英语人>词典>汉英 : 打破旧习的 的英文翻译,例句
打破旧习的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Then, on 4 May, comes the 90th anniversary of the protest movement in Beijing that unfurled the banner of modernisation, iconoclasm and democracy in the movement named after the date on which it took place, providing a seedbed for new thinking that affected, among others, the young Mao Zedong and produced a cultural shift among Chinese intellectuals remembered to this day.


I am an iconoclast at heart.


He examines the very convention of conventions, predicting ultimate defeat for any iconoclast who would defy them.


For Americans, Hunt notes that "creative destruction" implies an individualistic and iconoclastic approach to innovation.


Since the day last week when I first read your poems, I quite laugh to remember how I have been turning and turning again in my mind what I should be able to tell you of their effect upon me, for in the first flush of delight I thought I would this once get out of my habit of purely passive enjoyment, when I do really enjoy, and thoroughly justify my admiration— perhaps even, as a loyal fellow craftsman should, try and find fault and do you some little good to be proud of hereafter!


更多网络解释与打破旧习的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


iconic 图标的 | iconoclast 偶像破坏者 | iconoclastic 打破旧习的


iconoclast 偶像破坏者 | iconoclastic 打破旧习的 | iconodule 崇拜偶像者


iconoclast 提倡打破旧习的人 | iconoclastic 偶像破坏的 | iconoclastic 打破旧习的

eg. Tom is an irreverent, iconoclastic figure who refuses to conform:汤姆是个傲慢的、反传统的、拒绝遵奉的人

39. iconoclastic adj.打破旧习的 | eg. Tom is an irreverent, iconoclastic figure who refuses to conform.汤姆是个傲慢的、反传统的、拒绝遵奉的人. | 40. lymph n.淋巴腺,淋巴

an irretrievable loss:无可弥补的损失

Irretrievable adj.不能弥补的, 不能恢复的, 不能复原的 | an irretrievable loss无可弥补的损失 | 204、iconoclastic adj.偶像破坏的, 打破旧习的


encomiast 赞美者,阿谀者,奉承者 | symposiast 参加宴会的人,专题讨论会发言人 | iconoclast 偶像破坏者,提倡打破旧习的


iconoclastic 打破旧习的 | iconodule 崇拜偶像者 | iconodulic 崇拜偶像的