英语人>词典>汉英 : 承兑汇票 的英文翻译,例句
承兑汇票 的英文翻译、例句


acceptance bill · acceptance draft · bill accepted · accept a bill of exchange
更多网络例句与承兑汇票相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When presentation of a sight draft or an accepted term draft for payment or of a term draft for acceptance is dishonored, the bill must be protested.


The issuing bank or paying bank or its designated location in the negotiating bank branch or agency after the draft for acceptance, leaving the documents, return the money order; the bill prior to maturity, the beneficiary or the negotiating bank may hold Acceptance returned to the local discount market discount, net of discounts to maturity of the interest income in cash immediately; such as local non-discounted market, banks may be required to acceptances discounted, nor can wait until the due date


The People's Bank of China shall take specific measures pertinently, build up archives of information on the business of commercial acceptance bills within its jurisdiction gradually, and do a good job in monitoring and analyzing the business of commercial acceptance bills within its jurisdiction, it shall build up a "blacklist" of those which unreasonably refuse and defer the payments under commercial acceptance bills, circularize the blacklist to the public at regular intervals, attach more social attention to the payments in breach of contracts, and impose severer punishments on the enterprises that breach contracts.


They shall make strict examination of the genuine trade background, prevent arbitrage of banks' discount funds with commercial acceptance bills and other activities in violation of any law or rule, they shall improve the qualification examination procedures, make earnest investigations on the credit and debt repayment capacities of the acceptance enterprises and the enterprises applying for discount, and prudentially grant credit to enterprises with poor credit standing and financial conditions, so as to avoid newly added non-performing assets, they shall include the credit granting quota for discount, surety or discount surety of commercial acceptance bills into the comprehensive credit granting quota for management, control the total amount, and make dynamic adjustments at proper times in light of the conditions of the accepting enterprises and the enterprises applying for discount in respect of finance, credit and business operation, etc.


If a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptance The seller can


If the accepting party is a commercial enterprise, it is known as a trade acceptance. If a bank accepts the draft, it is known as a banker's acceptance.


If a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptance The seller can request that the bank finance the transaction by buying the draft The bank is said to discount the draft.


If a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptance. The seller can request the bank finance the transaction by buying the draft.


J Acceptance for honor supra protest: Acceptance for honor supra protest is an act performed by the acceptor for honor, who accepts the bill supra protest, for the honor of any party liable thereon or for the honor of the person for whose account the bill is drawn.


Commercial banks shall strengthen gathering, straightening out, analyzing and utilizing the information on clients' payment and settlement credit, follow up knowing about the facts on enterprises' issuing, accepting and encashing commercial acceptance bills, and initiatively submit the commercial acceptance bill acceptors' information on deferred payments and their information on the credit of others to the People's Bank of China.


更多网络解释与承兑汇票相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acceptance bill:承兑汇票,承兑票据,银行承兑的票据

acceptance bank 承兑银行 | acceptance bill 承兑汇票,承兑票据,银行承兑的票据 | acceptance business 票据承兑业

Commercial Acceptance Bill:商业承兑汇票

凡(3)按出票人不同分商业汇票(Commercial Bill)和银行汇票(Banker's(4)按承兑人的不同分商业承兑汇票(Commercial Acceptance Bill)和银另外还有汇票的背书(Endorsement)环节,这是在汇票的转让中发生的行为.

Commercial Acceptance Bill:营业来往承兑汇票

Bankers Bill 银行汇票 | Commercial Acceptance Bill 营业来往承兑汇票 | Bankers Acceptance Bill 银行承兑汇票

Commercial acceptance draft:商业承兑汇票

1.按出票人的不同,分为银行汇票(banker's draft)和商业汇票(commercial draft)2.按承兑人的不同,分为商业承兑汇票(commercial acceptance draft)和银行承兑汇票(banker's acceptance draft).商业承兑汇票是企业或个人承兑的远期汇票,

Banker's acceptance draft:银行承兑汇票

按承兑人的不同,汇票可分为商业承兑汇票(commercial acceptance draft)和银行承兑汇票(banker's acceptance draft). 商业承兑汇票是由工商企业或个人承兑的远期汇票,商业承兑汇票建立在商业信用的基础上. 银行承兑汇票是由银行承兑的远期汇票,

acceptance receivable:应收承兑汇票

. Acceptance payable 应付承兑汇票 | . Acceptance receivable 应收承兑汇票 | . Acceptance register 承兑汇票登记薄

Bank acceptance:银行承兑汇票(已保证承兑的汇票)

banjulele | 弦乐器的一种 | bank acceptance | 银行承兑汇票(已保证承兑的汇票) | bank accommodation | 银行贷款

accepted bill:已承兑汇票,已承兑票据

acceptance value 合格值 | accepted bill 已承兑汇票,已承兑票据 | accepted bond 已承兑债券

bill dishonored by nonacceptance:拒绝承兑汇票,拒绝承兑汇票

111. bill discounter 票据贴现商,贴现业者 | 112. bill dishonored by nonacceptance 拒绝承兑汇票,拒绝承兑汇票 | 113. bill dishonored by nonpayment 拒付汇票,拒付汇票

Bankers' acceptances:银行承兑汇票

美国票据市场上的交易工具包括商业票据(commercial paper)和银行承兑汇票(bankers acceptances). 银行承兑汇票的主要作用是为国际贸易,为在国内储存或运输商品,为在国外储存或在国际间运输商品. 在过去很长的时间里,银行承兑汇票一直是美联储的操作工具之一.