英语人>词典>汉英 : 拣 的英文翻译,例句
拣 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
cull  ·  culled  ·  culls

更多网络例句与拣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Basing on VRML"S own dynamic perception node,realized sorting goods automatically in the high-level shelf, with script and JavaScript programming language that can take control of the moving of the goods and realize sorting electrically, and set the dynamic route of goods sorting. Has used Java language and VRML"S EAI programming connection, programmed with Java Applet that has realized the external control function such as viewpoint exchange and browse mode choosing.and also realizes dynamic revision on some logistics parts. Has given the concrete example for automatically sorting system.

即通过VRML自身的动态感知节点,实现了货物在高层货架中自动货;通过script节点和JavaScript脚本编程语言实现了对货物移动的控制以及实现电子货等交互,利用Java语言实现了对分货物动态路径的设定;通过Java语言和VRML的EAI编程接口,用Java Applet编程使浏览者通过外部控件进行视点切换和浏览方式的选定,并实现了物流设备的动态修改;对自动分系统作了具体实例。

And there are separate pick areas for items too large to be conveyable and for broken-case picks.


Doctrinally, puritans adhered to the five points of Calvinism as codified at the synod of dort in 1619:1 unconditional election: the idea that God had decreed at the synod of damned and who was saved from before the beginning of the world;2 limited atonement: the idea that christ died for the elect only;3 total depravity: humanity's utter corruption since the fall;4 irresistible grace: regeneration as entirely a work of God, which cannot be re3sisted and to which the sinner contributes nothing;5 the perseverance of the saints: the elect, despite their backsliding and faintness of heart, cannot fall away from grace.

从教义上说,清教徒遵循加尔文派于1619年多特宗教会议上制定的五条信条:1)无条件选:神没有任凭人在罪中灭亡,而是在创世以前就选了一群人旅行拯救; 2)有限救赎:基督的死只是为了特定数目的选民而死; 3)完全堕落:自从亚当偷吃善恶果后,整个人类都堕落了;4)不可抗拒的恩典:圣灵的能力在罪人心里运行,一直到他认罪悔改方休;5)圣徒的坚守:圣徒是神所挑选的,无论他们如何退步,始终在神的感召下。

Next, a partial histogram, which is part of the component histogram ( 406 a), is taken from the component histogram ( 406 a), and is arranged at two-dimensional coordinates where a horizontal axis represents an arrangement of component cassettes and a vertical axis represents a number of pickup operations by the line gang pickup head.


You can lie on the sandy beach or the deck chair, insolate sun bath and looking at a book, or in the snow-white sandy beach top Jian Jian shell, beat a beach volleyball and do coconut oil massage, is all matter which enjoys very much.


After the picking operation, you now have to transfer the lot towards the consumer. Indeed, the picking list only allows to pick and pack the ordered products.


And the actress talked for a few, came to the chapel, the priest is not found, but there is a Secretary for Education, and he was informed that the priest went to chat sites, to allow the protagonist to the Education Secretary, and then the key to the relic one, alas,跑路while, and take one's time out of the village, the most bottom-left corner of the well first, and small talk MM, available in three ore (the beginning of very useful, even if do not want), and first up, and then to have on the sites, fighting all the way, are going the right way can be to the BOSS, other treasures of the whole line is, do not pick pick a personal look at the way the availability of a shield and Ruby if you have to buy at the store and the sword armor, the equipment will be turned into green body color (much better than you YS6, save, play guy, beat him with the priest when the hostages were bullied protagonist, to play a leading role cliff, on 1000 meters high, ah, was not killed, it is also Xiaoqiang immortality


The paper anatomizes each tache of distribution center, such as sorting unit,...

本文运 用物流系统的分析方法与理论,对配送中心货作业系统(如货单位、货方式、货策略和货设备等)进行了详细分析和研究。

Based on the prototype which is a distribution center of some big IT franchiser, a typical picking system which contains several picking units, picking ways, picking zonings, and picking equipments etc is established.


Based on the prototype which is a distribution center of some big IT franchiser, a typical picking system which contains several picking units, picking ways, picking zonings, and picking equipments etc is established. The paper also gives the simulative program of order processing from receive orders to produce picking lists and sorting lists etc using Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access combined.


更多网络解释与拣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pick your book up off the floor:把你的书从地板上拣起来

Come and fetch your book.取回你的书. | Pick your book up off the floor.把你的书从地板上起来. | Pick it up now.现在就起来.

Backface Cull:背面忽略显示;背面除去;背景拣出

Back Width后面宽度 | Backface Cull背面忽略显示;背面除去;背景出 | Backface Cull Toggle背景出开关

Backface Cull:背面忽略;背面除去;背景拣出

Back Width后面宽度 | Backface Cull背面忽略;背面除去;背景出 | Backface Cull Toggle背景出开关

hand-picked reject:手拣矸石

hand-picked 手=>手摘み | hand-picked reject 手矸石 | hand-pitched base 手铺小块石底层


hymu 黄杨木 | jdl 大漏 | jlygd 了一个大漏

hand picked:手拣=>手摘

hand-packing strip 人工充填带 | hand-picked 手=>手摘み | hand-picked reject 手矸石


据德马泰克中国销售总经理朱佳介绍,分技术主要分为分类(Sorting)和选(Picking),选又分为结合人工处理的半自动化辅助选和全自动选两种方式. 配送中心普遍采用的分类技术,是一种作业过程完全摆脱了人工干预的高速多订单处理系统,

order picking:指令拣选

order picking truck 电动料车 | order picking 指令选 | order shipped complete 订货完成率

order picking:拣选;订单拣货

order picking truck 电动料车 | order picking 选;订单货 | diversion charge 更改卸货港费用

making mattresses:刷刷漆 拣拣废料 做做床垫什么的

the guys that get along, get to work. 这... | you know, painting, scrapping, making mattresses, you name it. 刷刷漆 废料 做做床垫什么的. | i wouldn't get excited, though, if i were you, fish. 新来的...