英语人>词典>汉英 : 护教者 的英文翻译,例句
护教者 的英文翻译、例句


fidei defensor
更多网络例句与护教者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is to that clear self-revelation of God to the unbeliever, known but suppressed, that the apologist appeals.


This means that the apologist must presuppose the truth of God's word from the start to finish in his apologetic witness.

这就表示,一个护教者在护教时,必须从开始到结束都要「预设」[4] 上帝之圣道中的真理。

A religious thinker could offer a more genuinely moral interpretation, along the lines of the following statement from an imaginary apologist.'If you don't believe in God, you don't believe there are any absolute standards of morality.


To emphasize it gives the apologist several advantages:(1) Inquirers sometimes tell us that there is no point in investigating Christianity, for if they did that, they would also have to investigate all the other religions, philosophies, and ideologies in the history of thought – an impossible task, to be sure.


The Christian apologist needs to argue with the non-Christian in an epistemologically self-conscious manner, which cannot happen if his reasoning and argumentation assume things that are actually contrary to his intended conclusion.


更多网络解释与护教者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


fiddley 锅炉舱顶棚 | fiddling 无足轻重地 | fidei defensor 护教者

fidei defensor:护教者

fiddling 无足轻重地 | fidei defensor 护教者 | fideicommissary 财产遗赠的受益人<


fiddling 无足轻重地 | fidei defensor 护教者 | fideicommissary 财产遗赠的受益人<

Mystic Penitent:秘教悔过者

33Mystic Crusader秘教护教军OD | 34Mystic Penitent秘教悔过者OD | 35Mystic Visionary秘教幻视家OD

Theophilus of Antioch:安提阿的提阿非罗

最早使用近似概念的是第二世纪的"护教者",安提阿的提阿非罗(Theophilus of Antioch)他用希腊文的Triad(意为"union of three")向以希腊语为母语的"外邦人"说明神的特性.

Washburn University:渥西本大学

还有一位主张严厉对待住在西方的背教者的更原始的伊斯兰护教者,是堪萨斯州渥西本大学( Washburn University ) 的法学教授 Ali Khan . 最近发行的一期 >( Cumberland Law Review ) 中, Khan 提议说伊斯兰可以被看作是知识产权的一种形式,

fidei defensor:护教者

fiddling 无足轻重地 | fidei defensor 护教者 | fideicommissary 财产遗赠的受益人<


120 - 220年间,教会中出现了一些后被称为"护教士"(apologists)的知识分子和哲学家,他们从抗议和谴责对其督教的迫害进而问皇帝和知识界申诉说明基督教信仰及礼仪的"合理"性,表明基督教对帝国"无害",企图消除反教者的"误解,

Apostolic Fathers:(使徒后期教父)

)早期教会的一些著名的"(使徒后期)教父"(Apostolic Fathers),如特土良(Tertullian),俄利根(Origen)和殉道者游斯汀(Justin Martyr),都成为基督教信仰的代言人而跟反基人士有直接的思想交锋,他们也就是历史上最早的一批"护教家(辩道家)".