英语人>词典>汉英 : 拳师 的英文翻译,例句
拳师 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
boxer  ·  pug  ·  pugs

boxing coach · The Boxer
更多网络例句与拳师相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Last year, he won more shows than any other boxer, and also more than any other dog in the purebred category known as Working Dogs, which also includes Akitas, Alaskan malamutes, Bernese mountain dogs, bull-mastiffs, Doberman pinschers, giant schnauzers, Great Danes, Great Pyrenees, komondors, kuvaszok, mastiffs, Newfoundlands, Portuguese water dogs, Rottweilers, St. Bernards, Samoyeds, Siberian huskies, and standard schnauzers.

去年, 他比其他任何拳师狗赢得了更多比赛,以及比其他任何纯血统范畴中的职业狗都要多,包括美国秋田犬,阿拉斯加爱斯基摩狗,伯恩山犬,斗牛獒犬,德国短毛猎犬,德国刚毛猎犬,大丹狗,大比利牛斯犬,凯里奥犬,匈牙利白狗,大型驯犬;,纽芬兰犬,葡萄牙水狗,罗特威尔犬,圣伯那犬,萨摩犬,西伯利亚哈士奇犬以及标准雪纳瑞。

Learning all your need to know about the Boxer dog breed is extremely important.


I'm sure he'll make a master boxer.


They weren't running from us, bruiser.


The Chinese Kungfu master would love nothing better than to break the foreign bruiser's world record.


"Don't ye be threatenin' me friend, bruiser!"


Taijiquan Wushi to hire a sixth-generation direct-to-human transmission, Sakyamuni disciples are headed for the release; employ extended spring release Shaolin Masters (martial arts star's father, Chen release dragons with his disciples Hill) for the deputy head; employ fifth-generation Wushi Taijiquan immediate successor the state for two Sun Jianguo, deputy head of referees; employ Chinese calligraphy, martial arts tai chi Shenquan Warren Zhang - Zhang Ying-Min, deputy head for; recruit the best young boxer with Chen Shan (Little Dragons martial arts star's father, release) for the special guidance; hired martial arts star release dragons performances for invited representatives of friendship.


Some of the scenes in the documentary are particularly shocking, showing a King Charles spaniel writhing in agony because its skull is considered too small for its brain, and a boxer suffering an epileptic fit.


His life intertwines with Krysta Now, an adult film star developing her own reality television project, and Ronald Taverner, a Hermosa Beach police officer who holds the key to a vast conspiracy.

拳师出身的动作名星Santaros备受失忆症的折磨,他的妻子——色情电影明星Krysta与小电影明星合作推出真人 show节目,还有一名警官David,他手上掌握着一个巨大阴谋的重要线索……拳师Santaros能够预见世界的终结,他不得不面对迫近的混乱

To get his wish, Cattanach crossed a boxer with a tailless Welsh corgi, then took the tailless offspring that looked most like a boxer and mated it to other boxers.


更多网络解释与拳师相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Born Wild:野兽之瞳

以下为 野兽之瞳(Born Wild) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址. 几乎每一部讲拳师的电影,皆离不开拿生命当赌注的宿命,除了史泰龙的>系列带有励志意味,华片拳师每每是走上不归路的悲剧英雄.


最近我有一个外国朋友想要认养拳师犬~(boxer) 不知谁有拳师犬可以认养的呢?? 或著跟我说哪里有可以认养的唷~~~~ 谢谢........


美国"爱国者"(Patriot)飞行表演队,使用的机型是L-39教练机LHD-4"拳师"(BOXER)号(摄于旧金山32号码头)另外一个角度拍的MK41,背景的岛是位于旧金山和奥克兰(OAKLAND)市之间的珍宝岛(TREASURE ISLAND), 大桥是海湾大桥(BAY BRIDGE)

German Boxer:德国拳师犬

15. 英国马士提夫犬 Mastiff | 16. 德国拳师犬 German Boxer | 17. 秋田犬 Akita


426. psychotic: 疯子. adj.精神病的. | 427. pugilist: 拳击手,拳师. | 428. pundit: 权威人士,专家.

boxer; pugilist:拳师

拳击手套 boxing glove; muffler; mitten | 拳师 boxer; pugilist | 拳师护头套 boxer's headguard


bottleholder (拳赛中拳师的)随伴人 | hardite 哈迪特镍铁合金 | captive balloon 系留气球

The Boxer:拳师

来自迷惑之星(Mazzy Star)乐队的霍普.莎多娃(Hope Sandoval)演唱了<<白日入眠>>,加拿大的著名说唱人Q-Tip演唱了<<让你自己兴奋>>,来自"吹牛者"(The Charlatans)乐队的蒂姆.伯吉斯(Tim Burgess)演唱了<<拳师>>(The Boxer).


拳师(Boxers)的心肌病分为三个不同的阶段:患心肌症的杜宾(Doberman pinschers)拳师(boxers)可能在X线影像﹑体检以及心电图上无异常现象,如怀疑为心肌症患犬,但检查正常,应进行24小时不间断心电图监测.

Two Boxers:两个拳师

212.It Is Dangerous for Me 对我有害 | 213.Two Boxers 两个拳师 | 214.Foresee 预见