subject to forfeiture to the same extent as any other Restricted Shares; and Officer shall have no rights inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, such as the restrictions on transfer described in Section 4 below.


Article 13 Where a listed company is taken over by agreement, if the purchaser continues to increase shareholding or aggrandizing the control of the listed company after he comes to hold or control 30 percent of the shares issued by the listed company, he shall issue a takeover offer to all shareholders of the listed company to be taken over, which indicates a proposal to buy all the shares held by all the shareholders; if the takeover offer complies with the provisions stipulated in Chapter IV of these Measures, the purchaser may submit an application to the SCRC for exemption; upon exemption, the listed company may be taken over by agreement.


Every person whose name is entered as a member in the share register being the holder of registered shares, and every person who subscribes for shares issued to bearer, shall, without payment, be entitled to a certificate signed by two directors or two officers or by one director and one officer of the Company or under the common seal of the Company with or without the signature of any director or officer of the Company specifying the share or shares held and the par value thereof , provided that in respect of a registered share, or shares, held jointly by several persons the Company shall not be bound to issue more than one certificate, and delivery of a certificate for a share to one of several joint holder shall be sufficient delivery to all.


Shanghai Automotive Industry Sales Corporation, a subsidiary of SAGC, has a 50 per cent share of the joint venture, and Shell China Holdings B.V. and Shell Limited hold a 40 per cent share and 10 per cent share respectively.


Kweichow Moutai hundred dollars in order to hold the title of shares, funds take the initiative to prop up the market price挂单hundred dollars, funds up to a few tens of millions of dollars.


更多网络解释与持有股份的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Affiliated company, affiliated corporation:联络公司 (与持有其股份的公司发生联系的公司)

Advice of drawing 支汇票通知书 | Affiliated company, affiliated corporation 联络公司 (与持有其股份的公司发生联系的公司) | Affiliated interests 联络股权

Disney world:迪斯尼乐园

以及持有生活(Lifetime)、A&E和历史(History)等频道的大部分股份;音乐唱片公司,包括好莱坞(Hollywood),Mammoth 和沃尔特.迪斯尼(Walt Disney)等品牌;世界上最大的主题公园和游乐场,包括Disneyland,迪斯尼乐园(Disney World)以及持有EuroDisney的股份;

bank holding company:银行持股公司

根据美联储的定义,银行持股公司(Bank Holding Company)是指直接或间接地控制一家或多家银行25%以上表决权股份的公司. 在某些情况下,尽管公司持有的股权低于25%,但它能通过其它方式有效控制银行董事会的选举,并有能力对银行经营管理决策施加决定性影响,


公司的市场价值低于其公开交易部分之和(即母公司(parent)拥有子公司(subsidiary)的股份(并不一定要超过50%),但母公司的市场价值低于其持有的子公司股份的价值)--这被称为"负自有价值"(negative stub values).

Convertible preferred stock:可转换优先股

几乎所有的VC选择可转换优先股(Convertible preferred stock)的投资方式,而可转换优先股的最重要的一个特性就是拥有清算优先权. 优先清算权是Term sheet中一个非常重要的条款,决定公司在清算后蛋糕怎么分配,即资金如何优先分配给持有公司某特定系列股份的股东,

job sharing:职务分担

双龙汽车目前的情况早已经超过了工会所主张的"职务分担"(Job Sharing)来解决问题的阶段. 如果工会继续拒绝接受结构调整计划,那么只有一条路,就是"共同灭亡". 目前也很难指望政府投入资金. 双龙汽车是中国上汽持有股份的外资企业,

Southern Cross:南十字座

圣地亚哥4月6日消息:投资基金南十字座(Southern Cross)准备从智利国有矿业公司(Enami)手中购买克夫拉达布兰卡铜矿(Quebrada Blanca)10%股份. 其他竞标者还包括持有该矿76.5%股份的奥尔资源公司(Aur Resources)以及两家小股东.

stock right:认股权

认股权(Stock right),又称优先认股权(Preemptive right). 当股份公司增资配股时,持有证券的股东拥有优先认购新增发股份的权利,此项权利以认股权证(Stock warrant)为依据. 认股权证规定了可购买股票的种类、数量、价格、权证到期日及其它相关信息.

Sumitomo Corporation:住友商事株式会社

日本媒体1日曾报道称Petrobras将于11月签署协议收购埃克森美孚日本Nansei Sekiyu KK精炼厂87.5%的股份. 该股份目前由埃克森美孚持有一半股份的子公司TonenGeneral Sekiyu 拥有,而日本贸易公司住友商事株式会社(Sumitomo Corporation)拥有其余12.5%的股份

cumulative voting:累积投票权

在这个问题上,有直接投票权(straight voting)和累积投票权(cumulative voting)的取舍之争. 从理论上说,依"一股一权"的直接投票制规则,持有公司50%以上股份的大股东可以独自决定公司的全部董、监事的人选,故十分不利于中小股东利益的保护.