英语人>词典>汉英 : 招工 的英文翻译,例句
招工 的英文翻译、例句


recruit workers · hire workers · employ workers
更多网络例句与招工相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In some countries the terms barman and barmaid are not used in job advertisements to avoid sex discrimination.


An excellent question for a recruiter may be inappropriate for an executive.


So now we were walking slowly through the falling snow to the employment office for the Dodge auto company.


To do so, to improve job quality and ensure production, to overcome the recruitment practices and promoting youth to learn important.


Employers in the hiring violated the laws and regulations, corruption, illegal workers to recruit, once discovered, must be removed, along with unit labor union entered into the contract shall be terminated.


The investor who cost fix-asset investment over5,000,000Yuan Labor intensive industry can get employecs under the help of County Labor Bureau and County Industry Bureau.


Product characteristic: The standard logarithm Vision table lampbox is suitable for the child, the young people common physicalexamination, physical examination and so on recruitment of students,recruiting of workers is far, the near vision determination.


Many days later, came to a is a builder of the Manor, he was hired.


Time-saving, high efficiency, particularly applicable to the shortage of manpower recruitment difficult place.


Outback labor cost is low, and hire much more convenient also.


更多网络解释与招工相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

advertise for workers:招工

adverse verdict 不利的裁决 | advertise for workers 招工 | advertisement regulation act (英)广告管理法

apply for a job:申请工作

drop off one's Resume/CV投简历 | apply for a job申请工作 | help-wanted section招工广告栏

gross domestic product:国民生产总值

这个GDP不是今天大家熟知的国民生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)的缩写,而是确认是否生肝炎的一个标准. GDP低于40那就OK了,高于40就要被认定得肝炎了,那你就可以回去想法治病了,至于招工之事那就免谈了,后面不知有多少候补名额在翘首以盼呢.

Hands Wanted:招工

34 help wanted 征聘助理job wanted 求职 | hands wanted 招工 | 35 want ad 招聘广告

Hands Wanted:招工 Staff Only 本处职工专用

No Cycling in the School 校内禁止骑车 | Hands Wanted 招工 Staff Only 本处职工专用 | No Litter 勿乱扔杂物 On Sale 削价出售

In the Heat of the Night:炎热的夜晚

二十一、>(In the Heat of the Night)1967年电影简介:在美国南方密西西比河沿岸,有一座城镇叫斯帕特. 这个城镇既小又穷,而且种族歧视十分严重. 芝加哥的一位大企业家科尔伯特,为了帮助这个小镇摆脱贫困,来到这里招工建厂,

tscience marketing assistant:科技营销助理

tcommunications skills 沟通能力,交际技能 | tscience marketing assistant 科技营销助理 | tan internal recruitment policy 内部招工政策

priority date:优先日

要递交新劳工证必须将Audit案件先撤回(Withdrawal),而已撤件就失去第一个递件优先日(Priority Date), 影响绿卡排队. 同时,如果第一次的招工程序不再适用或已过期(6个月有效期),雇主还得再另行招工程序. 在经济衰退的情况下,


苏州 维苏威(VESUVIUS)公司 招工苏州 维苏威(VESUVIUS)公司 招工您可以对"苏州 维苏威(VESUVIUS)公司 招工"进行评论:

want ad:招工广告,分类广告

126.Veggie 蔬菜;食素主义者 | 127.Want ad 招工广告,分类广告 | 128.Watch-dog 看家狗