英语人>词典>汉英 : 拖延时间 的英文翻译,例句
拖延时间 的英文翻译、例句


against time
更多网络例句与拖延时间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its negotiating style is marked by bluster, foot-dragging, blackmail and brinkmanship.


He tried to procrastinate by dashing along.


He is constantly talking in order to delay the time.


He is saying continuously to delay the time.


He talk on and on in order to delay the time.


He kept speaking in order to delay the time.


He says the smart procrastinator can earn a reputation for productivity while giving in to the urge to delay.


Last time, Jen had just discussed how she was surprised that TelStar decided to play ball, that is cooperate, with Accent because the shareholders had been "stalling for time," or delaying, for months.


If they try to outwait us, if they try to just buy time, they're only going to buy continued sanctions and more sanctions, he said.


The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote.


更多网络解释与拖延时间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fabian:费边式的, 拖延时间的 <单词词性>费边主义

ionic domain 离子畴 | Fabian 费边式的, 拖延时间的 费边主义 | compact packet ring 紧密包环

hold out for:[口](为等待更好时机)拖延时间

lithium battery 锂电池 | hold out for [口](为等待更好时机)拖延时间 | slotted nozzle 开缝喷嘴[喷管]

mark time:原地踏步,停止不前,拖延时间

mark "n.痕迹,斑点;记号,符号;(考试等的)分数; v.批改,打分;标明," | mark time 原地踏步,停止不前,拖延时间 | market "n.集市,市场;销路,需求(量); v.销售; "

to play for time:拖延时间(以等待有利时机)

20. to play for money赌钱 | 21. to play with fire玩火 | 22. to play for time拖延时间(以等待有利时机)

Play for time, buy time:拖延时间

拖延 Play for time, play delaying, buy time, dilatory, procrastinate | 拖延时间 Play for time, buy time | 脱口秀 Talk show

We'll have to play for time:我们得拖延时间

6. Don't pull my focus. 别打扰我. | 7. We'll have to play for time. 我们得拖延时间. | 8. The blurb was full of hyperbole. 广告充满夸张.

drag out:拖延(时间)

Tom drag a heavy box out of the cupboard. 汤姆把一个重箱子从橱里拖出来. | ◆drag out 拖延(时间) | ◆drag sb. into doing sth. 使某人勉强做某事

gain time:拖延时间

4)get(得到,获得) | gain time 拖延时间 | gain upon 逼近,赶上

buy time:拖延时间

Tell Cindy to button her lip or else she'll be in big trouble. 告诉辛迪闭嘴,否则她就惨了. | 19. buy time拖延时间 | I think we should try to buy more time. 我想我们应该设法拖延时间.

Delay of game, loss of five yards:拖延时间 后退五码

Wonder if her carpet matches my drapes.|真希望我能配得上她 | Delay of game, loss of five yards.|拖延时间 后退五码 | And just because it's a spring scrimmage...|就算是并列争球...