英语人>词典>汉英 : 把...建立在...之上 的英文翻译,例句
把...建立在...之上 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与把...建立在...之上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With regard to his methods, he took advantage of comparative linguistics based on traditional textual research, so as to shed light on the important cultural issues hiding behind the words and languages, bringing Dunhuangnology into a still broader realm.


But the validity of "overlapping consensus" should not thereby be reduced to the issue of factuality. Rather, political practice must be based on the reasonable discourse and conscious responsibility of the subjects of practice.


Such a person no doubt loses something in the way of geniality and light-heartedness ; on the other hand, he is largely independent of the opinions, habits, and judgments of his fellows and avoids the temptation to take his stand on such insecure foundations.


The promise of success is a challenge which is either met with confidence and that insouciance fueled by both intuition and the knowledge that you have arrived at a competitive mastery of your private capacities and weaker traits, OR it is a seductive goddess who will dump you in the middle of the freeway of life with purposeless whim.


The thought of "ruin" of the Zen enlightens his art. He presents the process of the valuable things falling to ruins, which means to challenge and overthrow all of the metaphysics and significances by a destructive power. The courage of negation comes from the nihilistic enthusiasm and can be derived to the ambition in the Nietzschean times which defies all the things constructed on the base of tradition, authority and valid value.


The Chinese strategic culture is built on the basic traditional concepts of "benevolence","courtesy","virtue","peace", etc. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th party Central Committee, Deng Xiaoping has changed the outdate strategic judgement resolutely, liberating the strategic thinking of China from the frames of war and revolution, bringing it into the new tracks of peace and development.


But granted a prince who has established himself as above, who can command, and is a man of courage, undismayed in adversity, who does not fail in other qualifications, and who, by his resolution and energy, keeps the whole people encouraged-such a one will never find himself deceived in them, and it will be shown that he has laid his foundations well.


This paper gives an axiological survey of the previous criteria of translation criticism,pointing out that it is a mistake to take translation theories as their theoretical foundation,and the correct way is to base them on the theory of evaluation which is a branch of axiology.


But the led must not be coerced, they must be able to choose their leader.


I think the day will come when we will be able to make the distinction between us and the capitalists.


更多网络解释与把...建立在...之上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Did we build our happiness upon the unhappiness of others:我们是不是把幸福建立在了别人的痛苦之上

Harry was my best man.|哈里是我最好的朋友. | Did we build our happiness upon the unhappiness of others?|我们是不是把幸福建立在了别人的痛苦之上? | That's for you to judge.|这就交给你判断吧.


在他看来,韦伯之所以比同时代乃至之前的历史主义走得更远,在于他的社会科学甚至排除了"习俗"(convention) 可能保存的那些"自然权利"因素,因而它所包含的非常重要却也异常危险的倾向是把真正的价值问题完全建立在个人的"自由选择"之上(Strauss ,

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2645fortunen. 财产,命运,运气 | 2649found on把...建立在...之上 | 2650found upon把...建立在...之上

found upon:把...建立在...之上

2649found on把...建立在...之上 | 2650found upon把...建立在...之上 | 2651foundationn. 基础,根据,建立


因为它无法"用触觉感受到". 不仅是几何学和物理学,而且我们对于外在之物的全部概念也都是建立在触觉基础之上的. 我们甚至把这一点引入了英文的修辞学:"固体"(solid)是褒义,"气体"(gas)是贬义,因为我们觉得气体不大"实在".




Wilson) 为代表的政治学"新达尔文主义" 把亚里斯多德、休谟、达尔文等人的理论结合起来 反对把"自然"与"人"、"是" (is) 与"应该" (ought) 作绝然的区分 认为"人类道德是建立在自然的道德感的基础之上的" [4] .


因为它无法"用触觉感受到". 不仅是几何学和物理学,而且我们对于外在之物的全部概念也都是建立在触觉基础之上的. 我们甚至把这一点引入了英文的修辞学:"固体"(solid)是褒义,"气体"(gas)是贬义,因为我们觉得气体不大"实在".




利用生态系统的另一种战略是联系(linking )和杠杆作用(leveraging). 这意味着把建立在某生态系统的一个结点之上的用户群转移到相邻的结点或产品上. 与此非常类似的是在围棋中所运用的那种战略:你逐一包围相邻的市场,把你的用户群转移过去,