英语人>词典>汉英 : 折扣商店 的英文翻译,例句
折扣商店 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

dime store · discount house
更多网络例句与折扣商店相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And again, this is something that a discount store can't do.


You may find inexpensive merchandise at discount store provided you are not looking for latest fashions and best brands.


Century 21, the downtown discount store, was the best part of jury duty.


Sam Walton didn't invent the idea of the discount store, he just perfected it.


In store discount negligible, but this small percentage of it can be to frequently spending hundreds of thousands of people save to buy a house on the cost of million.


He also learned that I wouldn't have time to stop at the discounter to save the ten bucks.


Second, the retail market for videotape sales started to pick up, and the discount stores sold videos at price low enough that people bugan to purchase rather than rent their movies.


Sales at Macy's, the largest US department store chain, fell 2.4 per cent, while JC Penney saw a 1.4 per cent fall and Target, the mass discounter, reported a 1.2 per cent decline.

美国最大百货连锁店梅西百货销售额下降2.4%, JC Penney 的销售下降1.4%,大众折扣商店 Target 销售额下降1.2%。

According to Haikou City Council commerce commercial outlets introduce the Office of the officers concerned, the current commercial Haikou nearly 40,000, all kinds of chain stores, supermarkets, discount stores, warehouse shopping malls, theme malls, e-commerce still on the increase.


Additionally the finders may also receive gift vouchers, shop discounts, trial packs and much more.


更多网络解释与折扣商店相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Discretionary Buying Power:可随意支配的购买力

Discount store 廉价商店(或折扣商店) | Discretionary buying power 可随意支配的购买力 | Discretionary funds 自主资金

dime store:折扣商店

great sale --- 大甩卖, | dime store --- 折扣商店, | flea-market --- 跳蚤市场,

Discount store:折扣商店

不知道国内的平价商店是否跟美国的折扣商店(discount store)一样?我知道美国有两家折扣店,一个是Dollar Tree,一个是 99Cent Only. 这两家都是连锁店,在全美各地有很多分店,店里卖的主要是日常生活用品,所有商品毫无例外,一律是每件1美元或者99美分.

Century 21, the downtown discount store, was the best part of jury duty:21世纪,城里的折扣商店 是当陪审员唯一的收获

The next day, the verdict was in.|第二天,判决下来了 | Century 21, the downtown discount store, was the best part of jury duty.|21世纪,城里的折扣商店 是当陪审员唯一的收获 | Hello.|-喂


"discounter","折扣商店","retail" | "diseconomy","规模不经济","geneal" | "disguised example","隐蔽案例 :经处理后案例:不具名","geneal"


"例如,美国 肯塔基(Kentucky)州一家大酿酒商通过各种经销商(如超级市场、连锁商 店、折扣商店和独立食品商店、小杂货店等)销售许多不同商标的相同的威 士忌,都是这家酿酒商的同一酒桶里的威士忌.


在美国,"药房"(pharmacy)有时也叫做"drugstore",其中真正出售药品的部门往往只占很小一个角落. 有些超级市场和折扣商店内也设有药房. 许多drugstores都有选择地经营大量其他物品,诸如:化妆品、美容剂、明信片、贺卡......等等.

thrift shop:便宜商店、折扣店

supermarket 超市 | thrift shop 便宜商店、折扣店 | tobacconist 香烟店

Discount Houses:廉价商店

"折扣","Discount" | "廉价商店","Discount houses" | "廉价商店","Discount stores"


今年2009年的劳工节长周末主要是9月5日(周六) 6日(周日)及7日 (周一)三天, 但许多促销从星期五已经先行起跑, 各大百货公司和名牌特价商店(Outlets)均已推出诱人的折扣优惠, 另外购物网站推出的特价商品也相当值得一看,