英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽吸 的英文翻译,例句
抽吸 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pump  ·  pumps  ·  suctions

更多网络例句与抽吸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The total aberrantion rate of chromosome is 26.7%(23/86);Compared the normal controls,in azoospermic patients,Serum FSH、LH levels increased,The rate of T/LH decreased.and there is a very significant difference(P%26lt;0.05);The resemble results is detected in different outcome in PESA.


"Aspirator: a device for removing liquids or gases by suction, especially an instrument that uses suction to remove substances, such as mucus or serum, from a body cavity."


Compared with ordinary suction or brattice suction, the suction controlled by rotary jet has the following advantages


Methods the adipose tissue was obtained from the omentum of abdominal surgery patients under the aseptic condition, then it was isolated and cultured in vitro.

在过去的20年抽脂术应用的报道很快增多[2,3],美国每年有375 000例患者进行抽脂术,每次手术可以产生几百毫升到几升的抽吸物,通常这些抽吸物被当作垃圾处理。

Syringe aspiration: At the up-left and right-down two regions, needle with 20 mL in volume used for extracting fat was used.


Results 86 cases of polyacrylamide hydrogel were injectable implant in the treatment of non-organic change. 32 cases only because of psychological pressure,and urgent requirement for seeking out hydrogel,Were treated using suction liposuction methods.Induration significantly complicated and tough for using semi Central areolar incision under half,pumping out water gel thoroughly Abstract induration.Hydrogel into pectoralis major,who may armpit transverse incision after augmentation.


Nine patients required a second paracentesis and 3 patients required a third paracetesis over the next 10 days.


Through first aspiration,there was over 85% drainage of hematomas in 432 cases,50%-84% in 306 cases,less than 50% in 108 cases,and none in four cases.


Then, we use hot water extraction to lift the dirty particles to the surface where they are whisked away.


The experimental and numerical results show that secondary flow can be restrained by endwall boundary layer suction and the restraining mechanisms of endwall suctions in different locations are different from each other.


更多网络解释与抽吸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aspiring pump:抽吸泵

aspirin 阿斯匹林 | aspiring pump 抽吸泵 | ASR circuit 自动发送接收电路

Chimney effect:抽吸效应

chimney drain 竖井排水管 | chimney effect 抽吸效应 | chimney flue 烟囱

suction lipectomy, liposuction:脂肪抽吸[术]

减脂[术] defatting | 脂肪抽吸[术] suction lipectomy, liposuction | 抽吸器 aspirator


sucker吸管 | sucking抽吸 | sucrose蔗糖

sucking pump:抽气泵,抽吸泵,吸抽加压泵

sucking pig 乳猪 | sucking pump 抽气泵,抽吸泵,吸抽加压泵 | sucking rate 抽气量

supplemental pumping:补充抽吸<从消火栓或吸水源抽吸

supervisory temper switch 防干扰监控开关 | supplemental pumping 补充抽吸<从消火栓或吸水源抽吸 | supplemental supply 增补供水

aspirating pump:抽吸泵

aspirating cleaner 气吸风力清选机 | aspirating pump 抽吸泵 | aspiration psychrometer 通风干湿表

Suction extractors:<老西整理> 抽吸脱水机

Suction drum dryers<老西整理>抽吸式转筒烘燥机 | Suction extractors<老西整理>抽吸脱水机 | Synthetic tape producing machines<老西整理>合成扁丝生产线

suction hose:抽吸胶管

suction hopper dredger 自航式吸扬挖泥船 | suction hose 抽吸胶管 | suction ironing table 吸风整熨工作台

suction air chamber:抽吸空气室

suction air ==> 抽吸空气 | suction air chamber ==> 抽吸空气室 | suction and discharge valve ==> 吸水与放泄阀簧