英语人>词典>汉英 : 持有执照的 的英文翻译,例句
持有执照的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与持有执照的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To obtain the grant of,purchase or otherwise acquire any concessions,contracts,licenses,grants,trade marks,copyrights or rights of any kind,patents,inventions,privileges,exclusive or otherwise,authorities,monopolies,undertakings or businesses,or any right or option in relation thereto,and to perform and fulfil the terms and conditions thereof,and to carry the same into effect,operate thereunder,develop,grant licenses thereunder,and turn to account,maintain or sell,dispose of,and deal with the same in such manner as the Company may think expedient.


In the exceptional circumstance where, due to geopolitical change and not personal choice, a person becomes resident of another country and is no longer eligible to hold a sporting licence in the prior country, this time period can be reduced on the condition NACs concerned give their written approval and the case is reviewed and approved by the CASI bureau. AL11

在特殊情况下,由於地缘政治的变化﹙ geopolitical change ﹚,而不是个人的选择,一个人成为另一个国家的居民,且不再有资格持有前一个国家的体育执照时,一旦 NACs 给予书面批准,且经 CASI 局审查和核准,则这段期间可以缩短(AL11)。

What type/class of driving licence do you have in your country?


"It's great that women are realizing that we are also visual creatures and that we are sexually stimulated by what we see and that we have a right to ask our partners to gift us with the benefit of good grooming and a regular visit to the gym," Veronica Monet, a certified sexologist who specializes in relationship dynamics, says.

"女性能够意识到我们也是视觉动物,也因为视觉而有性冲动,这真是太棒啦,并且我们有权要求自己的伴侣去维持良好的体型以及定期去健身,"关系动力学专家Veronica Monet表示,她还是一名持有执照的性学家。

P A heavy transport vehicle is a motor vehicle designed primarily for carrying property, meeting local criteria for classification as a heavy goods vehicle in terms of kerbside weight (usually above 3500 kg), and requiring a special driver's licence.

所谓重型运输车辆是指-主要为运送货物所设计的机动车辆,在重量方面符合当地重型运输车辆的标准(通常在 3500 公斤以上),且需持有特种驾驶执照才得以驾驶之。

Cc To invest the moneys of the Company upon such investments (other than shares in the Company) or property in such manner as may from time to time be determined and to the same extent as natural persons might or could do, to purchase or otherwise acquire and to hold, own, maintain, work, develop, sell, lease, exchange, hire, convey, mortgage or otherwise dispose of and deal in, lands and leaseholds, and any interest, estate and rights in real property, and any personal or mixed property and any franchises, rights, licenses or privileges necessary, convenient or appropriate for any of the purposes herein expressed


O A pick-up truck or van is a four- or six-wheeled motor vehicle designed primarily for carrying property, weighing less than the local limit for classification as a heavy goods vehicle, and not requiring a special driver's licence.


All Crew members are certified JAR-FCL or FAA and ICAO.


更多网络解释与持有执照的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


杨爱伦表示,如果提案获得通过,那么持有执照(licensed)和经过认证的(certified)的针灸医师都可以为工人提供劳工赔偿范围内的治疗服务. 据悉,该提案目前已经获得州众院两名议员的联署支持. (管黎明)

chain stores:连锁店

但后来出现的超级市场(supermarkets)、连锁店(chain stores)与酒类外卖店(off-licences)很快使酒吧无法匹敌,如今很少有酒吧外卖酒类了. 从十九世纪中期开始,英国对持有执照的场所(licensed premises)的营业时间(opening hours)等进行了限制.


inebriate 醉汉,醉鬼 | licentiate持有执照的人 | bletherskate 胡说八道的人

opening hours:营业时间

从十九世纪中期开始,英国对持有执照的场所(licensed premises)的营业时间(opening hours)等进行了限制. 同时,很多酒吧的详细记录可以追溯上百年,特别是不良记录(misdemeanours). 从2007年开始,


之后,在英国的执事学校留学的中途被召唤回来,持有临时执事执照而成为了小芽的执事. 圣露琪亚学园大小姐集合太阳(Sola)宿舍的委员长. 温柔可靠. 龙恩寺家的当主. 她的执事是木场.

Child Care:儿童保育

现年30岁的阿里克来自加勒比海的圣卢西亚,是位受过正式培训的保姆,持有"儿童保育(Child Care)"的执照,而且本身也是两名孩子的母亲,但她在美国的保姆生涯却涉及两件虐待婴儿案被视为"母亲们的噩梦".