英语人>词典>汉英 : 把...缠住 的英文翻译,例句
把...缠住 的英文翻译、例句


catch up
更多网络例句与把...缠住相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can't sort out the cause and effect: Did the Avocet brought the kite along after having been entangled in the string?Or was the kite drifted by itself and entangled the Avocet?


Devil's Snare prefers a dark, damp environment and shrinks away from fire, so a well-placed flame spell such as Bluebell Flames will drive it away from its victims.

Devil's Snare喜欢黑暗潮湿的地方,遇到火会退缩,因此一个施得合适的火焰咒语,比如蓝铃火焰就可以把被抓缠住的人从它的触须下救出来。

He was caught in a deathtrap: the boat's line snared his lower body while its hull kept him underwater.


Could I but entangle your feet with my heart and hold them fast my breast!


It's constricting me.- You could stick your finger in its hole.


Grant if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many, But that thou none lov'st is most evident: For thou art so possessed with murd'rous hate, That 'gainst thy self thou stick'st not to conspire, Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate Which to repair should be thy chief desire: O change thy thought, that I may change my mind, Shall hate be fairer lodged than gentle love?


At that time,the Shepherd saw the scrow in trouble.so he run forward him,and grasped it.he cut the crow's feathers,and then he gave it to the children,the children asked him:"what is the bird" he answered,"this is a crow,but he try his best to be a eagle"


My girlfriend and I went on to read that apparently two girls were swimming in one of the large ponds there is on the land and one of the girls got caught up in the net that Jamie's father was using to drag the pond of any catfish. Well Jamie tried to get Lauren untangled from the net but it was too late.


They cut a regular dash with his coin; they would send him off full speed to the other end of Paris in order to be alone and then when he came back, they would crack jokes and make allusions he could not understand.


Thorns pierced my face I do not care about, mosquito bite my eyes I do not care about, Python-wrapped my waist I do not care about, I finally caught enough of a bottle of fireflies, Then I put the bottle Firefly pegged at my house wall, in such a bright and me to study hard and continued until the second grade, I found that during the "Mother Firefly Firefly luminous than the public more observant," in the biologists to be attention.


更多网络解释与把...缠住相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These would have long tendrils that would ensnare you:它们会用须子把你缠住

but creepier than classic science fiction blobs:|比科幻小说中的泡泡还要... | These would have long tendrils that would ensnare you,|它们会用须子把你缠住 | and as you tried to get away from them|你开始挣...

It's constricting me. - You could stick your finger in its hole:它把我缠住了 - 你可以用手指插它的眼睛

I got a lot of ideas. I'm bursting wit... | - It's constricting me. - You could stick your finger in its hole.|- 它把我缠住了 - 你可以用手指插它的眼睛 | You know what, you could eat it before it eats y...


渔夫在河里拦河张网捕鱼,用麻绳缠住石块,再不停地打击河水,吓得鱼群仓皇逃窜,都钻进了他的网中. 附近的一个人见到后,指责(rebuke)他这样把河水弄浑,大家都没清水喝了. 渔夫回答说:"若不搅浑河水,我就非饿死不可. "

Venomous Tentacula:毒触手

最近的>系列也提到食人植物,书中的毒触手(Venomous Tentacula)试图利用它的滕捕捉猎物. 19世纪的一个故事中说,马达加斯加岛一种长着触手的树会紧紧缠住人不放,直到把他们勒死,并称这是目击者亲口讲述的,不过这种故事在20世纪遭到人们质疑.


enwind 缠绕 | enlink 把...连结起来 | entangle 缠住,套住

Venomous Tentacula:毒触手

最近的<<哈利.波特>>系列也提到食人植物,书中的毒触手(Venomous Tentacula)试图利用它的滕捕捉猎物. 19世纪的一个故事中说,马达加斯加岛一种长着触手的树会紧紧缠住人不放,直到把他们勒死,并称这是目击者亲口讲述的,不过这种故事在20世纪遭到人们质疑.