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拳术 的英文翻译、例句


Chinese boxing
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Long broadsword,particularly to the request of waist and leg strength and arm dint is more important.


A Japanese art of self-defense that employs holds and locks and that uses the principles of nonresistance in order to debilitate the strength of the opponent.


What is called "Karate" is actually a descendent of Southern Chinese boxing forms, and similarly, Judo can trace its origins to the importation of Chinese wrestling and Qinna, the precursor of Jiu-jitsu.


Make the sword as long as the arm but not restrained by the sword to be in a condition that the body and sword is a whole


The boxing and swordsmanship also have something in common and some thing different.


Above all, famous master, genius and diligence are three basic condition to practicing swordsmanship, the Chinese boxing as well.


My study program will include taichi and my hope is that I will learn some before flying home in November.


All the forms of waijia, including barehanded fighting and weapon use, focus on efficient attacks, such as the Shaolin Chang Quan boxing.


Many, MANY manuals combined Boxing, wrestling, savate, La Lutte, Jiujitsu/Judo, Chinese Boxing, etc.

不是。很多很多的格斗手册融合了拳击、摔跤、法式踢拳、法式搏击(La Lutte Parisienne,一种融合踢拳和摔跤的格斗技术)、柔术/柔道、中国拳术,等等。

The Eagle Claw Quan is a kind of quan that deve-lops from the form, spirit and attack method of the eagle, it is a kind of imitation boxing in Chinese Wushu.


更多网络解释与拳术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ordinary differential equation:常微分方程

去解常微分方程(ordinary differential equation)的人. 除了研究写书之外,他在土耳其还与当地的鞑靼人切磋拳术与摔角. 他的武艺高强,有次在市场上迅速制服一个闹事的大力士. 最为后人津津乐道的是,他搭船行经土耳其西部士麦那(Smyrna)时遇到海盗船,

ordinary differential equation:微分方程

去解常微分方程(ordinary differential equation)的人. 除了研究写书之外,他在土耳其还与当地的鞑靼人切磋拳术与摔角. 他的武艺高强,有次在市场上迅速制服一个闹事的大力士. 最为后人津津乐道的是,他搭船行经土耳其西部士麦那(Smyrna)时遇到海盗船,

Tai Chi Chuan:太极拳

振藩截拳道的精华元素: (1)太极拳(TAI CHI CHUAN):这是李小龙从其父亲李海泉处学得的一种内家拳术,后成为振藩截拳道的核心内容之一,因振藩截拳道的标志便是一幅太极图.

barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing:拳术

射箭 archery | 拳术 barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing | 气功 qigong; breathing exercises

quanshu; barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing:拳术

射箭 archery | 拳术 quanshu; barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing | 气功 qigong; breathing exercises