英语人>词典>汉英 : 把...放逐 的英文翻译,例句
把...放逐 的英文翻译、例句


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From Act III, he is beginning to overcome feelings of depression, lofty ideals and a sense of responsibility. made him aware of the need to take action to fight unreasonable fate, so he took a series of vigorous measures revenge, Jian Wang from the show taken from real crime to rewrite Mitsunobu undermining Jianwang his deportation to Britain then trying to plot the assassination of the final Jian Wang, a state minister to his like-minded cronies. This is all demonstrated his ingenuity, courageous, calm careful and superhuman knowledge.


In the merry month of June, From my home I started, Left the girls of Tuam, Nearly broken hearted, Saluted father dear, Kissed my darlin' mother, Drank a pint of beer, My grief and tears to smother, Then off to reap the corn, And leave where I was born, I cut a stout blackthorn, To banish ghost and goblin, In a brand new pair of brogues, I rattled o'er the bogs, And frightened all the dogs, On the rocky road to Dublin.

在欢快的6月份,我家从我开始,左蒂厄姆的女孩,几乎断心肠,亲爱的父亲致敬,吻了我的达令河流域的母亲,喝一品脱啤酒,我的悲伤和眼泪来扼杀,然后,把收获的玉米,并留下我在那里出生,我将一胖剌李树,放逐的幽灵和精灵,在一个全新的布罗格斯新球鞋,我rattled o'er的沼泽地,和恐惧,所有的狗,在平坦的路到都柏林。

It was to Forks that I now exiled myself— an action that I took with great horror.


Though the Kell Hounds have accepted them as allies against the Crusader juggernaut, others in the Inner Sphere are likely to be less forgiving.


The sailors took command of the ship from the cruel captain and maroon ed him on a desert island.


Article 23b of the 1907 Hague Regulations prohibits assassination, proscription, or outlawry of an enemy, or putting a price upon an enemy's head, as well as offering a reward for any enemy 'dead or alive.

第23b 1907年海牙条例禁止暗杀,取缔,或放逐的敌人,或把价格在一个敌人的头部,并提供奖金给任何敌人'活着还是死了。

To his sons, too, he left an inheritance from this proscription greater than any of the emperors had left, since he had made a large part of the gold throughout Gaul, Spain and Italy.


At the end of the 19th century, Portugal's greatest symbolist poet Camilo Pessanha exiled himself to Macau.


From Act III, he is beginning to overcome feelings of depression, lofty ideals and a sense of responsibility. made him aware of the need to take action to fight unreasonable fate, so he took a series of vigorous measures revenge, Jian Wang from the show taken from real crime to rewrite Mitsunobu undermining Jianwang his deportation to Britain then trying to plot the assassination of the final Jian Wang, a state minister to his like-minded cronies. This is all demonstrated his ingenuity, courageous, calm careful and superhuman knowledge.


If ever I were traitor, My name be blotted from the book of life, and I from Heaven banished as from hence! Shakespeare, Richard II


更多网络解释与把...放逐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我们可以说,民主政治的目标就是把"对抗"(antagonism)转化为"竞争"(agonism). 民主政治的主要任务不是消除激情,不是将其放逐到私人领域中以便使合理的一致成为可能,而是以促进民主设计的方式去调动这些激情. 竞争性的冲突不仅不会危害民主,


血魔法师的变化: 第二个技能"放逐"(Banish)改变了,不再能把敌人打得满天飞了,而是直接送他们到暗黑的世界走一趟 --- 攻击敌人时有机会使他们致盲.另外,法师的终极技能也有了很大的改变,不再能连续放5次火焰了,而是瞄准敌人后一次性燃烧,

consign: v.1:把...交付委托给 2.打发,放逐,使湮没无闻

conservatism: n.保守主义, 守旧性 | consign: v.1.把...交付委托给 2.打发,放逐,使湮没无闻???cosign sb to | oblivation 使某人湮没无闻

desolate flotsam:零碎物

the sashes of the Amazonian ballet: 像亚马逊河舞女腰带. | desolate flotsam: 零碎物. | maroon: v. 把......放逐到.

expel vt.1:把...除名,把...开除 2.驱逐,赶走,放逐 3.排出,喷出

compulsory a.必须做的,强制性的,(课程)必修的 | expel vt.1.把...除名,把...开除 2.驱逐,赶走,放逐 3.排出,喷出 | expulsion n.逐出, 开除

expel vt.1:把...除名,把...开除;2. 驱除,赶走,放逐

excursion n. 远足,短途旅行 | expel vt. 1. 把...除名,把...开除;2. 驱除,赶走,放逐 | explicit a. 1. 详述的,明确的;2.直言的,毫不隐瞒的,露骨的


地穴领主的变化: 第一个技能"穿刺"(Impale)改变了,不会产生屏幕震荡的效果了,而是有机会能把敌人打的满天飞(呵呵,居然变成了血魔法师以前的第二个技能"放逐"了).


在这个面向上,后现代主义对移居者(migrant)的崇拜甚至已经到了使他们听起来比摇滚明星还要令人羡慕的地步. 然而,这不过是一种太过自大的想法,是现代主义崇拜放逐的宿醉,是轻视偏狭群从的邪恶艺术家把自己被迫的放逐转化为菁英式美德的作法.

Actually that's when he banishes her, sorry. - Right:其实就是那时把她放逐了 可怜 - 是啊

Ram says, "I cannot rule if my subjects don't respect me and so you... | - Actually that's when he banishes her, sorry. - Right.|- 其实就是那时把她放逐了 可怜 - 是啊 | Uh, say, Sita, would you like to ...

The Spartans, too:斯巴达人把你放逐

Your gods were cruel to shape you so, friend Ephialtes.|神明很残忍,把你造成这模样 | The Spartans, too...|斯巴达人把你放逐 | ...were cruel to reject you.|也很残忍