英语人>词典>汉英 : 拟...计划 的英文翻译,例句
拟...计划 的英文翻译、例句


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program  ·  programme  ·  programs  ·  programed

更多网络例句与拟...计划相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I would like you to take a look at the marketing plan that I've just finished drafting.


Jim worked out a plan for burgling a dressmaking establishment nearby.


A spokesman for Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate finance committee, which is to vote today on its 9bn 10-year healthcare reform plan, described the report as a "hatchet job, pure and simple".


The Bush administration, it is thought, is impatient for an "October surprise" in the form of the killing or capture of al-Qaeda bigwigs hiding in the FATA.


2The An explanations about the feasibility of the follow-up development plans of the listed company given on the basis of the strength and professional experiences of the purchaser, and the explanations on the management ability for the normalized operation of the listed company shall also be supplemented if the purchaser plans to alter the company's articles of association, reelect the board of directors of the company or modify or adjust the main businesses of the company


What is its plan and timeframe to make such notifications?


It generalizes the rare edible mushroom more than 10 varieties such as Bailing mushroom, Xingbao mushroom, bispore mushroom, dried mushroom, teabush mushroom, mushroom, chicken-leg mushroom, black fungus, white fungus and other.


The debate on constitutional monarchy in Georgia , by restoring the the historic Bagrationi royal family , has recently been revitalized by Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II , following the political crisis in recent years

在近几年的政治危机后,格鲁吉亚国内拟实行君主立宪体制,原来计划立 Bagrationi 皇室的成员为格鲁吉亚国王,现调整为拟立聂斯脱利派教会教长 Ilia 二世为格未来的国王。

Year-old in Beijing, Rice Village Foods old Chinese, the use of Hong Kong to be a good atmosphere to expand the brand's market channels; Beijing, Zhang Yi Yuan Tea company in 1900 to create a Chinese old, this is specially designed for the Hong Kong market, introduced a plan affordable to join, expect to find the cause of enthusiastic Chinese tea partners; a 121-year-old Beijing吴裕泰tea company, had hoped to set up the first 189 shops; Beijing inline or shoe companies, since 1853 until now, always hand-shoe, this is also to enter the Hong Kong market, showed a considerable cooperation relaxed conditions; in 1862 opened in Beijing Rui Xiang绸布store water beetle company intends to attract more Hong Kong's creative ideas and design elements; China's largest bookstore old bookstore ─ China, and hopes to attract investment in developing a broader development; Beijing盛锡fu cap companies, China is a typical brand-name hat industry , since 1911 until now, for the national leadership at home and abroad and the preferred brand of celebrities from all walks of life.


The group. of ruins of the main building of Rou-Han Yuen and the twin pagoda in Soochow is one of the most important manument in the history of Chinese architecture of Sung dynasty . In the Autumn of 1954 The author was appointed by the bureau of culture of Kiangsu province and The Board of culture conservation and administration to prepare a scheme of renovation of the twin pagoda and at the same time to make a survey of the ruins of the main biuldiug of Ron-Han Yuen. This article is a report of auth...


更多网络解释与拟...计划相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这两卷著作一下子囊括了很多的世界第一:首先,"贵族"(Aristocracy)是不同于"皇族"(The Monarchy)的. 托氏说:"从罗马人开始到今天的英国人,凡是对世界起过重大影响,拟出过,遵循过和执行过伟大计划的民族,几乎都是用贵族制度治理的.


"作为其"黎明女神"(Aurora)探索计划的一部分,欧洲正在进行长时间太空飞行的各种研究. 欧洲宇航局(ESA)正在与俄罗斯合作,拟于明年在莫斯科生物医学研究所进行一项独特的实验---火星500天. 该研究旨在模拟飞往这一"红色星球"途中的恶劣条件,


报道称,此前WAPDA计划与美国际发展署商谈巴沙(DIAMER BASHA)大坝、巴拉(BARA)大坝、库兰?唐吉大坝和曼格拉?瓦萨克水电项目融资问题,拟向美寻求78.38亿美元的资金支持,其中巴沙大坝建设项目拟申请70亿美元. 但巴政府最终要求WAPDA只准备马拉坎地区电力改造计划(3亿美元)和联邦直辖部落地区电力改造计划(1亿美元)的融资申请文


搜狐娱乐讯 曾成功推出>系列的戈尔-维宾斯基,最近与环球电影公司签定合作计划,拟将著名游戏>(Clue)搬上大银幕,这也是继好莱坞1985年推出同名改编电影之后,又一次以游戏故事主体改编而来的悬疑电影.


"devise ","计划,拟出,设法,,发生,产生" | "deviser ","设计者,发明者,发生器" | "devitation ratio ","偏移比"


亚细西(Francis of Asisi)与 多米尼克(Dominic),离弃世俗, 成为基督的精兵. 他便到圣地旅游, 企图去向回教徒传福音, 有人劝他应先回家读书, 准备传道. 1534年, 他在巴黎某大学获得硕士学位; 随即在巴黎同六名同志拟出组织属灵军队的计划.

Net assets:净资产

指因第39条而当其时适用于该计划的控制目标;"参与协议"(participation agreement) 就注册计划而言,指─(c)拟在该计划中维持保留帐户的人与该计划的核准受托人订立的协议; (2002年第2号第21条)"净资产"(net assets) 就任何公司或法团而言,

business plan:业务计划

"项目"(project) 指包括在业务计划内并根据第22条获财政司司长批准实施的─(d) 按照已废除条例第13(1)条拟备的发展计划;"提案"(proposal) 指项目的提案;"业务计划"(business plan) 指根据第22条由市建局拟备并经财政司司长批准的业务计划;

power system expansion planning:电力体系扩大计划

power system dynamics simulation 电力体系动态摹拟 | power system expansion planning 电力体系扩大计划 | power system oscillation 电力体系振动

