英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽象代数 的英文翻译,例句
抽象代数 的英文翻译、例句


abstract algebra
更多网络例句与抽象代数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the field of abstract algebra .


This situation is much like that of the mathematics student trying to understand abstract algebra.


The students in a topology course should have some knowledge of mathematical analysis and abstract algebra.


The person may regard it with awe just like when he thinks about abstract ALgebra or say Group theory.


It is excellent for a one-semester course for students familiar with linear and abstract algebra and prepares them for a graduate course on Lie groups.


This has necessitated the development of a substantial body of foundational material of the sort that has become standard in text books on abstract algebra.


Finite groups of matrices appear early as examples in a first course in abstract algebra, and most of the time these examples are given with integral entries.


It is more than twenty years since the author began the project of writing the three volumes of Lectures in Abstract Algebra .


Vector is the new high school textbooks and the new one of the important contents, it is rich in physical background, it is the object of study algebra, and geometry is the object of study is set,"the number of Form" in a mathematical concept of an abstract algebra, linear algebra and functional analysis of the basic mathematical model.


In addition to calculus with linear algebra, I had two semesters of mathematical analysis, partial differential equations, abstract algebra was also a senior this semester in the measurement theory.


更多网络解释与抽象代数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstract Algebra:抽象代数

那你要用那种理论去解, 例如:有N个矩阵相乘,找出最有效的乘法计算方式来计算,很显然不同的排法,所用得乘法也不一样,这种可以用动态规划(Dynamic Programming)如何利用数论(Number Theory) 与 抽象代数 (Abstract Algebra) 建立安全的密码应

Abstract Algebra:抽象代数学

abstract account | 摘要帐户 | abstract algebra | 抽象代数(学) | abstract algebraic variety | 抽象代数

abstract algebraic geometry:抽象代数几何

abstract algebra 抽象代数 | abstract algebraic geometry 抽象代数几何 | abstract automaton 抽象自动机

abstract automaton:抽象自动机

abstract algebraic geometry 抽象代数几何 | abstract automaton 抽象自动机 | abstract category 抽象范畴

abstract group:抽象群

abstract algebra 抽象代数 | abstract group 抽象群 | abstract space 抽象空间

Modern Algebra:近世代数

在发展的早期公式抽象代数(Abstract algebra)又称近世代数(modern algebra),它产生于十九世纪. 抽象代数是研究各种抽象的公理化代数系统的数学学科. 由于代数可处理实数与复数以外的物集,例如向量、矩阵超数、变换(transformation)等,

Algebraic Topology:代数拓扑学

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Emmy Noether:(抽象代数)

John von Neumann(代数,计算机) | Emmy Noether (抽象代数) | Issai Schur (群表示论)

galois theory:理论

现在,包括哈明码在内的整个编码学已建立在十分复杂而严格的数学理论基础之上,要用到抽象代数(abstract algebra),包括伽洛瓦理论(Galois theory)等. 哈明码的发明是为了解决通信中的误码问题,但对计算机同样有用.

Graph theory:图形理论

另一方面为了研究四色问题,图形理论(Graph theory)渐渐发展起来,而被用去解决其它的问题. 这是解决大问题必会有的现象. 譬如为了解决费玛臆测(即xn+yn=zn,n≧3,没有正整数解),引起了整个代数数论及抽象代数的发展. 问题本身可能没有什么大用处,