英语人>词典>汉英 : 招标 的英文翻译,例句
招标 的英文翻译、例句


invitation for bid · invite tenders · invite bids · submit public bids · call for bids
更多网络例句与招标相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such experts are specified by the tenderer from the experts beadroll, provided by the relevant departments of the State Council or the related section of the People's government of province, autonomous reagion and municipality directly, or the relevant profession experts list from the expert pool provided by the tender agency.


Removing the tender to competitive bidding, could also invite tenders.


The Exchequer Chamber, in 1875, defined consideration as follows:"A valuable consideration in the sense of the law may consist either in some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to the one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other."


Article 28 Bidding Office should report the export quantity handed over by the enterprises to Bidding Committee within 3 working days at the receipt of the export quantity and finfish the approval of the application for transferring and accepting export quantity according to rules within 3 working days at the receipt of the applications, and report the Certificate of Transferring and Accepting Export Quantity of Textiles in Bid Invitation of electronic edition to Bidding Committee regularly for record.


"The Tendering and Bidding Law of the People ' s Republic of China" lead the competition mechanism of bid invitation and tender into the investment financing and public purchase of our country. This mechanism has changed our country ' s traditional direct purchase and administration way, broken the place and department protectionism, offered an equally competition environment and effective legal guarantee for the bid invitation and tender, assured the quality of project, improved the economic benefit, advanced the technique and manage level, ensured the quality of construction、 shorten the time for a project and promoted the socialist market economy system setting –up and perfection.


In this paper, the author firstly introduced a gradual progress and development of the state-run land biding, combining the special supply-demand relationship of land, according to the characteristics of trading procedure of the land, analyzed the reason why the land bidding is adopted progressively. at the same time, announcing all sorts of questions that exist during the process of using , they show from three respects, some questions show in land system, some questions show in trading procedure, the others are ungentlemanly non market-oriented conduct.


If a tender agency in voilation of the provisions of this law, discloses confidential information or materials concerning the tendering and bidding, or colludes with tenderer or bidder to damage the legitimate interests of state, public or others. it shall be fined by 50 to 250 thousand Yuan and the person-in-charge and others directly responsible of unit shall be fined with amount of 5 to 10 percent of the fine of unit. The illegal gains if any shall be confiscated. if violation is serious, its qualification of tender commission may be suspended or even cancelled. if a crime has been constituted, the criminal responsibility shall be pursued according to law.


From the bid ding under priced bill of quantities, the article dissents the deficiencies of priced bill of quantities and proposes countermeasures that can be of referential value.


The Exchequer Chamber, in 1875, defined consideration as follows:"A valuable consideration in the sense of the law may consist either in some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to the one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other."


We should adopt the"public-owned, privately-operated"method in the management of telecommunication universal service fund to encourages the participation in operation of the fund; and with the succeding experience of the auction in UK's 3G license, we may auction the 5th 3G license to make money as well as leving upon the sharing from the operater so as to collect the universal service fund; with the consideration of the continuous nature of the technology, we may adopt the"original provider first"principle; If the original provider has no idea to continue without compensation, it will go into the auction process; we may adopt the first price sealed aution in autioning the single segment so as to encourage the access; and we may adopt the binding auction in auctioning the multiple segments to binding good segments and the bad ones, or allow the auctioner to aution the binding segments whose costs are synergized, then use the three stage evaluating model to ascertain the total least amount.


更多网络解释与招标相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bidding documents:招标文件

首先由招标人发出招标通告,制定招标文件(bidding documents)或称标书,说明拟采购的商品或拟兴建的工程项目的各种交易条件,邀请各方面的卖方或承包商在规定时间和地点内,采取一次递价办法进行投标,然后由招标人开标(opening of tender)将投标人的递价进行比较,

Negotiated Bidding:谈判招标

二.谈判招标(negotiated bidding)谈判招标又叫议标,它是非公开的,是一种非竞争性的招标. 这种招标招标人物色几家客商直接进行全同谈判,谈判成功,交易达成. 三.两段招标(two-stagebidding)两段招标是指无限竞争招标和有限竞争招标的综合方式,

Negotiated Bidding:谈判招标;协商招标

negotiate 谈判 | negotiated bidding 谈判招标;协商招标 | negotiated price 协商价格

Bidding Document:招标文件

招标文件(Bidding document)是招标人向投标人提供的为进行投标工作所必须的文件. 招标文件的作用在于:阐明需要采购货物或工程的性质,通报招标程序将依据的规则和程序,告知订立合同的条件. 招标文件既是投标商编制投标文件的依据,又是采购人与中标商签定...

Bidding Document:招标文件(标书)

招标文件(标书)bid document | 招标文件(标书) bidding document | 招标文件的变更 amendment of bid document

B. self-disciplined:江苏钢结构工程招标

A. full of enthusiasm 江苏省工程招标网 | B. self-disciplined 江苏钢结构工程招标 | C. full of ambition 江苏省工程招标信息

tender document:招标文件

tender deposit 投标按金 | tender document 招标文件 | tender drawing 招标图则;招标图纸

tender addenda:招标附录

tender 招标;投标;标书 | tender addenda 招标附录 | tender board 招标委员会

invite public bidding,tenderee:企业招标

invite public bidding,tenderee 工程招标 | invite public bidding,tenderee 企业招标 | invite public bidding,tenderee 政府招标

selective tendering:选择*招标

根据WTO政府采购协定关于公开招标(open tendering)、选择招标(selective tendering)、限制招标(limited tendering)的规定,公开招标无须对供应商进行资格预审,所有有兴趣的供应商都可以参与投标.