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抽样方法 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与抽样方法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Illustrations are used to analyze the limitation of line sampling firstly. For linear limit state, the efficiency of LS is affected by the dispersion of the actual important direction from the optimal one, the bigger the dispersion is, the lower the efficiency is. For non-linear limit state, in case that the actual important direction deviates from the optimal one greatly, the efficiency and the precision of LS decrease seriously, even wrong results are obtained.


Among probability sampling methods, what kinds of research conditions are more appropriate for each sampling method


In this review, historical background of sampling theory and development of forest inventories are presented. Application and research status of sampling methodology and technology in forest inventory in China and abroad are analyzed and reviewed, which includes sampling with probability proportional to frequency or to size, sampling based on remote sensing and sampling for rare population. Finally, both development trends and some problems of sampling methodology are discussed.


The survey conducted in Taiwan was designed using a multiple-stage sampling method that utilized the principles of probabilities proportional to size, stratified sampling, and systematic sampling to strengthen the sample's effective representation.


Excepting the conventional methods of surveying samples, such as simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, liner regression sampling, ratio estimator, two-stage sampling, double sampling, rotate sampling, non-probability sampling, there is sequential sampling and mark-recapture, particularly mark-recapture was introduced in detail.


Cluster sampling: When the basic sampling unit in the population is to be found in groups or cluster s the sampling is sometimes carried out by selecting a sample of cluster s and observing all the members of each selected cluster .


Cluster sampling: When the Basic sampling unit in the population is to be found in groups or clusters the sampling is sometimes carried out by selecting a sample of clusters and observing all the members of each selected cluster.


First, this paper gives an introduction of some methods of unequal probability sampling, their estimators and variance estimators, including sampling with pps with replacement, methods of sampling without replacement suggested by Brewer, Durbin, Sampford , Des Raj , Murthy , Rao-Hartley-Cochran. Then, at the basis of Rao and Bayless's study , we consider that population can be splited two random subpopulations, which are respectively drawn from different infinite super-populations, and compare the stabilities of estimators of the methods that given above.

本文首先从理论上介绍了若干种不等概率抽样方法,它们的估计量、估计量的方差及其估计,其中包括有放回PPZ及PPS抽样,不放回不等概率抽样中的Brewer、Durbin、Sampford、Des Raj,Murthy、Rao-Hartley-Cochran等人的方法;其次,在Rao和Bayless两人就样本单元数n=2的情形对上述抽样方法进行比较的基础上,将总体随机地分成两个子总体,视每个子总体取自不同的线性超总体,在文中,我们利用计算机实现随机分组,并通过画图比较各方法估计量的稳定性,结果表明,对变异系数C.V。

First, this paper gives an introduction of some methods of unequal probability sampling, their estimators and variance estimators, including sampling with pps with replacement, methods of sampling without replacement suggested by Brewer, Durbin, Sampford , Des Raj , Murthy , Rao-Hartley-Cochran.Then, at the basis of Rao and Baylesss study , we consider that population can be splited two random subpopulations, which are respectively drawn from different infinite super-populations, and compare the stabilities of estimators of the methods that given above.

本文首先从理论上介绍了若干种不等概率抽样方法,它们的估计量、估计量的方差及其估计,其中包括有放回PPZ及PPS抽样,不放回不等概率抽样中的Brewer、Durbin、Sampford、Des Raj,Murthy、Rao-Hartley-Cochran等人的方法;其次,在Rao和Bayless两人就样本单元数n=2的情形对上述抽样方法进行比较的基础上,将总体随机地分成两个子总体,视每个子总体取自不同的线性超总体,在文中,我们利用计算机实现随机分组,并通过画图比较各方法估计量的稳定性,结果表明,对变异系数C.V。

The typic characteristic of this method is the dynamic adjustment of the sampling interval with the change of the network traffic.


更多网络解释与抽样方法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sampling at random:随机抽样

sampling approach 抽样方法 | sampling at random 随机抽样 | sampling bias 抽样偏差

Cluster sampling:整群抽样

(4) 整群抽样(cluster sampling) 此法是一种以包含若干个体的单位群为抽样对象的抽样方法. 其具体作法是:首先对所调查总体按需要划分成若干单位群,并对各群进行编号,然后用简单随机抽样法在总体中抽单位群来组成样本.

multistage sampling:多级抽样

5,多级抽样 多级抽样(multistage sampling):在大型流行病学调查中,常结合使用几种抽样方法.先从总体中抽取范围较大的单元, 在大型流行病学调查中, 多级抽样 在大型流行病学调查中 常结合使用几种抽样方法.先从总体中抽取范围较大的单元,

quota sampling:定额抽样

(一) 课本在非机率抽样的类型中,有提到定额抽样(quota sampling),简单的说,其是先将母体的特徵列表,再依母题这些特徵的不同比例,依序抽出样本,使样本和母题具有同样特徵,以增加代表性,而此种抽样方法,和机率抽样中的分层抽样(stratified sampling),

Simple random sampling:简单随机抽样

简单随机抽样(Simple Random Sampling). 简单随机抽样是最为基本的概率抽样,它是其它抽样方法的基础. 它是一种特殊的等概率抽样方法,总体中每一个个体都有同等被选中的机会,而且样本的每个个体都是单独被抽取的.

Sampling error:抽样误差

估计误差 抽样误差(sampling error) :任何因为抽样中的机遇(chance)所产生的变动. 增加样本数,可以降低抽样误差. 使用恰当的样本统计量来估计母体参数,也是降低抽样误差的方法之一. 适当的抽样方法,可以降低抽样误差.

sampling method:抽样方法

抽样方法(Sampling Method)是按照一定程序,从所研究对象的全体(母体)中抽取一部份(样本)进行调查或观查,并在一定的条件下,运用数理统计的原理和方法,对母体的数量特征进行估计和推断.

sampling moment:抽样动差

抽样方法 sampling method | 抽样动差 sampling moment | 逐次情况抽样 sampling on successive occasions

simple sampling inspection plan:简单抽样检查方法

simple sampling 简单抽样 | simple sampling inspection plan 简单抽样检查方法 | simple sampling without replacement 简单不重复抽样

Snowball sampling:雪球抽樣

配额抽样类似随机抽样中的分层抽样,它也是首先将母体中的所有单位按一定的标志分为若干类(组),然后在每个类(组)中用方便抽样或判断抽样方法选取样本单位.雪球抽样(snowball sampling)是以"滚雪球"的方