英语人>词典>汉英 : 打旗号 的英文翻译,例句
打旗号 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flag  ·  flags

更多网络例句与打旗号相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As there are a few artistic personnel in the Falun Gong organization, in recent years, it held some contests in the name of traditional Chinese culture so as to befool the public and have more people take part in these contests.


China's university students and the just sit watching one after another clumsy lies repeated thousands times, it seems that we must become truth; pouring a pot of dirty water and wantonly throwing to our motherland, and damage China's international reputation; one by one the bad guys, rebels of colluding in cahoots, there is no shame and humiliation in front of the whole world their ancestors; one after another anti-China groups feel under the banner of "human rights,""freedom" and "democracy" banner, with shameless lies and brutal violence, wanton insult to the five-star red flag, and insulted the Chinese nation!


Now, we can see often a few " plum ghost " the website shows a body, playing the banner that adds up to orgnaization of compasses negotiable securities wantonly bunco, this is huge harm to orgnaization of normal negotiable securities.


He's a regular Yankee now, and he wasmaking a brag, that his carpetbagger friends done runthe taxes way up sky-high on Tara.


Hes a regular Yankee now, and he wasmaking a brag, that his carpetbagger friends done runthe taxes way up sky-high on Tara.


Some time head of a station are playing the 3 banner to the link, the link that allows you must connect the website of that true commerciality to him, but he is linked from website of a rubbish however to you.


Like Sony, like fashion, sound like the best option, which is produced by Sony intentions of a product, coupled with the listing of its inexpensive price, it can be said that Sony is the most "value"一款DISCMAN, quality and function have increased dramatically, and joined the multi-language menu, the key is Simplified Chinese support, coupled with Sony branded "CD20 anniversary edition," they believe that the D-NE20 DISCMAN will be the dominant product on the market, if Sony D-NE20 in DISCMAN is on the market for the emancipation of this phrase has been no statement, It'sSONY!


Since the brand even has high as 170,000, money outstanding master of the "new new home" brand for packaging Wantong, making "campaign" on the banner at the door chain brand "Olympic Garden" as individual projects are more or less affect their disputes credibility.


The measure of is main content with levy house price adjusting control that once produced, certain branch is hitting the flag that lowers house price to undertake, final result is house price sends tall look forward to more, room slave burden is sent more heavy, estate business is sent more sit embrace sudden huge profits.


At Hantei if one Judge signals for Aka, one for Ao and the other for Hikiwake a tie breaker


更多网络解释与打旗号相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Analyze This:老大靠边闪

因祸得福的是,>的失败促成了德尼罗的转型,1999年他参演了一部投资仅3千万的小制作的喜剧片-->(Analyze This). 当时德尼罗的身价已经暴跌到了800万美元. 但是谁都没有想到,>打出罗伯特.德尼罗的旗号,

commit crimes under over of patriotism:打着爱国的旗号犯下罪行

他经商是进行毒品交易的幌子. His business was a cover for drug dealing. | 打着爱国的旗号犯下罪行 commit crimes under over of patriotism | 猎禽的藏身处 cover for game birds


公司注册局的纪录显示,被消费者投诉的这10家分时度假转售代理,打着旅游公司(Travel)、旅游网络(Network)或是咨询公司( Consultancy)的旗号,大多是空壳公司,有些注册资本只有一两元,有一家是100元.

UN fig leaf:以联合国做掩饰;打着联合国的旗号

UN confidential;联合国机密; ; | UN fig leaf;以联合国做掩饰;打着联合国的旗号; ; | UN markings;联合国标记;联合国识别字样; ;

svingi la flagon de; sub flago de:[打着...的旗号]

[打着"友谊"的幌子] sub la preteksto [sub la mantelo, sub la masko] de am... | [打着...的旗号] svingi la flagon de; sub flago de | [打着灯笼没处找] ne esti trovebla ecx kun lanterno - malfacile akirebla...


"就连在门德尔松之后去世的瓦格纳,虽然一贯打着反犹的旗号,却也把>(Hebrides)序曲称赞为"描写自然风光的一流佳作". 1846年,>(Elijah)在伯明翰首演之后,>报道说,这是"人类智慧最卓越的成就之一.

The Kiss:(吻)

虽然之后在美国也出现了一些打着华丽摇滚旗号的歌手与乐队,如"爱丽丝库珀"(Alice Cooper)和"吻"(the Kiss)等等,但其妖魔化的风格与同时代的英国绅士大异其趣,偏离了颓废唯美的华丽摇滚范畴而成为美国重金属的先行者.

flaunt: To exhibit ostentatiously or shamelessly:挥动, 夸耀, 炫耀, 飘扬

flag: to signal with or as if with a flag打旗号或象打旗号似地表示 | flaunt: To exhibit ostentatiously or shamelessly挥动, 夸耀, 炫耀, 飘扬 | fleet: Group of ships船队

All carried out under the banner of True Patriot:这些都打着"真实爱国者"的旗号

in order to sway support against the Iraqi war.|目的是为了阻止... | All carried out under the banner of True Patriot.|这些都打着"真实爱国者"的旗号 | Prisoner torture, that's Abu Ghraib.|虐囚,是巴格达的...

flacon:有塞小瓶; 长颈细口瓶 (名)

flack 宣传员; 推销; 广告 (名) | flacon 有塞小瓶; 长颈细口瓶 (名) | flag down 打旗号使停下