英语人>词典>汉英 : 执迷不悟 的英文翻译,例句
执迷不悟 的英文翻译、例句


be perverse · refuse to realize one's error · adhere to one's foolish way without awakening · be too obstinate to be awakened
更多网络例句与执迷不悟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If pursuing love is bitter, would it be strong or bigoted of you?


Whether this job is called "testing theories," or more circumspectly referred to as "seeing which theories best organize the data," it is a primary purpose of scientific experiments.


The old dancing master followed him. Blatter was all impish smiles, he kept his head up, spoke freely, worked the room with his eyes, gesticulated. He ended with a rallying call, 'Let's make the game better.' The portable voting booths were set up on either side of the stage and the roll call started again.


He also put me on notice that if I continued my 'wholly unjustified and defamatory campaign', he would take action.


He also put me on notice that if I continued my'wholly unjustified and defamatory campaign', he would takeaction.


When the "obstinate" Wu Feis out of their homes by their parents nowhere to go, she went to her colleagues, is also a close friend of Dr beautiful.


Pyongyang keeps trying to launch a satellite which the US and Japan perversely insist is some kind of long-range missile but it has not managed to get one into orbit. It tried in 2006 but, far from reaching Alaska as the Americans claim it can, it disintegrated 35-40 seconds after launch, plopping harmlessly into the sea.


To those whom God finds impenitent sinners he will be found to be an implacable Judge.


America and her allies may find themselves, temporarily at least, not just occupying with troops but administering obdurate terrorist states.


If obsession is Pain, would you choose to end??


更多网络解释与执迷不悟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Come down from your fences:推倒你心灵的围墙,敞开心扉

desperado,why don't come to your senses /亡命之徒 你为何执迷不悟? | come down from your fences /推倒你心灵的围墙,敞开心扉 | open the gate it may be raining /外面的世界也许还在下雨


具有对以古莱什贵族为首的多神教徒将古比今进行警告的意义:执迷不悟者绝无好下场,终将遭到安拉应有的惩罚. 有人认为舒阿卜即>中的"流珥"(Reuel)或"叶忒罗"(Jethro),穆经学家认为不宜将二者混淆等同. (杨宗山)

L"- Laughable:可笑

"I"- Idiot ----白痴 | "L"- Laughable ----可笑 | "O"- Obdurate ----执迷不悟


obdurability 强韧性 | obduracy 顽固 | obdurate 执迷不悟


obduracy 顽固 | obdurate 执迷不悟的 | obdurately 顽固地


obdurate 执迷不悟的 | obdurately 顽固地 | obeah 巫术

Discharging official duties:执行任务

执迷不悟 Fail to see the light, refuse to admit one's error | 执行任务 Discharging official duties | 直播 Live broadcast, live telecast

self-opinioned:固执己见的, 执迷不悟的

self-opinionated 自负的, 固执己见的 | self-opinioned 固执己见的, 执迷不悟的 | self-partiality 自视过高, 自我偏袒

self-partiality:自视过高, 自我偏袒

self-opinioned 固执己见的, 执迷不悟的 | self-partiality 自视过高, 自我偏袒 | self-pity (尤指过度的)自怜, 自哀


destruction n.破坏, 毁灭 | wrong-headed 判断错误的,执迷不悟的 | go-ahead n.批准,允许.