英语人>词典>汉英 : 抗忧郁药 的英文翻译,例句
抗忧郁药 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与抗忧郁药相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Additional antidepressant that may be used to treat depression and other fibromyalgia syptoms are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.


In this study 60 female schizo- phrenic patients were treated,Gr- oup A was treated with antipsych- otic drugs combining with insulin hypoglycemia,while group B was only treated with antipsychotic d- rugs,They were opserved by the rating methods of IV grade thera- peutic effect, The results show that in both groups there is no statistical sign- ificance in comparison of the imm- ediate effect,the feature of contr- olling the prominient psychiatric symptoms,the time needed for the same level of improvement,t...


Lead researcher Professor John Thorp, of the University of North Carolina, told the European Society for Sexual Medicine :"Flibanserin was a poor antidepressant. However, astute observers noted that it increased libido in laboratory animals and human subjects. So, we conducted multiple clinical trials ."

北卡罗莱纳大学的领导研究者索普教授告诉欧洲性医学协会:「 flibanserin 是一种很烂的抗忧郁药,但精明的观察者发现,它会增强实验室动物与人类样本的性欲,所以我们进行了多项临床试验。

And just think! You'll be able to save money on anti-stress pills!


更多网络解释与抗忧郁药相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"一些药物如抗忧郁剂(Antidepressant)、高血压药,抗敏感药(Antihistamines)及抗生素都是属於化学刺激品,多数患者服用后导致唾液大减,口腔产生异味. 压力也会导致一个人精神紧张,引起口乾而有口气. "

tetracyclic antidepressant:四环抗忧郁药

四甲蒽丙胺 melitracen | 四环抗忧郁药 tetracyclic antidepressant | 生物反馈 biofeedback

Jesus Christ, people:老天啊,各位

Sorry.|对不起 | Jesus Christ, people...|老天啊,各位... | ...pop a Prozac or three. Summer's finished. Get over it.|吞个两、三颗抗忧郁药吧 夏天过完了,别再留恋了


仲胺类三环抗忧郁药 secondary amine tricyclics | 伪幻觉 pseudohallucination | 伊波因 ibogaine


三环类抗忧郁药中毒简介:本类药物国内已有阿米替林(amitriptyline)丙咪嗪(imipramine)、多塞平(doxepine)等,主要用以对抗情绪低落忧郁消极及解除抑制. 抗忧郁药主要作用于间脑(特别是下丘脑)及边缘系统,在这个被称为"情绪中枢"的部位发挥调整作用.