英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽象数学 的英文翻译,例句
抽象数学 的英文翻译、例句


abstract mathematics
更多网络例句与抽象数学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstraction degree; abstraction relation degree; semi-kernel; absolute geometry


This comprehensive text links abstract mathematics to engineering applications in order to provide a clear and thorough exploration of fluid dynamics.


The modern physics development by to the concrete material embodiment inspection, moved towards to the abstract material abstract research, namely from specially moves towards general, its utilizes the mathematical instrument is also same, moves towards mathematics from physical mathematics physics, already developed the abstract algebra and the general analysis situs, from bad on the one hand said, the physicist because of lost the concrete material object to change confusedly, was at a loss how to proceed, from was good on the one hand says, the research technique from specially moved towards general, also caused its thinking mode to have the return, tended to the philosophy, this speaking of the physics, was one kind of significant crisis, but at the same time, Also is a brand-new development turning point.


It is the aim of this book to present various basic and important results of vector optimization in an abstract mathematical setting and to demonstrate its usefulness in vector approximation and cooperative differential game theory.


Bstract mathematical knowledge: Mathematics as a body of knowledge that may be experienced as experientially real.


To reason with mathematical symbol language advances the innovative thinking.


The number shape is hit by mentality in common use combining with being that the mathematics solves problems , shape is can make some abstract mathematics problems perception-rization , pictorialize , vivid-rization in the thought being tied in wedlock , is able to change an abstratc thinking into the thinking in images , is helpful to the nature grasping the mathematics problem.


They very have also suggested that the very concept of abstract numbers - the idea of a oneness, a twoness, a threeness that applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding than setting a table - is itself far from innate.


They very have also suggested that the very concept of abstract numbers - the idea of a oneness, a twoness, a threeness that applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding than setting a table - is itself far from innate.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of PCDC instruction on an eighth-grade underachievement class.


更多网络解释与抽象数学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abstract interval function:抽象区间函数

abstract group 抽象群 | abstract interval function 抽象区间函数 | abstract mathematics 抽象数学

abstract mathematics:抽象数学

abstract interval function 抽象区间函数 | abstract mathematics 抽象数学 | abstract number 不名数

concrete number:名数

根据抽象数学发展的需要,现代数学中把数分为抽象数(即不名数Abstract Number)和名数(Concrete Number ) 两类(见(台)>第二册>P33~78这种划分与邵雍关于内数与外数的划分基本上是一致的,邵雍定义中的外数是"指定一物而不变者",

Functional Analysis:泛涵分析

我们在第一年学习集合论(axiomatic set theory),第三年学习测度论(measure theory)和拓扑学(topology),学习泛涵分析(functional analysis). 也有提供给高年级大学生的进阶主题课程,有一些基础机率和统计的课程,但仅止于此. 当时我学习较多的是抽象数学,

Mathematical Modeling:数学模拟

数学模型(mathematical model)可简单地定义为用数学语言描述的实际现象,是用数学语言数学模拟(mathematical modeling)是利用数学方法解决实际问题的一种实践活动,即通过抽象、简化、假设、引进变量等处理过程后将实际问题用数学方式表达,


对于今天的生命科学工作者,数学的价值应该体现在"模型化"(Modelling)方面. 通过模型的构建,那些看上去杂乱无章的实验数据将被整理成有序可循的数学问题;通过模型的构建,所要研究的问题的本质将被清晰地抽象出来;通过模型的构建,

Out of the Blue:突然

数学绝不是突然(out of the blue)从天上掉下一个公式或定理,然后就要我们去证明. 通常数学教科书所犯的毛病就是按「定义、定理、证明」等抽象方式来铺陈,这样无法看到数学的发展过程. 在上述证明中,单纯多边形经过原子化后,

pure point spectrum:纯离散谱

pure mathematics 抽象数学 | pure point spectrum 纯离散谱 | pure predicate calculus of first order 一阶纯谓词演算

pure geometry:综合几何学

pure continuous spectrum 纯连续谱 | pure geometry 综合几何学 | pure mathematics 抽象数学

Pure mathematics:抽象数学

pure geometry 综合几何学 | pure mathematics 抽象数学 | pure point spectrum 纯离散谱