英语人>词典>汉英 : 拿掉 的英文翻译,例句
拿掉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
subduct  ·  subduce  ·  subducted  ·  subducting

更多网络例句与拿掉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If no-one bided for your player, he will return to your club 24 hours after the transfer period.


Drag him out your window Dragging out the dead Singing I miss you Snakes and ladders flip the lid Out pops the cracker Smacks you in the head Knifes you in the neck Kicks you in the teeth Steel toe caps Takes all your credit cards Get up get the gunge Get the eggs Get the flan in the face The flan in the face The flan in the face Dance you fucker dance you fucker Don't you dare Don't you dare Don't you flan in the face Take it with the love its given Take it with a pinch of salt Take it to the taxman Let me back Let me back I promise to be good Don't look in the mirror at the face you don't recognize Help me, call the doctor, put me inside Put me inside Put me inside Put me inside Put me inside I keep the wolf from the door But he calls me up Calls me on the phone Tells me all the ways that he's gonna mess me up Steal all my children if I don't pay the ransom And I'll never see them again if I squeal to the cops.... Walking like giant cranes And with my X-ray eyes I strip you naked in a tight little world and are you on the list?


In the night each man got up , gave a nut to the monkey and took a third of what were them in the heap .


Clothing remodeler, Xie Rongrong:"I hope in my life I can do something for the planet. We can take our unwanted or old clothes, that have some new accessories, and we can take them off and reuse them."


For a childing woman, if you take off her baby from her body, she would think that the better thing is take off her life.i think.


Law enforcement would be brush dying emperor of Ming, accompanied by Emperor Ming holding bow and arrow some of the small skull called void-de-camp, aides-de-camp is attacked by the percentage of blood volume掉血, therefore, must be removed.


Punt the 3 amigos we currently have at CB and Wilson.


At the end of each month, award Super Star certificates to each member of the winning team. If you erase points when a member of a team misbehaves, the other team members will make sure that he or she behaves in the future.


I also pointed out some of the views you, your baby may be scared, my baby is so before, to see the elderly experienced so scared to say this is a result of people with a good approach is to cook eggs , and then a cooked egg shell should be immediately stripped of the egg inside out, and then the silver film or silver rings on the inside of eggs in a clean handkerchief get wrapped in the baby's body face hands feet total Calvary digital twist to twist to the attention of eggs when the baby's Calvary twist when the total bit faster action, or else it will scald the baby, about 3 minutes or so rubbing it in to take a look at silver film, silver film, if there is discoloration , it is being scared to death of the baby, pay attention to when the eggs boiled eggs should like to take this up when hot去弄can not be allowed to冷掉, otherwise there would be no effect, you need to look at or try this approach, my experience that is the case, the baby is now my home has been 1 week 3 months, and would like to give you help


If you're interested in doing research, it is obviously much easier to rip out and replace modules in a micro kernel, and since only researchers write papers about operating systems, ipso facto micro kernels must be the right approach.


更多网络解释与拿掉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cabal Therapy:好物,但是考慮拿掉中

4 Nether Spirit ----拖命+打人XD | 4 Cabal Therapy ----好物,但是考慮拿掉中QQ" | 4 Duress ---- 好物

He assaulted the customer, grabbed the cash and ran out:他袭击了这名顾客 拿了钱,然后跑掉了

Look, okay?|听我说,好吗? | He assaulted the customer, grabbed the cash and ran out.|他袭击了这名顾客 拿了钱,然后跑掉了 | So... .|那么...

Remove high-heeled shoes:脱掉高跟鞋

别拿行李 No baggage. | 脱掉高跟鞋 Remove high-heeled shoes. | 从座椅下取出救生衣 Get your life vest from under your seat.

you've succeeded in turning me into a frickin' Jack in the box:你成功的将我变成玩具盒

Well, congratulations numb nuts...|谢谢你啊... | you've succeeded in turning me into a frickin' Jack in the box!|你成功的将我变成玩具盒! | Get it off. Get it off! It's dark. It's dark.|快拿掉它!快拿掉它...

falling down the mountain side:掉在山下

what happened to that old straw hat, 那只草帽去哪里了! | falling down the mountain side 掉在山下, | out of my reach like your heart. 我拿不到它就象你的心!

and a boil on my shin that had to be lanced:小腿上的脓疮还得用刀挖掉

...a second in my calf...|膝盖上又有一个洞 | ...and a boil on my shin that had to be lanced.|小腿上的脓疮还得用刀挖掉 | And he only gets one.|而他却只拿了一枚

And take that raggedy mask off:拿掉你的破面巾

This is the only bank in town. Besides, it's my father's.|镇上只有这家银行 还... | And take that raggedy mask off.|拿掉你的破面巾 | It doesn't even match. Everyone knows who you are.|和你的衬衣不搭调 大...


Sicarius 將此卡與對方的其中一張角色卡一起棄掉 | Architectus 放建築卡片不用錢 | Consiliarius 將你的角色卡都拿起來,重新配置位置

Wipe up the mess with a cloth:拿块抹布把那些脏东西擦掉

cloth 表示"抹布"、"桌布"时为可数名词: | Wipe up the mess with a cloth. 拿块抹布把那些脏东西擦掉. | (2)clothes 表示"衣服"、"服装",后面动词用复数形式:

The book fell that always closed at twilight:黄昏时, 我手里常拿的书掉了

when I am sad and feel you are far away? 所有的爱... | The book fell that always closed at twilight 黄昏时, 我手里常拿的书掉了, | and my blue sweater rolled like a hurt dog at my feet. 脚边我的蓝色毛衣...