英语人>词典>汉英 : 手软 的英文翻译,例句
手软 的英文翻译、例句


be irresolute when firmness is needed · be soft-hearted
更多网络例句与手软相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kill Atreus, my son Aegisthus, and this time do not falter!


Recently he even went shopping with his beloved wife and bought her several pieces of imported clothing worth tens of thousands of NT for her, without even batting an eye.


His business rivals know that there is no hope for such a cold-hearted man like him to be charitable.


The Breviary commemorates the services rendered the Order of Mercy by St. Mary of Cervellione.


Being tough on crime, capital punishment--it's all part of a philosophy that I believe in.


Even his business rival know that it is impossible to count on such a cold-blooded man's mercy.


China's counterpunch is equally forceful. It is launching an anti-dumping investigation into imports of U.S. chicken products and vehicles.


He explained:"We will not flinch if we have to exclude clubs from Europe's elite competition."


His business rival know that it is impossible for such hardhearted man like him to be soft-hearted.


All of his business rivals konw that the man who is like him is hardhearted.


更多网络解释与手软相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break through:突破

赛后美联社以"突破"(Break through)为标题对本场赛事进行了报道,文章指出在这场几近生死关悠的比赛里,作为球队领袖的麦迪终于突破了末节手软的魔咒,本场比赛中麦迪在第四节得到了全场27分中的7分,关键时候挺身而出率领火箭以94-92战胜爵士,

Being tough on crime, capital punishment:[对犯罪和刑罚不手软]

I mean,it's not like you're asking me for a new bike here,kid. ( 这不是说跟... | Being tough on crime, capital punishment-- ( 对犯罪和刑罚不手软 ) | it's all part of a philosophy that I believe in. ( 这...


机构辣手的确很凶很血腥,针对中小散户的大屠杀(carnage)毫不手软. 我相信昨天一定有大量散户恐慌性的抛盘. 很可惜,他们都将和杨家坪那位老翁一样,死在了谷底,死在了黎明前最黑暗的一刻.

deil ah mas sangp:枝枯根朽

Dos moh deil semp mas miac 让她心醉手软 | deil ah mas sangp 枝枯根朽 | eep hah sonk daol 别人才算咱们

Tim Duncan:提姆.邓肯

现在却变成了一个普通球员,一个手软的明星. 祸不单行, 接下来的 96-97 球季大罗的脚伤让他全季只出赛六场,马刺跌落谷底,无缘晋身季后赛. 但是,这个由颠峰摔至谷底的时刻,大罗与马刺却拥有了得到提姆.邓肯(Tim Duncan)的机会.

Brad Garrett:布拉德.加瑞特

在2003年的艾美奖上,布拉德-加瑞特(Brad Garrett)和加里-山德林(Garry Shandling)上演了"男版吻戏". 梅丽尔-斯特里普(Meryl Streep)是不是拿奖拿得手软了?答案是肯定的. 迄今艾美奖、金球奖她收揽无数.

Garry Shandling:加里.山德林

在2003年的艾美奖上,布拉德-加瑞特(Brad Garrett)和加里-山德林(Garry Shandling)上演了"男版吻戏". 梅丽尔-斯特里普(Meryl Streep)是不是拿奖拿得手软了?答案是肯定的. 迄今艾美奖、金球奖她收揽无数.

play hardball:出手狠,办事不手软

get one's life back together让生活回到正规 | play hardball出手狠,办事不手软 | suits yourself!---随你便 (不高兴)

take kindly to:宽容决不手软

grow on trees垂手可得来之不易 | take kindly to宽容决不手软 | be skin off one s nose打紧毫不相干

Arm chair:扶手软椅

6. 角形沙发 Sofa | 7. 扶手软椅 Arm chair | 8. 方舷窗 Square window