英语人>词典>汉英 : 打拍子 的英文翻译,例句
打拍子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

beat time
更多网络例句与打拍子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You beat time and I'll play.


The 11-year-old cockatoo lifts his legs, squawks and bobs his head, flashing his bright yellow crest to the beat of the boy band's hit song Everybody (Backstreet's Back). He even takes a bow at the end of the 1997 pop song.


When I'm in a coffeehouse bopping along to one of your songs..


All you have to do,"Russell told Sargent,"is to give the orchestra their beat and cue in the piano by an electric switch held in your left hand.


They would have laughed yet louder at the self-delusion of those who imagined they were "above" teaching undergraduates.


One can often see excessive lip motion, chin movements, chewing motions, etc. as well as a variety of aural cues (heavy tonguing, scoops, etc.).


The old man began to beat time, tapping one foot on the dirt floor.


Nor could anything, within him or without, prevent his loudly beating time to his own music, for which the nearest table or book served his nimble fingers to rap a vigorous tattoo on, to help to enliven the audience.


Nor could anything, within him or without, prevent his loudly beating time to his own music, for which the nearest table or book served his nimble fingers to rap a vigorous tattoo on, to help to enliven the audience.


更多网络解释与打拍子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beat about the bush:绕弯子说话

be grateful to sb. for sth.为某事而感激某 | beat about the bush绕弯子说话 | beat time打拍子

beat about / around the bush:拐弯抹角

lose one's bearings: 迷失方向 | beat about/around the bush 拐弯抹角 | beat time: 打拍子

beat time:打拍子

而艾丽斯在参加疯狂茶会中也有一段和帽商的对话:这也是文字游戏所造成的趣味,从时间(time)这个字意外地延伸到打拍子(beat time),又说他(时间)受不了打击,彷佛将时间拟人化.

The girl beat time as she sang:这个女孩一边唱歌一边打着拍子

beat time打拍子: | The girl beat time as she sang. 这个女孩一边唱歌一边打着拍子. | beat to death打死:

beat up sb:痛打某人

beat time打拍子 | beat up sb.痛打某人 | be bad for对......有害

beat up sb:痛瞅某人

beat time打拍子 | beat up sb.痛瞅某人 | be bad for对......有功

beat to a frazzle:打得死去活来

beat time 打拍子 | beat to a frazzle 打得死去活来 | beat to a mummy 打烂


有极显着的不同. 沈思者的动作,通常比较无意识,在很长一段时间内,也会保持一致. 例如:如果有人玩弄着铅笔,她就不会忽然停下来改用脚打拍子,也不会忽然又停下不打拍子而改在椅子里扭来扭去. 愤怒(Anger)/敌意(Hostility)

Off-Beat Accenting:在一般節拍之前或之後才去打拍子

Minstrel 江湖賣唱藝人 | Off-Beat Accenting 在一般節拍之前或之後才去打拍子 | Verse 主歌--常為歌曲中的A段

When I'm in a coffeehouse bopping along to one of your songs:当我在咖啡厅里跟着你的歌打拍子时

So that's what we're doing.|所以我们要这样做啰 | When I'm in a coffeehouse bopping along to one of your songs..|当我在咖啡厅里跟着你的歌打拍子时 | I'm wearing earplugs.|我是有戴耳塞的