英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽动 的英文翻译,例句
抽动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
throb  ·  twitch  ·  vellicate  ·  throbbed  ·  throbs  ·  twitched  ·  twitches

spasmodic jerk
更多网络例句与抽动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fluence and frequency of laser was controlled precisely, which could melt and destroy the adiposis tissue without damage to the adjacent tissues. The histological study of treated adiposis tissues, post-operative reaction and clinical results were observed and studied. Results Local adipose tissues were melted and liquefied effectively by the laser. Compact fibrous tissues of cellulite were broken by the laser into loosen structure. The bleeding was lower than traditional method due to the coagulation of capillary vessels. The advantages of laser lipolysis included less edema, petechia and complications, which produced a rapid recovery and satisfactory results.


I might as well slit my chest and show you my pumping heart, arteries and all.


No lock, thrusting, single intromission, and single ejaculation) of Dewsbury's system and No.


The average thrusting duration was 20.9±0.5 seconds,and the average mating duration was 45.2±1.3 seconds.4 There was no copulatory lock during mating,and the male usually ejaculated following a single intromission after several thrusts.


Tourettes syndrome is a kind of chronic neuropsychosis characterized by multiple motor tics with vocal tics.


Great majority person confine has on eyelid or those who issue eyelid is jumpy, but eyelid of small number of people beats accentuate gradually, probably from pure on eyelid or next eyelid jump development twitchs for fluctuation eyelid, develop not to twitch independently to be the same as flank ministry sarcous even.


This situation is known as Tourette's, Tourette child focus on something would be more strongly.


Ics are also commonfeature ofGilles de la Tourette syndrome (see article on Tourette's Syndrome).


The full name of the condition is Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome but it is usually called Tourette's Syndrome or just TS.


A group of Tourette Syndrome children diagnosed with ICD- 10 were training by the instruments of A620. They received retests during,after training and one year follow uP by the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale-Modified, Conners Parent Rating Scale RevisedandWISC-C.


更多网络解释与抽动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To seem to lurch or heave convulsively:翻动:似乎在痉挛性地抽动

turn over a million dollars a year.一年的营业额是一百万美元 | To seem to lurch or heave convulsively:翻动:似乎在痉挛性地抽动: | My stomach turned over.我的胃在翻动

Throbbing Gristle:抽动的软骨

工业音乐一词最早出现于英国谢菲尔德一个叫"工业唱片"(Industrial Records)的地下音乐厂牌的唱片中,公司的成立者也就是最早被冠以工业音乐头衔的是一个叫做"抽动的软骨"(Throbbing Gristle)的乐队,擅长以拼贴音效和紧张恐怖的有如冲击波般的氛围营造打动听众,

nocturnal myoclonus:夜间肌肉抽动

周期性下肢抽动、阵发性下肢运动、周期性腿动 Periodic leg movements | 夜间肌肉抽动 nocturnal myoclonus | 背缩弯 dorsiflexion

Sleep starts:入睡抽动、睡眠抽动

睡眠分期、睡眠阶段、睡眠阶期 Sleep stages | 入睡抽动、睡眠抽动 Sleep starts | 认知性睡眠困扰、睡眠状态知觉异常 Sleep state misperception


这种疑似难以控制的吼叫行为精神医学称之为"抽动"(Tic),发声性抽动(Vocal Tic)只是其中一种,有的孩子出现的情况是运动性抽动(Motor Tic),即肌肉不自主的抽动.

Tic disorders:抽动障碍

抽动障碍(tic disorders)是一种起病于儿童和青少年时期,具有明显遗传倾向的神经精神性疾病. 主要表现为不自主的、反复的、快速的一个部位或多部位肌肉运动抽动和发声抽动,并可伴有注意力不集中、多动、强迫性动作和思维或其他行为症状.

atwitch:抽动的 抽动地

atwirl | 快速旋转的 快速旋转地 | atwitch | 抽动抽动地 | atwitter | 紧张的, 兴奋的

cillosis:痉挛性睑抽动 痉挛性睑抽动

cillo 痉挛性睑抽动 痉挛性睑抽动 | cillosis 痉挛性睑抽动 痉挛性睑抽动 | cimbinationmill 组合式轧机

Tourette's syndrome:抽动-秽语综合征

3.抽动秽语综合征(Tourette's syndrome) 见于儿童,表现快速、刻板的反复不规则多发性肌肉抽动,常累及头面部、颈肌群和咽喉肌,还有发怪声或吐脏话. 主要是预防可能引起投掷运动(ballism)的原发病,同时注意加强病人的生活护理,防止各种并发症.

Tourette's syndrome:多发性抽动症

熄风静宁冲剂:Tourette Syndrome | 多发性抽动症:Tourette"s syndrome | 抽动秽语综合征:Tourette"s Syndrome