英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽象数 的英文翻译,例句
抽象数 的英文翻译、例句


abstract number
更多网络例句与抽象数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Face cartoons are face emotional abstract expressionism, through simple lines and regional express People's personality and emotion, the artist can seize a person's visual characteristics in a very short period of time to by use its own unique style.


However, when faced with a hellogher abstract mathematics, the situation is very different.


Several combining with middle school mathematics teaching Abstract: combining the number is the number of more abstract corresponding relation and the geometrical graph, combine to solve the problem of abstract concepts to materialize and intuitive, intuitive, abstraction, and systematic problem to reduce the difficulty of the problem, and to help students thinking transformation and training students' ability.


It is seeking a function's worth most and value region problem that the complex number and circular functions to solve problems.


Net mesh size is an obvious factors, but this does not refer to the specific lines per inch, but with the increase in the number, the diameter of the wire.


The number shape is hit by mentality in common use combining with being that the mathematics solves problems , shape is can make some abstract mathematics problems perception-rization , pictorialize , vivid-rization in the thought being tied in wedlock , is able to change an abstratc thinking into the thinking in images , is helpful to the nature grasping the mathematics problem.


As an application of continuous wavelet transform,we discuss the relationsbetween some differemtial equaltions and the integral equations by using thecontinuous wavelet transform in 〓,vector function space andabstract function space respectively;prove that they are equivalent not only in theweak topology but also in the strong topology.


The paper is organized as follows. In chapter 2, we introduce some concepts about SEA, the abstract SEA model and the convergence definition of algorithm. In chapter 3, we describe firstly the evolution of PMA as an abstract stochastic process, and by characterizing axiomatically the properties of the fundamental selection and evolution operators, we conclude that PMA is essentially a kind of SEA.

本文结构安排如下:第二章介绍了模拟进化算法的一些基本概念、形式化随机过程描述以及收敛性定义;第三章对改进后的 PMA 各操作作了抽象定义,得到了 PMA 的形式化随机过程描述,并公理化地证明了各操作算子为选择或繁殖算子,从而得出 PMA本质上也是一种模拟进化算法;第四章先对选择算子特征数定义作了适当改进,并通过各进化算子的具体特征数指出,如果 PMA 不采取任何执行策略时,算法本身并不收敛。

The basic procedures of the experiments were:(1)rule training:thisis pretraining in order to make subjects attend gradually to the numberdimension of stimuli,and master the rule of number matching.(2)formaltraining:a variety of cards loading number"3"or"5"served as samplesand comparisons.(3)transfer test,test trials were interposed among usualtraining trials of each session,the number is from 1 to 9,and three typestransfer test were proceeded.


Firstly, we analyze animate noun from three semantic features of control; secondly, we compare the power of person, organization and location in order to check out their animacy; thirdly, using VP-internal Subject Hypothesis in Transformational and Generative Grammar, we investigate Chinese, Kachin and Hani of Tibeto-Burman languages and give out the animacy hierarchy of semantic roles; fourthly, we discuss the animacy of personal pronoun, referential pronoun, proper noun, general noun and abstract noun; fifthly, topic and subjectivity pay attention to the variation of animacy of noun in the paragraph from pragmatic and cognitive points of view respectively; sixthly, we compare the numerical representation of noun in Chinese and Tibetan and other Tibeto-Burman languages. The conclusion is drawn on the relationship between number and animacy; lastly, the influence of popularity on animacy is pointed out. The fifth part includes conclusion and questions leaving behind.


更多网络解释与抽象数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abstract number:抽象数

abstract noun 抽象名词 | abstract number 抽象数 | abstract objects 抽象对象

abstract number:不名数,抽象数

30. abstract quantity 抽象量 | 31. abstract number 不名数,抽象数 | 32. abstract local primitive 抽象本地原语

abstract number:抽象数,不名数

abstract noun | 抽象名词 | abstract number | 抽象数,不名数 | abstract objects | 抽象对象


1843:Hamilton发现四元数代数 | 1846:Cayley引进抽象群和矩阵 | 1871:Dedekind引进理想

concrete number:名数

根据抽象数学发展的需要,现代数学中把数分为抽象数(即不名数Abstract Number)和名数(Concrete Number ) 两类(见(台)>第二册>P33~78这种划分与邵雍关于内数与外数的划分基本上是一致的,邵雍定义中的外数是"指定一物而不变者",


接棒的是毕达哥拉斯(Pythagoras,西元前585~500年)所创於义大利南部克洛顿(Croton)的学派. 这个学派的活动方式带有宗教色彩,他们认为万物的本体并不是有形的质体,而是抽象的数,研究抽象的数可以代替研究实体物.


最佳答案: 导数(derivative)亦名微商,由速度问题和切线问题抽象出来的数学概念. 又称变化率. 如一辆汽车在10小时内走了 600千米,它的平均速度是60千米/小时,但在实际行驶过程中,是有快慢变化的,不都是60千米/小时. 为了较好地反映汽车在行驶过程中...

iconic model:形象模型

有形象模型(Iconic Model)和抽象模型(Abstract Model)之分. 前者是由改变现实原型的度量、尺度或维数而得到的,其构造多为依据P定理(见第二章)和相似性原理,故又称比例模型(Scale Model);后者是用抽象的符号、图表、语辞等表述的模型.

nonobjective:非写实的, 抽象的

derivative order 导数的级 | nonobjective 非写实的, 抽象的 | alter egoism 同病相怜

sparse matrix:稀疏矩阵

st) 多项式抽象数据类型 (Polynomial ADT) 稀疏矩阵 (Sparse Matrix) 字符串 (String) 作为抽象数据类型的数组 一维数组 一维数组的示例 一维数组的特点 连续存储的线性聚集(别名 向量) 向量) 连续存储的线性聚集( 除第一个元素外,