英语人>词典>汉英 : 执行总裁 的英文翻译,例句
执行总裁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与执行总裁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sue Blundell, Executive Director of English Australia, said the only Chinese students to study in Australia so far were those on pathway programmes who had an English level of Ielts 5.0 or higher and that currently the English language teaching marker for Chinese students didn't exist for Australia.


The CEO gave the board a lot of motivation to legislate new laws.


New brain truster pertinent question was interviewed pay treasure to carry out president Shao Xiaofeng.


By all accounts he was an outstanding chief executive officer.


The man speaking is the CEO of our company.


People say that he is a good CEO


People all say that he is an outstanding performance chief executive officer.


Press, as its new vice chairman and co-president. The move came only weeks after Chrysler, which was purchased by Cerberus Capital Management on Aug.

Press 为他们的新任副总裁兼主席,就几周前克莱斯勒聘请家得宝的前领导来担任他的执行总裁

is Managing Director General of the Bank. We called him I.

ajat Nag是银行执行总裁,我们打电话给在马尼拉的他。

Corporation's chief executive officer is a classic example of a principal-agent problem.


更多网络解释与执行总裁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"现在我们IT行业流行这样一个玩笑,如果你的简历上标有SAP技能,你就不会失业,你就拥有了一个金饭碗",iSymmetry有限公司的执行总 裁(CEO)布鲁斯.卡尔伯特(Bruce Culbert)如是说,iSymmetry有限公司是一个IT咨询及招募公司,

New CEO:新执行总裁

102.Sick Time Abuse滥请病假 | 103.New CEO新执行总裁 | 104.Brain Transplant移植大脑

executive chairman:执行总裁

execution-interruption 执行中断 | executive chairman 执行总裁 | executive component 操作元件

Ken Frazier:执行副总裁,全球人类健康部总裁

Willie Deese,执行副总裁,默克生产部总裁 | Ken Frazier,执行副总裁,全球人类健康部总裁 | Mirian Graddick-Weir,执行副总裁,人力资源部总裁

Peter Kellogg:执行副总裁,首席财务官

Mirian Graddick-Weir,执行副总裁,人力资源部总裁 | Peter Kellogg,执行副总裁,首席财务官 | Peter Kim,执行副总裁,默克实验室总裁

Rosella Sensi:执行总裁罗塞拉.森西

Giuseppe Giannini 托蒂的偶像、前罗马队长贾尼尼 | Rosella Sensi 执行总裁罗塞拉.森西 | Silvia Sensi 森西的夫人西尔维娅.森西

John Tilley:博士, 澳大利亚石油协会执行总裁

Tim Piper, 澳大利亚工业集团维多利亚州负责人; | John Tilley博士, 澳大利亚石油协会执行总裁; | David McInnes, Group Manager Linfox公司组经理;

Arthur W. Coviello, Jr. EMC:公司执行副总裁兼 RSA 分公司总裁

William J. Teuber, Jr 董事会副主席 | Arthur W. Coviello, Jr. EMC 公司执行副总裁兼 RSA 分公司总裁 | Paul T. Dacier 执行副总裁兼法律总顾问

Sangita Reddy:阿波罗医院集团执行总裁

Sinikka Salo Kanto Rosai 医院及 Kansai Rosai医院执行副总裁 | Sangita Reddy 阿波罗医院集团执行总裁 | Lynette Molefi 南非医学研究委员会主任

Ratan N.Tata:有限公司总裁

James F. Rothenberg 资本持有与管理公司总裁 | Ratan N.Tata 有限公司总裁 | James A. Thomson Tata Sons 兰德公司执行总裁