英语人>词典>汉英 : 拗口 的英文翻译,例句
拗口 的英文翻译、例句


hard to pronounce · awkward-sounding · twist the tongue
更多网络例句与拗口相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I can't blab such blibber blubber!


For a few days I set aside my comfortable life - my business concerns, my life in Rye, New York - and made a pilgrimage to the other side of the world, to a primitive flyspeck island in the Pacific.


It is inconvenient to say "H1N1 Flu Virus", we can call it " Hog Cholera " for short.

不过要说" H1N1流感病毒"有些拗口,不妨下面还是用"猪瘟"简称。

Mayer said that she was confident that the 14th century theorem Luojixuejia Occam's razor in a seemingly mouthful of law,"the simplest answer, or a simple design, may be correct."


That method of producing pearl powder not only preserves the natural essence of the pearl,but it also guarantees the integrity of the pearl's nutritious and health values.


These countries have achieved striking success in jazz saxophone and their use of prolix sentence-construction but their economic performance has been mixed, with repeated cycles of inflationary bubbles and collapses.


Company of this batch of Web 2.0 has the feature of sex of a few marks: The name of feigned mark and awkward-sounding, for instance Twitter, Zooomr, Digg, Ning, Loopt, and the commercial plan of their not speak in detail is based on a kind of punch-drunk concept, attract many person energy of life through free website namely, count on some day to be able to sell ad next.

这批Web 2.0公司有几个标志性的特征:做作的标志和拗口的名字,比如Twitter、Zooomr、Digg、Ning、Loopt等,而且它们语焉不详的商业计划都基于一种模糊不清的理念,即通过免费网站吸引大量人气,然后指望有朝一日能够出售广告。

By: kwokleung | Tues, 22 Oct 2007 01:55:30 GMT || Yes / No


Surely at least one reason was that these white Christian Europeans look and think extraordinarily like most British people, and their children and grandchildren will be distinguishable only by their unpronounceable names.


The unpronounceable additives were, on average, rated 29% riskier.


更多网络解释与拗口相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


因此,当百年前壳牌进入中国时,人们便称其为"壳(Ke)牌公司". 然而,当这一称谓的拗口与字面意思的费解影响到公司在华业务的开展时,一位在壳牌工作的"中国通",开始称呼公司"壳(Qiao)牌". "Qiao"与英文"Shell"谐音,

lexical scope:词法作用域

c、闭包(closure)ps:关于"执行过程"这一段比较拗口,名词很多,不过别被它们吓住,一旦理解了执行环境(execution context)、调用对象(call object)、词法作用域(lexical scope)、作用域链(scope chain)、闭包(closure)等这些概念,


"自动人"是中村单的外号,而他自己的个人作品除了用化名"自动人阿单"外,在另一成功Trip Hop计划"独活草"(Lovage)中的名字则是更加拗口的"纳撒尼尔的快乐时光"(Nathaniel Merriweather).

mouthful n.1:一口,一满口(的量) 2.又长又拗口的词(或短语)

handful n.1.一把 2.一小撮,少数,少量 | mouthful n.1.一口,一满口(的量) 2.又长又拗口的词(或短语) | willful a.任性的, 故意的

decompression sickness:减压病

时至今日,古怪拗口的沉箱病以及不甚雅观的翘屁股病有了一个统一的名字"减压病"( Decompression Sickness). 及时吸氧和高压舱已经能有效控制这种疾病. 可是就像老罗柏林一样,罗柏林上校生不逢时,只能在瘫痪中忍受减压病的折磨.